Found 10710 Articles for Web Development

Replacing digits to form binary using JavaScript

Updated on 17-Apr-2021 13:23:04


ProblemWe are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in a string of digits. Our function should replace any digit below 5 with '0' and any digit 5 and above with '1' and return the resulting string.ExampleFollowing is the code − Live Democonst str = '262355677834342'; const convert = (str = '') => {    let res = '';    for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++){       const el = +str[i];       if(el < 5){          res += 0;       }else{          res += 1;       };    };    return res; }; console.log(convert(str));Output010011111100000

Checking existence of all continents in array of objects in JavaScript

Updated on 17-Apr-2021 13:19:26


ProblemWe are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in an array of objects that contains data about the continent of belonging for some people.Our function should return true if it finds six different continents in the array of objects, false otherwise.ExampleFollowing is the code − Live Democonst people = [ { firstName: 'Dinesh', lastName: 'A.', country: 'Algeria', continent: 'Africa', age: 25, language: 'JavaScript' }, { firstName: 'Ishan', lastName: 'M.', ... Read More

Finding average age from array of Objects using JavaScript

Updated on 17-Apr-2021 13:17:43


ProblemWe are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in an object that contains data about some people.Our function should simply find the average of the age property for those people.ExampleFollowing is the code − Live Democonst people = [    { fName: 'Ashish', age: 23 },    { fName: 'Ajay', age: 21 },    { fName: 'Arvind', age: 26 },    { fName: 'Mahesh', age: 28 },    { fName: 'Jay', age: 19 }, ]; const findAverageAge = (arr = []) => {    const { sum, count } = arr.reduce((acc, val) => {       let { sum, count } = acc;       sum += val.age;       count++;       return { sum, count };       }, {          sum: 0, count: 0    });    return (sum / (count || 1)); }; console.log(findAverageAge(people));Output23.4

Summing array of string numbers using JavaScript

Updated on 17-Apr-2021 13:16:43


ProblemWe are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in an array that contains integers and string numbers.Our function should sum all the integers and string numbers together to derive a new number and return that number.ExampleFollowing is the code − Live Democonst arr = [67, 45, '34', '23', 4, 6, '6']; const mixedSum = (arr = []) => {    let sum = 0;    for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){       const el = arr[i];       sum += +el;    };    return sum; }; console.log(mixedSum(arr));Output185

Implement a custom function similar to Array.prototype.includes() method using JavaScript

Updated on 17-Apr-2021 13:15:57


ProblemWe are required to write a JavaScript function that lives on the prototype object of Array.It must take in a literal value, and return true if that value is present in the array it is being called upon, false otherwise.ExampleFollowing is the code − Live Democonst arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]; const num = 6; Array.prototype.customIncludes = function(num){    for(let i = 0; i < this.length; i++){       const el = this[i];       if(num === el){          return true;       };    };    return false; }; console.log(arr.customIncludes(num));Outputtrue

Checking if all array values are smaller than a limit using JavaScript

Updated on 17-Apr-2021 13:15:21


ProblemWe are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in an array of numbers and a number. We should return true if all the numbers in the array are smaller than the number given as second argument, false otherwise.ExampleFollowing is the code − Live Democonst arr = [5, 34, 23, 14, 78, 45, 78]; const limit = 99; const checkEvery = (arr = [], limit = 1) => {    const allSmaller = arr.every(el => {       return el < limit;    });    return allSmaller; }; console.log(checkEvery(arr, limit));Outputtrue

Checking for vowels in array of numbers using JavaScript

Updated on 17-Apr-2021 13:13:00


ProblemWe are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in takes in an array of numbers. If in that array there exists any number which is the char code any vowel in ascii we should switch that number to the corresponding vowel and return the new array.ExampleFollowing is the code − Live Democonst arr = [5, 23, 67, 101, 56, 111]; const changeVowel = (arr = []) => {    for (let i=0, l=arr.length; i

Sorting string alphabetically and inserting underscores using JavaScript

Updated on 17-Apr-2021 13:12:29


ProblemWe are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in an array of strings.Our function should return the first string of the array after sorting it alphabetically and each character of that string should be separated by ‘***’.ExampleFollowing is the code − Live Democonst arr = ['this', 'is', 'some', 'string', 'array']; const specialSort = (arr = '') => {    const copy = arr.slice();    copy.sort();    const el = copy[0];    const res = el    .split('')    .join('***');    return res; }; console.log(specialSort(arr));Outputa***r***r***a***y

Finding the date at which money deposited equals a specific amount in JavaScript

Updated on 17-Apr-2021 13:12:09


ProblemWe have an amount of money amt > 0 and we deposit it with an interest rate of p percent divided by 360 per day on the 1st of January 2021. We want to have an amount total >= a0.Our function should take these three parameters and return the date at which the amount will be equal to the desired amountExampleFollowing is the code − Live Democonst principal = 100; const amount = 150; const interest = 2; const findDate = (principal, amount, interest) => {    const startingDate = new Date('2021-01-01')    const dailyInterestRate = interest / 36000    let ... Read More

Finding path to the end of maze using JavaScript

Updated on 17-Apr-2021 13:11:48


ProblemWe are required to write a JavaScript function that takes in a matrix of N * N order. The walls in the matrix are marked by ‘W’ and empty positions are marked by ‘_’We can move in any of the four directions at any point. Our function should return true if we can reach to the end [N - 1, N - 1], false otherwise.ExampleFollowing is the code − Live Democonst maze = [    ['_', 'W', 'W', 'W'],    ['_', 'W', 'W', 'W'],    ['W', '_', '_', 'W'],    ['W', 'W', 'W', '_'] ]; const canFindPath = (m = []) ... Read More
