Found 604 Articles for Tkinter

Tkinter-How to get the current date to display in a tkinter window?

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 26-Oct-2021 13:24:01

6K+ Views

To display the current date in tkinter window, we will use the datetime = −Import the required libraries and create an instance of tkinter frame.Set the size of the frame using geometry method.Call and store the value in a variable "date".Next, create a label to display the date. In the text parameter of the label, pass the date value and format the data as text=f"{date:%A, %B %d, %Y}".%A – Day of the week, full name%B – Full month name%d – Day of the month%Y – Year with century as a decimal numberFinally, run the mainloop of the ... Read More

How to display multiple labels in one line with Python Tkinter?

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 26-Oct-2021 13:18:11

6K+ Views

To display multiple labels in one line with Python Tkinter, we can use the pack() method of label and align all the labels to the same side. Let's take an example and see how to display multiple labels in one line.Steps −Import the required libraries and create an instance of tkinter frame.Set the size of the frame using geometry method.Create a label and name it "Label 1". Set its font and highlight the label with a background color.Next, use the pack() method of label and set side=LEFT to force the label to position itself on the left of the screen.Similarly, ... Read More

Creating an automatically maximized tkinter window

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 26-Oct-2021 13:14:28

2K+ Views

There are two different ways in which we can get an automatically maximized window in Tkinter.We can use the state() method of Tkinter and invoke it with the attribute "zoomed".root.state("zoomed")The second approach is to use the attributes method of Tkinter with the parameter "-fullscreen" and set it to True.By default, Tkinter creates a window of a predefined size. The dimensions of the window can be customized using the geometry method. For example, root.geometry("700 x 350") Example 1# Import the required libraries from tkinter import * # Create an instance of tkinter frame root=Tk() # Create a label Label(root, ... Read More

Tkinter - How to put an outline on a canvas text

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 26-Oct-2021 13:07:32

2K+ Views

The create_text method of Canvas widget in Tkinter doesn't have an attribute like "outline" or "border" to set an outline around a text object. So, to put an outline on a canvas text, you can follow the steps given below −Steps −Import the required libraries and create an instance of tkinter frame.Set the size of the frame using root.geometry method.Create a Canvas widget and set its height and width. Also, set its background color with background="white".Next, create a text object inside the Canvas using create_text() method. Set the font and color of the text as shown in the example.Get the ... Read More

How to draw an arc on a tkinter canvas?

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 26-Oct-2021 12:58:44

6K+ Views

The Canvas is a rectangular area intended for drawing pictures or other complex layouts. You can place graphics, text, widgets or frames on a Canvas.To draw an arc on a tkinter Canvas, we will use the create_arc() method of the Canvas and supply it with a set of coordinates to draw the arc. We can use create_arc() to create an arc item, which can be a chord, a pieslice, or a simple arc.Steps −Import the required libraries and create an instance of tkinter frame.Set the size of the frame using root.geometry method.Create a Canvas widget and set its height and ... Read More

How to get rid of widget border in Tkinter?

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 26-Oct-2021 12:55:08

10K+ Views

Tkinter comes with different types of widgets such as Button, Entry, Frame, Label, Radiobutton, Scrollbar, etc. Widgets are standard graphical user interface (GUI) elements that display information or help users interact with the system.In this example, we will see how to get rid of the border from a canvas, Entry fields, labels, and buttons.Steps −Import the required libraries and create an instance of tkinter frame.Set the size of the frame using root.geometry method.Next, create a Canvas and set the border width of the canvas with "bd" attribute. Then, use the "highlightthickness" attribute to define whether you want to show the ... Read More

Embedding an Image in a Tkinter Canvas widget using PIL

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 26-Oct-2021 12:51:09

2K+ Views

The Pillow library in Python contains all the basic image processing functionality. It is an open-source library available in Python that adds support to load, process, and manipulate the images of different formats.Let's take a simple example and see how to embed an Image in a Tkinter canvas using Pillow package (PIL). Follow the steps given below −Steps −Import the required libraries and create an instance of tkinter frame.from tkinter import * from PIL import Image, ImageTkSet the size of the frame using root.geometry method.Next, create a Canvas widget using canvas() function and set its height and width.Open an image ... Read More

How to run an infinite loop in Tkinter?

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 26-Oct-2021 12:48:38

7K+ Views

To run an infinite loop in Tkinter, we will use the after method to call a method recursively after a specified time period until the user decides to stop the loop. Let's take a simple example and see how to start and stop an infinite loop.Steps −Import the required libraries and create an instance of tkinter frame.Set the size of the frame using win.geometry method.Next, create a user-defined function "infinite_loop" which will call itself recursively and print a statement on the window.Define two more user-defined functions, start() and stop(), to control the infinite_loop. Define a global variable "condition". Inside start(), ... Read More

How can I determine the position of a Toplevel in Tkinter?

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 26-Oct-2021 12:45:08

1K+ Views

To place objects in the middle of a frame, we can use the place method. Let's take an example and see how it's done.Steps −Import the required libraries and create an instance of tkinter frame.Set the size of the frame using win.geometry method.Next, create a button and label it.Set the position of the buttons using the place method by supplying the x and y coordinate values.Place the center of the widget at a relative x and y position of 0.5 of button widget (relx=0.5, rely=0.5). Set the anchor at the center by supplying "anchor=CENTER"Finally, run the mainloop of the application ... Read More

How to place objects in the middle of a frame using tkinter?

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 26-Oct-2021 12:40:58

3K+ Views

To place objects in the middle of a frame, we can use the place method. Let's take an example and see how it's done.Steps −Import the required libraries and create an instance of tkinter frame.Set the size of the frame using win.geometry method.Next, create a button and label it.Set the position of the buttons using the place method by supplying the x and y coordinate values.Place the center of the widget at a relative x and y position of 0.5 of button widget (relx=0.5, rely=0.5). Set the anchor at the center by supplying "anchor=CENTER"Finally, run the mainloop of the application ... Read More
