Found 4 Articles for Types

Fruit Formation Parts Types

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 13-Dec-2023 13:40:26


Introduction The cultivation of the fruit and treating them is known as the farming of the fruit. Fruits from the flowers and fruits consist of different types and numbers of seeds. Fruit processing can be described as the procedure that involves the processing of the fruit and the treatment of the nutrient composition. Fleshy fruits and non-fleshy are the two kinds of fruits that use different methods of dispersal. Importance of fruits The importance of fruits lies in the health benefits provided by them. They are wholesome foods that are rich in many kinds of nutrients. Rich in nutrients helps ... Read More

Fiber Optics and its Types

Updated on 03-May-2023 10:39:37


Fiber optics is one of the technologies used to transmit data through thin glass or plastic fibers. It is mostly used in communication channels like telephone, televisions, and the Internet. Core and cladding are two parts of fiber optic cable. The cladding reflects the light to the core, thus preventing the loss of signal. Fiber optics are mostly used in medical and industry services. In the medical field, it is used for endoscopies, to view and treat internal organs. In industries, it is used in controlling temperature, pressure, and vibrations. Fiber Optics and its Types Definition Fiber optics is defined ... Read More

Classification of MAC Protocols

Updated on 03-May-2023 10:34:09

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In ISO OSI layers there are seven layers, and each layer has its characteristics and its protocols. The most important second layer from the bottom is the data link layer. In this data link layer consists of two different layers and MAC is one important layer. MAC is the Medium Access Control layer. MAC layer helps to reduce the collision while transmitting the data. The main functionality of the MAC layer will act as a medium to access the shared resources in the network. So it has the control accessibility of nodes when they are in a shared medium. MAC ... Read More

Study and Identification of Different Types of Inflorescence

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 14:57:31


Introduction The term inflorescence refers to the formation and arrangement of flowers on the axis. This axis is known as the stalk where flowers grow in order to form a cluster that leads to the shape of the inflorescence. The prime characteristic of this flower refers to the way they are arranged on the peduncle. The major significance of inflorescence is that they help in the process of cross-pollination. All the flowers going through this process looks attractive to bring the insects that aid in the process of cross-pollination.Figure 1: Inflorescence in DillClassification of Inflorescence The term inflorescence is classified ... Read More
