Found 48 Articles for Virtual Machines

How to move Docker containers between different hosts?

Hemant Sharma
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 14:48:26

25K+ Views

Introduction Docker is a popular tool for building, deploying, and running applications in containers. One of the key benefits of using Docker is the ability to easily move containers between different hosts, whether they are local VMs, cloud servers, or on-premises datacentres. There are several methods available for moving Docker containers between different hosts, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. In this article, we will provide an overview of the various methods that are available and discuss the pros and cons of each. Methods for Moving Docker Containers Between Different Hosts Using docker save and docker load The docker ... Read More

How to deploy a Python Docker image to AWS Lambda?

Hemant Sharma
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 14:44:45

1K+ Views

Introduction AWS Lambda is a serverless computing platform that allows you to run your code without worrying about infrastructure. Docker is a tool used to package and deploy applications in a standardized and isolated manner. By deploying a Python Docker image to AWS Lambda, you can take advantage of both of these technologies to run your Python code at scale. Prerequisites AWS account with access to AWS Lambda Docker installation and basic knowledge of Docker commands Python application or code to be packaged in the Docker image Step 1: Building the Python Docker Image It would be best ... Read More

How could I bind Docker container to specific external interface?

Hemant Sharma
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 14:41:42

6K+ Views

Introduction There are times when you might want to bind a Docker container to a specific external interface on your host machine. For example, you might want to bind a web server running in a Docker container to a specific network interface so that it is accessible from a specific IP address or hostname. Several options are available for binding a Docker container to a specific external interface. In this article, we will explore three of these options: the --network flag, the --publish flag, and the --add-host flag. Prerequisites for Binding a Docker Container to a Specific External Interface Before ... Read More

Docker named volumes Vs DOC (data-only-containers)

Hemant Sharma
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 14:39:16

2K+ Views

Docker offers several options for storing data in containers. Two popular choices are named volumes and DOCs (data-only containers). In this article, we'll compare these two options and discuss when it might be more appropriate to use one over the other. What is Docker named volumes? Docker-named volumes are a way to persist data in Docker containers. They allow you to create a named volume and mount it to a container so that the data stored in the volume is preserved even if the container is stopped or removed. To create a named volume in Docker, you can use the ... Read More

How to run Linux libraries on Docker on Windows?

Hemant Sharma
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 18:15:35


Introduction Here in this article, we will learn about Linux libraries. What is the actual function of these libraries and what are the different types of libraries. Then we will understand to use these Linux libraries on the Windows OS with the help of various methods mentioned below. What are the Linux libraries? The Linux terminal works and follows only the commands. It is a “Text Only Console”, that responds to terminal commands. The definitions or the code for these commands or functions are stored in libraries. Types of Linux libraries The libraries can be divided based on the nature ... Read More

How to ignore files in Docker?

Hemant Sharma
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 18:14:29

6K+ Views

Introduction Here in this article, we will learn about the ignore file in docker. How to create a ignore file and how to use it with various ways to add files and folders to the ignore file. All the pre-requisite knowledge is mentioned in a stepwise manner. Do not directly jump to the implementation without knowing the requirement of the ignore files in the code industry. What are ignored files? Ignore files created in different systems like in the Git repository and the Dockerifle. These files help to exclude some files and directories from being used or copied in the ... Read More

How to fix the Docker build requires exactly one argument?

Hemant Sharma
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 18:12:59

5K+ Views

Introduction Docker build is a container image builder command. The command helps you to create your container image with some extra tweakable functionalities. While building the image using the “docker build” command beginners face a very common and simple problem of arguments. In this article, we have discussed various ways of encountering that error and how to resolve the error. Different ways of executing the build are also mentioned in the article. Creation of Dockerfile First of all, we will create a dockerfile. This dockerfile will help us to create a docker container image of the “apache-web-server”. The index page ... Read More

How to fix Ctrl+C inside a Docker container?

Hemant Sharma
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 18:11:13

3K+ Views

Introduction The real problem statement for this article is that developer is not able to use the interrupt signals while running or creating a Docker container. This is not a bug in Docker but a Linux feature. The complete problem and methods to recreate the problem are explained with the solution. Process in Linux Currently running or executing a program is a process. This process can be foreground or in the background. To see these processes, we have some terminal commands like ps and top. The ps shows active processes and the top shows the real-time update of the processes. ... Read More

How can I copy a file from one folder to another folder within a container in Docker?

Hemant Sharma
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 18:09:47

2K+ Views

Introduction In this article, we are going to discuss “How to transfer files as well as directories from the host operating system to the Docker container environment.” The need for all these commands is that many times developer has to provide various types of files to the Docker container, these files are configuration files, security and authentication files, application files, and many more. So, this is a very simple and important task that needs to be performed while creating or after the creation of the Docker container on the Docker daemon. Some commands are also going to be used while ... Read More

How to upgrade docker container with previous network and volumes?

Hemant Sharma
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 15:41:26


Introduction This article is focused on the upgrading mechanism of container images. There are various methods to upgrade a container to its newest image. Here we have used some of the simple and easy-to-use methods. First, we discussed the manual method for a quick test. Then we tried some automatic methods. These methods will monitor the image and if any new update is present, they create a new container with the updated image. Methods Manually but using CLI Automatic but using CLI Automatic but using Docker Compose Manually but using CLI Here we are going to follow ... Read More
