Found 10710 Articles for Web Development

How to create a domain name finder app in ReactJs?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 15:30:16


An online application that enables users to look for accessible domain names using keywords or phrases can be called a domain name finder. It is a helpful tool for companies and individuals wishing to register a new domain name for their websites. Users of this software can look up domain names and display the search results along with other details like cost and availability. To build a ReactJs domain name search app, one must first plan the app's structure and decide which features to include. After configuring the development environment, a search field can be added so that users can ... Read More

How to validate Passport Number is ReactJS?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 15:28:32

4K+ Views

Passport number is very sensitive data, and it always requires to validate. For example, you are taking the user’s data for their identification, and you can use the passport number to validate the user’s identity. Sometimes, the user may enter the wrong passport number. However, you must need to use the database to check whether the passport number matches the user’s real passport number. Still, when a user enters the passport number, you should ensure that the user has entered the correct format. This tutorial will teach us various approaches to validating passport numbers in ReactJS. Use the Validator ... Read More

How to validate Octal number in ReactJS?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 15:09:07


There are various types of number representation available such as decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal, etc. The octal number is a number value by taking the base-8, and it accepts only numbers between 0 to 8. Here, we will learn to validate the octal number. We need to check that all characters of the octal number string should be numeric and between 1 to 8. Use the regular expression to validate octal number in ReactJS The best approach to validate the octal number is using the regular expression. We can use the test() method with the regular expression to ensure ... Read More

How to validate a credit card number in ReactJS?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 15:07:40

4K+ Views

When a bank issue any credit or debit card number, they don’t generate the random numbers for the card. They follow some rules to issue a new card number. They first validate the card number using the Luhn algorithm and check if it starts with a particular number. Here, we will learn different approaches to validating credit card numbers. Use the React Creditcard Validator NPM Package The react creditcard validator is an NPM package, allowing us to validate the card number. Whenever a user enters the credit card number, It checks which type of card it is. For ... Read More

How to use Typescript with native ES6 Promises?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 15:04:56

2K+ Views

In the ES6 version of ECMAScript, promises are introduced for the first time. To use the ES6 promises in the TypeScript project, users need to modify the tsconfig.json file. Add the below code inside the ‘compilerOptions’ object. { "compilerOptions": { "target": "es6", } } Also, users can add ‘ES6’ inside the ‘lib’ property, as shown below. { "compilerOptions": { "lib": [ "es6", ... Read More

How to use TextField Component in Material UI?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 15:00:03

3K+ Views

The Material UI library provides various react components, and TextField is one of them. We can use the TextField component to take user input and use it inside the form. Whatever operation we can perform with the HTML input field, we can also perform with the TextField component. For example, we can use events and attributes with the TextField component, which we can use with the normal input field component. The main benefit of using the TextField component is its well-designed design. Users can execute the below command in the project directory to install the Material UI library. npm ... Read More

How to use Slider Component in Material UI?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 14:57:46

1K+ Views

The slider is an important feature for any application to improve the UX of the application. For example, if you want to allow users to choose any value between 1 to 100, it would be better to use the slider than the custom number input field. The Material UI provides the pre-designed Slider component. Also, it contains the different variants of the Slider component. We can pass the props to the Slider component to custom it Execute the below command in the project directory to install the Material UI in the React application. npm i @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/style ... Read More

How to use Selenium Web Driver and JavaScript to Login any website?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 14:08:52

2K+ Views

Nowadays, automation is very useful for testing the application. Many automation tools are available, and Selenium is one of them, developed in 2004. Also, it is a crossplatform tool, so we can use Selenium with most programming languages, and here we will use it with JavaScript. Users need to create the NodeJS application to use the Selenium web driver with JavaScript. Create a NodeJS Application Users can follow the steps below to create a NodeJS application. Step 1 – Open the project directory in the terminal and enter the below command. npm init -y Step 2 – ... Read More

How to use Regex to get the string between curly braces using JavaScript?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 14:52:37

5K+ Views

We can create a regular expression so it can find all the substrings between the curly braces. After that, we can use the exec() or match() method to extract the matching substring. In this tutorial, we will learn to use a regular expression to get the string between curly braces using JavaScript. For example, if we have given a string like ‘This is a {string} with {curly} braces, we need to extract all substrings that reside between the curly braces. Using the exec() method with a regular expression to get the string between curly braces The exec() ... Read More

How to use Radio Component in Material UI?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 14:22:09

2K+ Views

The radio button is used to allow users to choose any one value among a group of values. For example, the best use case of the radio button is allowing users to choose a gender in the form. The material UI provides the pre-designed Radio component, which we can use to create a group of radio buttons. Users can use the below command in the terminal to install the Material UI library in the React project. npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled Syntax Users can follow the syntax below to use the Radio component of the ... Read More
