Found 10711 Articles for Web Development

How to add a list elements within an unordered list element using jQuery?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 15:05:59


A well-known JavaScript library called jQuery makes interacting with HTML documents and carrying out different operations on web sites making it more effective. Let’s dive into the article to add list elements to an unordered list. Unordered lists are frequently employed to provide a group of items in a bulleted order. Using jQuery, you may quickly add new list items to an unordered list for any purpose, such as a navigation menu or to-do list. This can be done by using the jQuery append() method. jQuery append() method jQuery's append() method enables you to add stuff, such HTML elements or ... Read More

How is border-box different from content-box?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 14:53:44


A beautiful website can be created using the stylesheet language CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Utilizing this will make the process of making web pages visually appealing simpler. You can use it to apply styles to web pages. When utilizing width or height, the CSS Box Sizing property gives us the option to select either the border-box or content-box property. CSS by default applies the specified width and height to the content inside. Let’s dive into the article to learn about the border-box that is different from content-box. CSS border-box property The width and height properties in this mode include content, ... Read More

Difference between prop() and attr() methods in jQuery

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 14:49:21


The prop() and attr() methods in jQuery are both used to change the attributes and properties of HTML elements, but they accomplish slightly different tasks. Although they are sometimes used interchangeably, knowing how they vary might help you decide which approach is best for your particular use case. Let’s dive into the article to learn more about the differences between the prop() and attr() methods in jQuery. jQuery prop() method Prop() is a jQuery method that is used to set or return properties and values for the selected elements. When this method is used to get a property value, it ... Read More

How to add a class to the last paragraph element using jQuery?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 11:56:34


jQuery is a well-known JavaScript library that makes it easier to manipulate HTML elements, handle events, and carry out numerous operations on web pages. Adding or changing HTML element classes can also be done using jQuery. Using it, we can easily add a new class to the last paragraph element. Let’s dive into the article to learn more about adding a class to the last paragraph element using JQuery. This can be done by using the addclass() method and append() methods. Let’s discuss them one by one. jQuery addclass() method One or more class names are added to the ... Read More

Difference between Transitional and Strict doctype

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 18:58:19


HTML documents employ DOCTYPE declarations to identify the HTML version being used and to instruct web browsers to render content in a variety of ways. You must begin each HTML document you code with a declaration. just before the tag is where the doctype is declared. Let’s dive into the article to learn more about the difference between transitional and strict doctype. The two primary DOCTYPE declaration are "Transitional" and "Strict, " with each providing a different function in terms of describing how a web page should be read and produced. Before that let’s have a quick view ... Read More

Webflow Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 27-Nov-2023 12:40:30


Webflow Alternatives Webflow is a platform which can be used to design different types of websites. There are many tools available on the platform which are used for website design and development. These tools are hosting, content management systems, web design and development tools, and e-commerce. The web designer and development tool converts the design into code written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. CMS is a web development tool which is free from code. It consists of all the designer elements which can be used to organize the content that you want to publish. The e-commerce tool lets you make ... Read More

How to make basic menu using jQuery UI?

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 22-Nov-2023 18:14:18


Many websites as well as applications must have menus because they offer a simple and orderly way to navigate between different pages and functionalities. While there are numerous approaches to building menus utilizing HTML, CSS, as well as JavaScript, jQuery UI offers a simple intuitive technology that can help you save time and effort. The fundamentals of building a menu using jQuery UI will be covered in this post, along with the necessary stages and starter samples. This article will give you the resources you need, whether you're an experienced developer or a novice, to make a useful and appealing ... Read More

How to make Basic toolbars using jQuery Mobile?

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 22-Nov-2023 18:07:56


The well-known and extensively used mobile UI framework jQuery Mobile provides a wide range of capabilities and components to build mobile-friendly and responsive web applications. Having simple and intuitive navigation is one of the key components of a successful user interface. Any mobile UI that provides rapid access to frequently used actions and menus must have toolbars. In this post, we'll go through two distinct methods for building fundamental toolbars with jQuery Mobile. A web-based tool called jQuery Mobile is used to create responsive content that can be viewed on all cell phones, tablets, as well as personal computers. With jQuery ... Read More

How to make Basic selects using jQuery Mobile?

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 22-Nov-2023 18:02:03


More and more people in the modern world are utilizing mobile devices to access the internet. So, it's crucial to make sure that web apps are responsive as well as mobile-friendly in design. In this situation, jQuery Mobile is useful. It is a powerful JavaScript package that makes it easier to build responsive and mobile-friendly web applications. The ability to create dynamic user interfaces that react to user actions in real time is one of jQuery Mobile's key features. This makes it straightforward to design choices that let users pick from a list of options. This article will concentrate on utilizing jQuery ... Read More

How to make Basic Navbar using jQuery Mobile?

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 22-Nov-2023 17:57:18


A website or mobile application must have a navbar, commonly referred to as a navigation bar or menu. It is a vital component of the user experience because it enables visitors to access various areas of the website or app. In this article, we'll go through the steps for using jQuery Mobile to make a simple navigation bar. A well-liked JavaScript library called jQuery Mobile is used to create mobile-friendly websites and applications. It's a great option for creating mobile apps because it offers a wide variety of user interface elements, like navbars. Navbar utilizing with JQuery A navbar widget from jQuery Mobile ... Read More
