Found 10710 Articles for Web Development

How to Display Ellipsis in the <span> Element Having Hidden Overflow?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 11-Sep-2023 16:00:25


The element is a generic container with no semantic significance. It's frequently used in web authoring for styling, along with the style and class attributes. It can also be useful to add attributes to isolated text spans, such as lang or title. It should only be used when no other semantic element is available. The element is similar to the element, but the element is a block-level element, whereas the element is an inline element. Following is the syntax – Some Text The CSS Shorthand Property The CSS shorthand property, overflow, specifies the ... Read More

How to Make HTML <dt> and <dd> Elements Stay on the Same Line

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 11-Sep-2023 15:57:36


HTML Description List or Definition List displays elements in dictionary format. The and tags are used together within the tag in HTML to define terms or give their description. Within a parent definition list, the element is used to pair a definition description with a sibling definition term enclosed in tags. ExampleLet us see an example of a simple description list. Example of a description list A data definition list Data term 1 Data definition 1 ... Read More

How to Make the Text Input Non-Editable

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 11-Sep-2023 15:51:36

3K+ Views

In an HTML document, the tag is used to represent a form input control. In most cases, the input tag is used within the element to declare input controls that allow users to enter data. Depending on the attribute type, an input field can be of various types. The Input tag is a blank element with only attributes. Labels for the input element can be defined using the tag.By setting the appropriate type attribute, it can be used to represent text fields, checkboxes, dropdowns, buttons, and other inputs. The value attribute is used to specify ... Read More

How to Force the Content Of the <Div> Element to Stay on the Same Line?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 11-Sep-2023 13:04:30

1K+ Views

The or division tag is used to group HTML elements in a web page, allowing us to create distinct sections with similar functionality that can be easily styled using the Id or class attribute. A HTML is a block-level element that, by default, does not display any other HTML elements adjacent to it. Div is the most useful tag in web development because it allows us to separate data in web pages and create specific sections for specific data or functions in web pages. It is used in pairs. The content is written in between the opening ... Read More

How to Increase the Space Between the Dots of Dotted Borders?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 11-Sep-2023 15:46:32

3K+ Views

The border shorthand CSS property defines the border of an element. It specifies the border-width, border-style, and border-color values. The border-color property determines the colour of a border. The border-style property specifies the style of the border. The border-width property determines the width of a border. The border-style CSS property defines the line style for an element's border on all four sides. It is a shorthand for the properties: border-bottom-style, border-left-style, border-right-style, and border-top-style. It lets us choose from the following border styles: none, solid, dotted, dashed, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, and hidden. When the value of ... Read More

How to Handle Page Breaks when Printing a Large HTML Table?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 11-Sep-2023 15:43:45

2K+ Views

In HTML, when we have to print a table with many rows, there is an issue of keeping the data together when the page ends. When page breaks are not monitored, they can also split a row into two halves and cut the table in an abrupt manner. It can mess up the entire formatting and disrupt the layout. In this tutorial, we will explore the methods for printing the contents of a table with many rows when a page break occurs. The page-break-inside and page-break-auto The CSS page-break property can be used to handle page-breaks when we have a ... Read More

How to Divide a Horizontal Line into Multiple Parts?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 11-Sep-2023 15:24:35


In HTML, the tag stands for horizontal rule and is most commonly displayed as a horizontal line used to separate content (or define a change) in an HTML page. The tag is an empty tag that does not need to be followed by a closing tag. Following is the syntax of this tag – ... It supports the following attributes: align: It determines the rule's alignment (left/ centre/ right) on the page. The default value(left) is used if no value is specified. color: It sets the rule's colour using a colour name or hexadecimal value. ... Read More

How to Display Unordered List in Two Columns?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 11-Sep-2023 15:20:16

2K+ Views

In HTML, unordered lists are collections of items that do not have to be in any particular order. To list these items, we frequently use simple bullet points and that is why they are often known as bulleted lists. An unordered list begins with the tag and closes with a tag. The list items begin with the tag and end with tag. The tag, which stands for unordered list, is the li tag's parent. This means that the tag is the tag's child. Following is the syntax List of Items There can be ... Read More

How to Display an Ordered List with Nested Counters?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 11-Sep-2023 15:15:35


A list is a record of short pieces of related information used to display the data or any information in web pages in an ordered or unordered form. Lists are used to group related pieces of information together so that they are clearly associated with one another and easy to read. They are beneficial from a structural point of view because they aid in the creation of a well-structured, more accessible, and easy-to-maintain document. They are also useful because they provide specialized elements to which CSS styles can be applied. HTML lists enable web developers to organize a collection of ... Read More

How to Disable Word Wrapping in HTML?

Eesha Gandhi
Updated on 11-Sep-2023 15:01:17


Word wrapping is the process of automatically moving a word at the end of a line onto a new line in order to keep the text within the margins. In HTML, this translates to the very fact that text within an element wraps according to the bounds of that element.Example Let us consider an example where we have a element with some text and it is styled to have a fixed width. div{ ... Read More
