Found 18 Articles for Waves

Mechanical Waves Transverse Waves and Longitudinal Waves

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 25-Jan-2024 11:33:34


Introduction A wave is a pattern formed in a medium when a disturbance travels from one point to another while particle transport occurs. We are surrounded by waves. Waves can be found in everything, from the light we see to the sounds we hear to the earthquakes that shake the earth. The characteristic of a wave is that it transports energy through something without actually transferring that thing. Waves A wave is a pattern formed in a medium when a disturbance travels from one point to another, accompanied by particle transport. There are waves all around us. Waves are everywhere, ... Read More

Unit of Frequency

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 12:33:02


Introduction Wave is the disturbance in the medium to transfer energy without the transfer of mass. Waves are usually in a periodic motion like a simple harmonic oscillator. They have crests and troughs. The amplitude of the wave is the height of the wave. The distance covered between two consecutive crests is called the wavelength of the wave. The number of waves passed per second is called the frequency of the wave. Phase is not the property of waves. But it gives the relation between two signals with the same frequency. Now, we are going to discuss ... Read More

Relation Between Group Velocity and Phase Velocity

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

5K+ Views

Introduction In this tutorial, information regarding the properties of waves such as phase velocity and group velocity will be discussed with proper exemplification, in physics, the wave can be defined as a mare disturbance identified on a plane surface. Based on this concept, the definitions of group and phase velocity will be discussed in this tutorial. Along with this, the tutorial will include the relation and the differences that have been shared between these two properties of a wave. What is group velocity? Figure 1: Group velocity The group velocity of waves can be explained as the velocity of ... Read More

Destructive Interference

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 11:34:38


Introduction Only a single waveform is not sufficient to define all types of phenomena, available in nature. At a certain time, a pair of light, as well as sound waves, is found to experience interference. At the time of passing through each other, a wave front is created. What is interference? In physics, interference is the net effect of two and more waves’ combinations. Two and more waves are often found to intersect within themselves. Each individual wave has a unique amplitude value (Arjunan, 2019). This value is affected by changes and frequency of interference. Figure 1: Phase difference: δ ... Read More

Destruction Caused Cyclones

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 11:31:50


Introduction The pattern of a cyclone’s circulation varies from different hemispheres. In the northern hemisphere, the direction of a cyclone is anticlockwise. In the southern hemisphere, a cyclone rotates clockwise. The types of destruction can also be separated based on the affected areas’ conditions. What Are Cyclones? According to meteorology, a large-scale air mass is considered a cyclone. This air mass is found to rotate based on a centre at a very low atmospheric pressure. A cyclone is a part of a weather system in which the wind looks to rotate inwardly in a particular area (Chen et al. 2019). ... Read More

Travelling Wave

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Waves are determined as the disturbance in the medium through which it is travelling and transferring energy and momentum without any net motion of that medium. If the energy travels from one place to another, it is transported through these travel waves. The standing waves never transport energy like travelling waves. In another word, these travel waves can also be denoted as the wave in which positions of minimum and maximum amplitude are travelling along with the medium. The equation that can describe the travelling waves is y(x, t) = (0.003) cos(20 x + 200 t ). Here, x ... Read More

Transverse Waves

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Transverse wave mainly refers to those waves in which the displacement or disturbance of direction acts as a medium perpendicular to that of the propagation of wave. It is seen that waves are present everywhere and they can be described as disturbances and they flow from one place to another place through the support of a medium. The transverse waves consist of some characteristics and different kinds of waves in this field can be seen. Among the different characteristics, it is said that waves can only pass through solids. Definition of Transverse Wave Transverse waves are the kind ... Read More

Sharpness of Resonance

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

1K+ Views

Introduction The sharpness of resonance is clearly stated better by comprehending resonance. Resonance in physics is extremely crucial where the amplitude rises with the frequencies of excitation and the tendency of the system also rises. The sharpness of the Resonance is high when the amplitude is less and a rise in damping means maximisation of the sharpness of the resonance. In the physical world, resonance has many types including mechanical resonance, acoustic resonance and electrical resonance. The sharpness of resonance is demonstrated by the definition of resonance where the resonance tends to be sharp at the point of time. Swing ... Read More

S Waves

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction S waves are one of the main parts of the elastic waves. S wave is known as transverse waves. It means the direction of the particle motion of a particular. The waves generally move through the ground. S waves are unable to move through the water. S wave may propagate through some liquid solution that has a high viscosity. The name SD wave generally derives from the name a certain fact that these are the second types of a wave which can be detected through the earthquake seismograph. After the P wave, S wave generates because the S wave ... Read More

Space Wave Propagation

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

4K+ Views

Introduction Space wave propagation generally takes place when particular radio waves propagate through space from the transmitting antenna around the earth to reach a receive antenna. These kinds of waves are known as tropospheric propagation because from the earth’s surface to the tropospheric propagation they generally tended to travel. It is generally called the straight propagation line. This is due to the fact that the signals are sent in a straight line from receiver to the transmitter. Space Wave propagation and its components Space wave propagation occurs within the troposphere layer of the earth’s atmosphere that is within 20km ... Read More
