Found 10711 Articles for Web Development

What is 'void' Operator in JavaScript?

Nitya Raut
Updated on 13-Jun-2020 13:15:35


The void is an important keyword in JavaScript, which can be used as a unary operator that appears before its single operand, which may be of any type. This operator specifies an expression to be evaluated without returning a value.SyntaxThe syntax of void can be either of the following two −               The most common use of this operator is in a client-side javascript: URL, where it allows you to evaluate an expression for its side-effects without the browser displaying the value of the evaluated expression.Here the expression alert ('Warning!!!') is evaluated but it ... Read More

What is Unary Negation Operator (-) in JavaScript?

Updated on 06-Jan-2023 12:13:33


The Unary Negation Operator first converts the operand into a number, and after that it negates. It operates on a single operand. It returns the negation of the operand. A boolean operand is converted to 0 or 1, and then negation is done. Similarly, a number with a base other than decimal is first converted to base 10, then the negation is computed. Syntax The following syntax will show you how you can use the unary negation operator to negate the value of a number − -x Here unary operator (-) negates x. Let us understand the application of ... Read More

What is Less than Operator (<) in JavaScript?

Updated on 08-Nov-2022 05:59:32


The less than operator is one of the operators that come under the category of binary operators, which means it requires two operands to operate on. It will return true if the operand on the left side of the operator is less than the operand on the right side. Otherwise, it will return false. The less than operator come under the category of comparison operators that compare two values with each other. In this tutorial, we are going to discuss what is less than an operator in JavaScript and how it works in different situations, with help of code examples. ... Read More

What is if...else if... statement in JavaScript?

Krantik Chavan
Updated on 13-Jun-2020 11:41:16


The if...else if... statement is an advanced form of if…else that allows JavaScript to make a correct decision out of several conditions.SyntaxThe syntax of an if-else-if statement is as follows −if (expression 1){    Statement(s) to be executed if expression 1 is true } else if (expression2){    Statement(s) to be executed if expression 2 is true } else if (expression3){    Statement(s) to be executed if expression 3 is true } else{    Statement(s) to be executed if no expression is true }ExampleYou can try to run the following to learn how to work with if…else if statement in ... Read More

What is if statement in JavaScript?

Nishtha Thakur
Updated on 13-Jun-2020 11:37:20


The if statement is the fundamental control statement that allows JavaScript to make decisions and execute statements conditionally. SyntaxThe syntax for a basic if statement is as follows −if(expression){    Statement(s)to be executed if expression is true }Here a JavaScript expression is evaluated. If the resulting value is true, the given statement(s) are executed. If the expression is false, then no statement would be not executed. Most of the times, you will use comparison operators while making decisions.ExampleYou can try to run the following to learn how to work with if statement in JavaScript −Live Demo           ... Read More

What is 'new' Operator in JavaScript?

Smita Kapse
Updated on 13-Jun-2020 09:27:27


The new keyword in JavaScript is the new operator. It creates an instance of a user-defined object type.SyntaxHere’s the syntax −new constructor[([arguments])]ExampleLet us see an example to learn about the usage of new operator −                          var dept = newObject();          dept.employee = "David";          dept.department = "Programming"; = "C++";          document.getElementById("test").innerHTML =          dept.employee + "is working on " + + " technology.";          

What is Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator (^=) in JavaScript?

Updated on 08-Jan-2020 07:51:50


It performs XOR operation on the right operand with the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with Bitwise XOR Assignment OperatorLive Demo                    var a = 2;   // Bit presentation 10          var b = 3;   // Bit presentation 11          document.write("(a ^= b) => ");          document.write(a ^= b);          

What is Bitwise OR Assignment Operator (|=) in JavaScript?

Anvi Jain
Updated on 13-Jun-2020 09:25:03


It performs OR operation on the right operand with the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with Bitwise OR Assignment Operator −                    var a = 2; // Bit presentation 10          var b = 3; // Bit presentation 11          document.write("(a |= b) => ");          document.write(a |= b);          

What is the "double tilde" (~~) operator in JavaScript?

Nitya Raut
Updated on 13-Jun-2020 09:22:07

2K+ Views

The “double tilde” (~~) operator is a double NOT Bitwise operator. Use it as a substitute for Math.floor(), since it’s faster.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn about double tilde operator −                    var a = 2;          var b,c, d;          b = ~~a;          c = Math.floor(a);          d = ~~b=== c;          document.write(b);          document.write(""+c);          document.write(""+d); // They are equal          

What is Addition Operator (+) in JavaScript?

Anvi Jain
Updated on 13-Jun-2020 08:19:52


The addition operator is used to add two operands.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to work with Addition Operator −                    var a = 33;          var b = 10;          document.write("a + b = ");          result =a + b;          document.write(result);          
