Found 27 Articles for Tools & Devices

How does a refrigerator keep the temperature cool inside it?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 10:24:39


In ancient times the food was preserved by conventional techniques like salting and pickling which were not helpful all the time. These days refrigerators are utilized to protect food for long periods by cooling it.This cooling procedure keeps bacteria away from attacking and ruining the food, which thus lessens food wastage. The refrigerator is one innovation that has positively changed the way we live. It has made it feasible for everybody to store or preserve food for long periods of time.A Refrigerator functions on 2 basic principles:As a fluid dissipates, it absorbs the warmth from the surrounding ranges.The inverse happens ... Read More

What is a smartwatch? How is it different from other wearable devices?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 18-May-2022 08:22:10


The smart watch is a new revolutionary product which is completely different from the authentic watches we wear. It is pretty much similar to the smart phone we use in today's life.A smart watch is capable of displaying the messages, giving call alerts, GPS tracking and through few smart watches, we can be able to attend a call by the use of a microphone and a small speaker present in the smart watch without having to actually take the mobile out of our pockets.The Smart Watch can be connected to Wi-Fi to keep it updated. When Wi-Fi is not available ... Read More

How is technology affecting the lives of people with disabilities?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:38:56


The impact of technology has been nothing short of phenomenal on the lives of people with disabilities. Nothing articulates this better than the statement by Mary Pat Radabaugh, Director of IBM National Support Center for Persons with Disabilities - "For most people, technology makes things easier.Technology Makes Things PossibleFor people with disabilities, technology makes things possible." That's one of the most accurate observations on the matter and it is based on a whole list of examples that could be found across different parts of the world. In fact, there's a term that has been coined specifically for this kind of ... Read More

Why do we have mirrors in Lifts?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 02-May-2022 05:40:51


There are different points of view offered by different folks about the origin of the idea of having mirrors inside elevators but on one thing they all have the same view - psychological and ergonomic factors rather than technological factors brought mirrors into elevators. One line of opinion says this business of mirrors in elevators first began in Japan where it helped to resolve an ergonomic problem for people in wheelchairs. As the elevators in those pre-World War II days were really small, it was pointed out that mirrors in these elevators helped the folks in wheelchairs to clearly see ... Read More

Why are chinese electronics most popular in the market?

yashwanth sitamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Chinese products were once as cheap and low-quality brand but now they are no longer considered that way. Starting from the consumer electronics like mobiles, Televisions, refrigerators to fitness gadgets and wearable devices, China is giving its Indian counterpart a tough competition in the market.Last September a Beijing based company launched a product with the flash online sale in the 4K high definition TV segment. The sale of 55inch TV which was priced fewer than 60, 000 lasted all of three minutes.It bagged 4, 600 units and stocked out for the day. Seeing this, Videocon has immediately reacted and has ... Read More

What do AC and CE mean on a calculator?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 06:56:01

18K+ Views

AC stands for All Clear. AC clears the calculator and resets any functions. This clears the calculator and resets all functions. The memory has to be cleared by pressing Min after AC.CE, which is seen in some calculators stands for Clear Entry which erases the last entry you have keyed in.

What are free options available to generate closed captions from Audio/Video?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 17:08:20


There are some free options available to generate closed captions from Audio/Video.Amara − Amara is one such tool. It is very easy to learn and provides the best platform to create captions from scratch.Youtube − Youtube is the most popular tool which is available for free. It has great features to create captions.Subtitle Edit − This is a free tool which has to be downloaded on your laptop and desktop and you can start using it even offline.
