Found 10711 Articles for Web Development

What is the difference between jQuery add() & jQuery append() methods in jQuery?

Amit D
Updated on 18-Dec-2019 07:23:06


jQuery add() methodIf you want to add element to an existing group of elements, then use the add() method.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with jQuery.add() method:Live Demo   $(document).ready(function(){     $("h1").add("span").css("background-color", "yellow");   }); Tutorialspoint Text Tutorials for free. Video Tutorials for free. jQuery append() methodThe append() method appends content to the inside of every matched element.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with jQuery append() method:Live Demo             ... Read More

How does jQuery.add( ) work in jQuery?

Amit D
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 06:47:15


If you want to add element to an existing group of elements, then use the add() method.S.NoParameterDescription1.elementSet the element, a jQuery object, one or more than one elements or HTML snippet, which you want to add to the existing group of elements2.contextThis parameter is optional. It sets the point at which the selector expression begins matching.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with jQuery.add() method −Live Demo   $(document).ready(function(){     $("h1").add("p").css("background-color", "gray");   }); Tutorialspoint Text Tutorials for free. Video Tutorials for free.

How to get substring of a string in jQuery?

Amit D
Updated on 09-Dec-2019 08:52:02

4K+ Views

To get substring of a string in jQuery, use the substring() method. It has the following two parameters:from: The from parameter specifies the index where to start the The to parameter is optional. It specifies the index where to stop the extraction. This is an optional parameter, which extracts the remaining string, when nothing is mentioned.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to get substring of a string in jQuery:Live Demo           jQuery subtring                             ... Read More

How does jQuery.slice() method work in jQuery?

Amit D
Updated on 18-Dec-2019 07:24:59


The slice(start, end) method selects a subset of the matched elements. The following are the parameters of the slice() method:start − Where to start the subset. The first element is at zero. Can be negative to start from the end of the selection.end − Where to end the subset excluding end element. If unspecified, ends at the end of the selection.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to select a subset of the matched elements using the slice() method:Live Demo           jQuery slice() method                       ... Read More

Building a mobile app using OpenUI5 and Cordova using framework like

Vrundesha Joshi
Updated on 18-Dec-2019 08:26:42


You are thinking correctly for your requirement. What you can do is, use the read method for each entityset to read the oData. In the success callback for this method, you can parse the result objects into a corresponding JSON model.Now, you can have working logic as per which:When you online, uses the additional layer to fill the JSON model from the oData that has been readWhen offline, you can read from local storage.

How to select a subset of the matched elements in jQuery()?

Amit D
Updated on 09-Dec-2019 08:55:37


The slice( start, end ) method selects a subset of the matched elements. The following are the parameters of the slice() method:start − Where to start the subset. The first element is at zero. Can be negative to start from the end of the selection.end − Where to end the subset excluding end element. If unspecified, ends at the end of the selection.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to select a subset of the matched elements using the slice() method:Live Demo           jQuery slice() method                   ... Read More

How does method work in jQuery?

Amit D
Updated on 09-Dec-2019 08:57:13


The map method translates a set of elements in the jQuery object into another set of values in a jQuery array which may, or may not contain elements.The following are the parameters of method:callback − The function to execute on each element in the set.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with method:Live Demo           jQuery Map Method                              $(document).ready(function(){                         var ... Read More

How does jQuery.eq() method work in jQuery?

Amit D
Updated on 09-Dec-2019 08:58:18


If you want to return an element with a definite index number of the selected elements, then use the eq() method. The first element has index 0, the second element has index 1, etc. Yes, the index number starts at 0.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with jQuery.eq() method,Live Demo   $(document).ready(function(){     $("p").eq(3).css("background-color", "gray");   });  Tutorialspoint  Free Learning  Free Text Tutorials  Free Video Tutorials  Tutor Connect

How does jQuery.find() method work in jQuery?

Amit D
Updated on 09-Dec-2019 09:01:28


The jQuery.find() method will return the descendant elements of the selected element.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with jQuery.find() method,Live Demo .myclass * {     display: block;     border: 2px solid red;     padding: 2px;     margin: 10px;     color: red; }   $(document).ready(function(){      $("ol").find("span").css({"background-color": "yellow", "border": "5px solid green"});   }); body   div     ol         li         The descendant element              

How to locate descendant elements of a particular type of elements in jQuery?

Amit D
Updated on 09-Dec-2019 09:02:38


Use the jQuery find() method to locate descendant elements of particular type of elements in jQuery. The jQuery.find() method will return the descendant elements of the selected element.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with jQuery.find() method,Live Demo  .myclass * {     display: block;     border: 2px solid red;     padding: 2px;     margin: 10px;     color: red;  }   $(document).ready(function(){     $("ol").find("span").css({"background-color": "blue", "border": "5px solid gray"});   }); body   div     ol         li         The descendant element              
