Found 10710 Articles for Web Development

How to Play .mp4 file using Video.js Player?

Prince Yadav
Updated on 08-Nov-2022 07:03:24

3K+ Views

In this tutorial, we're going to learn how to play an mp4 file using the video.js player library. Video.js is a very popular and modern web video player which has been developed keeping the HTML5 world in mind. It supports a wide range of video playback formats like mp4, webm, flv, etc., and other modern video formats also like YouTube, Vimeo, and Flash. Video.js also makes sure that the video player is consistent across all display sizes like desktop, computer, and mobiles. In this tutorial specifically, we'll have a look at creating a video player for our mp4 video files ... Read More

How to add subtitles in video using Video.js?

Prince Yadav
Updated on 08-Nov-2022 07:01:41

4K+ Views

In this tutorial, we're going to learn how to add subtitles to a video using the video.js library. Subtitles, often known as captions, are lines of speech or other text that appear at the bottom of the video. Adding subtitles to the video really enhances the video experience for the viewers who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Adding subtitles using video.js is very easy and furthermore, video.js allows crossbrowser implementation of the subtitle. Let's learn how to add subtitles to our video using video.js in the next section of the video. How to Add Subtitles in Video Using Video.js? Subtitles, also ... Read More

How to embed base64 images in HTML?

Updated on 01-Nov-2022 13:11:58

7K+ Views

To embed images encoded with Base64, use the img element. This prevents the page from loading slowly and saves the web browser from additional HTTP requests. Set the base64 image in the src attribute of the . Let’s say we have the following image − Note − The bigger the image, the more will its bease64 code For Base64, we will consider the Data URL of the image, which is placed in the src attribute. The Data URL has two parts − The 1st part is the Base64 encoded image. The 2nd part is the Base64 encoded ... Read More

Get the size of the screen, current web page and browser window in JavaScript

Updated on 01-Nov-2022 13:07:30

1K+ Views

To get the current screen size of a web page, use the window.inner. We can also use the window.outerWidth and window.outerHeight as shown below to get the outer width and height of the web browser windows. We will see two examples − Get the Inner Width and Height Get the Outer Width and Height Get the Inner Width and Height To get the current screen size of a web page, use the window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight − var wd = window.innerWidth; var ht = window.innerHeight; Example Let us see an example − DOCTYPE html> ... Read More

Can different HTML elements have the same ID?

Updated on 01-Nov-2022 13:01:36


No, we cannot have the same ID for different elements in HTML. IDs have to be unique in the entire HTML page. Even the official HTML standards suggest the same − Using the unique id attribute Example Let us see an example. Here, we have used the id attribute − DOCTYPE html> #myHeader { border: 3px solid violet; background-color: blue; ... Read More

How do I make a placeholder for a 'select' box?

Updated on 01-Nov-2022 12:54:41

3K+ Views

In HTML, placeholder attribute is present for creating a placeholder, but unfortunately it isn’t available for the select box. Create Placeholder for select We can use the option tag to define an option in a select list. The value attribute of the option tag is used for this. Here we have set List of Technologies as the placeholder text − List of Technologies Example Let us now see the complete example − DOCTYPE html> select { appearance: ... Read More

How to change the href attribute for a hyperlink using jQuery?

Updated on 01-Nov-2022 12:48:59

3K+ Views

The jQuery attr() method is used to change the href attribute for a hyperlink. Query attr() method is used to fetch the value of any standard attribute from the matched HTML element(s). Let us see an example. First, get the current URL − var httpUrl = $(this).attr("href"); Create a new URL by replacing the above using the replace() − var httpsUrl = httpUrl.replace("http://", "https://"); We will convert the https links to link using what we saw above − Tutorialspoint Tutorialspoint Courses Tutorialspoint EBooks Tutorialspoint QA Example Let us see the complete example to change the ... Read More

Unescape HTML entities in JavaScript?

Updated on 12-Nov-2023 10:48:58

1K+ Views

To unescape HTML entities in JavaScript, use the unescape() function. Let’s say you want to encode special character with the unescape() function − document.write(unescape("Demo%20Text%20")); In this article, we will see two examples − Unescape Entities Decode the Encoded String Unescape Entities Example Lo unescape, we will use the unescape() method in JavaScript. Let us see an example − DOCTYPE html> Demo Heading document.write(unescape("Demo%20Text%20")); Output Decode the Encoded String Use escape() for encoding ... Read More

How to make an element width: 100% minus padding?

Updated on 01-Nov-2022 12:38:47

2K+ Views

Let’s say we have padding: 50px 10px; for the input and want it to be 100% of the parent div's width. Using width: 100%; is not working. To fix it, we can place the input in a div with position: relative and a fixed height. This will form the element width to be 100% minus padding. We have set the position to be relative with fixed height − .container { position: relative; height: 30px; } The position of the input is set absolute − content { position: absolute; ... Read More

How to display Base64 images in HTML?

Updated on 14-Sep-2023 21:56:10

24K+ Views

To display images encoded with Base64, you need to get the base64 encoded string and use the img element. This prevents the page from loading slowly and saves the web browser from additional HTTP requests. Set the base64 image in the src attribute of the . Let’s say we have the following image − For Base64, we will consider the Data URL of the image, which is placed in the src attribute. The Data URL has two parts − The 1st part is the Base64 encoded image. The 2nd part is the Base64 encoded string of the image. ... Read More
