Found 10711 Articles for Web Development

How to create nest tables within tables in HTML?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 16:13:05

2K+ Views

Tables are a fundamental and critical aspect of web development and are used to present information in an ordered and legible format. However, some situations may necessitate presenting more intricate data that necessitates the use of nested tables. Nested tables are tables that are located within other table cells. In this article, we will direct you through the process of building nested tables in HTML, with a meticulous and detailed explanation accompanied by illustrations to help you comprehend the concept more effectively. Whether you're a neophyte or an experienced web designer, this article will furnish you with the knowledge and ... Read More

How to create Nested Accordion using Google AMP amp-accordion?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 16:12:26


Nested accordion menus are an effective way to organize and present large amounts of information in a compact and intuitive manner. With the growing importance of mobile devices in accessing the internet, it has become increasingly important to optimize web pages for faster loading and improved user experience. This is where the Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project comes into play, offering a streamlined and fast-loading way of creating web pages for mobile devices. In this article, we will explore how to create nested accordion menus using Google AMP’s amp-accordion component, providing a clear and organized way to present complex ... Read More

How to create mixin for placeholder in SASS

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 15:40:15


Overview A placeholder is an attribute of a HTML input tag, which tells the user about the input tag what information is to be filled in it. To style the placeholder of an input tag we will use the Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (SASS) preprocessor scripting language in which it provides us with a feature of mixin. A mixin is like a simple function which we create in other programming languages. It helps us to not repeat the styling in the style sheet. To use the SASS mixin with our program firstly we should have to install the SASS to ... Read More

How to Create Navigation Links using HTML5?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 16:11:28


Generating navigation links is a pivotal element of developing websites as it enables users to easily peruse and locate the information they require. In this exposition, we will expound on the procedure of creating navigation links utilizing HTML5, the most recent iteration of the Hypertext Markup Language. HTML5 provides semantic attributes and elements that facilitate the arrangement and exhibition of content on the internet. With the guidance of this piece of writing, you will acquire the knowledge of utilizing HTML5 to establish a navigation menu that is coherent, structured, and easy to use. Syntax ... Read More

How to create Mini sized selects using jQuery Mobile

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 15:37:22


Overview The jQuery provides the attributes with value by which the dropdown list is created without adding the external styling to the element. The mini sized selects with the help of jQuery mobile can also be created by setting the “data-mini” value as true. The dropdown list is created which helps to select the options from the list of given options. Syntax The simple HTML selects syntax is used in this to create a list − Content Delivery Network (CDN) Links The given below links are used to ... Read More

How to create a Mini Button using jQuery Mobile

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 15:44:14


Overview The jQuery comes up with certain classes by defining those classes in the anchor element, input tag or in a button tag we can create a mini button. The jQuery mobile has its own styling with their classes so there is only need to link the Content Delivery Network (CDN) link with the web page in which we are building the mini button. There are certain class by which we can create the button in jQuery mobile they are − ui-btn − This class creates a jQuery mobile button, by defining this class in an element the ... Read More

How to create the loop structure in LESS

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 14:54:20


Overview Loops make our code clean and help to run the same lines of code multiple times. This makes a code to not to write the same lines of code multiple times. So to style the multiple containers and objects the same can be done by writing a line of code and repeating the same styling property several times. So to come up from this problem, Leaner Style Sheets (LESS) provides a looping facility by using which we can make our code readability easy and can save the developer time of developers in writing numbers of lines of styling property ... Read More

How to create multiple background image parallax in CSS?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 14:26:27

1K+ Views

Parallax scrolling is a frequently employed design technique that adds a sense of movement and depth to web pages. This is accomplished by moving separate page elements at distinct speeds to simulate the effect of depth on a flat surface. A unique and imaginative approach to implementing this technique is to utilize numerous background images in CSS. In this article, we will be exploring how to create a multiple background image parallax effect in CSS, including the steps to set up the HTML structure and the CSS styling needed to create the desired effect. Whether you are a beginner or ... Read More

How to create list with roman number indexing in HTML

Aman Gupta
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 21:24:34

5K+ Views

Overview Indexing are the numbers which indicate the points or a position of a sentence. In HTML, we can do indexing in two ways: Unordered List (ul) and Ordered List (li). To make a list with a roman number in HTML we use the tag, the roman number is the number which is written in sequence so we use ordered list instead of unordered list. To make the ordered list with a roman number we should define the type of ordered list, that is the indexing in the list should be ‘a’, ’A’, ’I’ or ‘i’. So to make ... Read More

How to create a link with media attribute in HTML5

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 14:50:05


Overview There are many types of attributes in HTML5, these attributes provide additional functionality to the page. The media attribute is used with the link tag which has different values which are used in different states. These values are: print, all, screen, speech. The ‘print’ value is used with the link tag to provide the print preview of the page. If we want to change style on printing the page then we can use this print value with the media attribute. Sometimes there are some styling for which we had to come up with the same styles for all types ... Read More
