Found 10710 Articles for Web Development

How to convert angular 4 application to desktop application using electron?

Prerna Tiwari
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 11:29:15

1K+ Views

Utilizing web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, you can create cross-platform desktop applications using the popular framework Electron. This article will go over how to use Electron to transform an Angular 4 application into a desktop application. Setting Up Electron Before converting our Angular 4 application to a desktop application, we'll need to set up Electron. Here are the steps to set up Electron − Install Node.js Electron requires Node.js to be installed on your machine. You can download and install the latest version of Node.js from the official website. Install Electron Once Node.js is installed, you can install ... Read More

Difference between WWW and PUBLIC_HTML

Md. Sajid
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 11:05:45


When it comes to web hosting and website building, you may have heard the terms "WWW" and "PUBLIC_HTML" before. First, PUBLIC_HTML is the root directory for your website, while WWW is a subdirectory. This means that anything placed in the PUBLIC_HTML directory will be publicly accessible, while anything in the WWW directory will not be. Second, the WWW directory is usually used for storing website files that are not meant to be directly accessed by users, such as images or other media files. The PUBLIC_HTML directory is typically used for storing the main pages of your website that users will ... Read More

Generate PDF in ElectronJS

Prerna Tiwari
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 11:24:57

1K+ Views

Electron is a popular framework for building cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. In this article, we will explore how to generate PDF files in Electron using the jsPDF library. We will cover the basics of PDF generation, how to install and use the jsPDF library, and how to customize the appearance and content of the PDF. PDF stands for Portable Document Format). PDF is a file format used for representing documents that is independent of the application operating system, software and hardware that were used to create them. PDF files can be opened and viewed on ... Read More

Difference between WML and HTML

Md. Sajid
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 11:00:05


Markup languages like HTML and WML are primarily used to serve website content. The targeted systems that each language is intended to support are the fundamental distinctions between WML and HTML. HTML was developed to deliver material to personal computers, which have sufficient computational power to spare for processing and rendering the information. When the internet started to spread to mobile devices, it quickly became clear that these devices lacked the processing capability, screen size, and colour gamut necessary to support HTML. WML was created as a replacement for HTML for providing web content to mobile devices. Wireless Markup Language ... Read More

Difference between User Controls and Custom Controls

Md. Sajid
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 10:51:04

6K+ Views

In the .NET framework, there are two types of controls that are used to build reusable UI components for Windows Forms and WPF applications: user controls and custom controls. Their levels of abstraction and reusability are the primary differences between them. User controls are simple to create but can only be used within the unique Windows Forms or WPF applications in which they are made, limiting their potential for reuse. They are frequently used to create composite controls by merging existing controls because they were created for certain UI applications. Custom controls are more flexible and can be used ... Read More

How to Create a Tab Image Gallery?

Prerna Tiwari
Updated on 02-Mar-2023 16:42:02

2K+ Views

Creating a tab image gallery is a great way to showcase a collection of images on a website. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily create a tab image gallery using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This gallery can be used to display various images, such as photographs, artwork, or even product images. With a little bit of creativity and customization, you can make the gallery look and function just the way you want it to. Step 1: Create the HTML Structure The HTML structure must be created first in order to construct a tab picture ... Read More

How to create a style tag using JavaScript?

Prerna Tiwari
Updated on 02-Mar-2023 16:37:51

7K+ Views

JavaScript allows developers to create and manipulate style tags in order to change the appearance of a webpage. By using the document.createElement() method, the .sheet property, and the .insertRule() and .deleteRule() methods, we can add, modify, and remove CSS rules from a stylesheet. By combining these techniques with event listeners, we can create dynamic and interactive web pages that can change their appearance in response to user interactions. One of the most powerful features of JavaScript is the ability to manipulate the DOM, which is the structure of a web page. One way to manipulate the DOM is by creating ... Read More

How to create a private variable in JavaScript?

Prerna Tiwari
Updated on 02-Mar-2023 16:11:44

5K+ Views

Closures, Symbols, WeakMaps, class private fields, and Proxies are a few techniques that can be used to create a private variable in JavaScript. Every technique has benefits and drawbacks, so it's crucial to pick the one that best suits your requirements. Like many other programming languages, JavaScript has the idea of private and public variables. Private variables can only be accessed and changed by code that is also part of the same scope, but public variables can be accessed and changed by any code. Let’s look at the different techniques to create a private variable in JavaScript. Using ... Read More

How to create a global Promise Rejection Handler in JavaScript?

Prerna Tiwari
Updated on 02-Mar-2023 16:09:27


Promise rejection handlers are a powerful tool in JavaScript for handling errors that occur in asynchronous code. In this article, we will learn how to build a global promise rejection handler in JavaScript and how it might assist your application manage errors. You can detect unhandled promise rejections using the global unhandledrejection event and take the necessary action, like logging the problem to an error tracking service or showing the user a notice. A more understandable and simpler syntax for handling promise rejection is provided by error handling with async-await, but it necessitates that you wrap each async function ... Read More

How to create a function from a string in JavaScript?

Prerna Tiwari
Updated on 02-Mar-2023 16:06:43

1K+ Views

Creating a function from a string in JavaScript can be helpful in situations when you need to generate a function dynamically at runtime or when you have a string that contains the code for a function you wish to execute. The ability to construct a function from a string is a useful functionality of JavaScript that allows dynamic function creation at runtime. The eval() function and the new Function() function Object() [native code] are the two most popular methods for doing this, although both have significant security flaws. The Function.prototype.constructor is a safer option even though it is ... Read More
