Found 19 Articles for Thermodynamics

Hess Law

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Apr-2024 11:21:33


Introduction Hess law was introduced by the Russian Chemist Doctor Germain Hess in the year 1840 where he formulated many principles of thermochemistry. Hess law is an effect of the first law of thermodynamics. But it exists as a single law because of its significance. The calculation of heat of reaction is involved in this law. The first law of thermodynamics states that the enthalpy difference in a particular reaction is equal to the quantity of energy absorbed or discharged during the reaction. Hess law also deals with the energy of a chemical reaction in which it does not depend ... Read More

Gibbs Energy Change

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Apr-2024 12:14:47


Introduction Gibbs Energy Change is connected to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, which says that the system's, as well as surroundings' entropy, must always grow. Entropy is an estimate of the displacement of a system's energy if it can store energy. As a result, Gibbs Free Energy is essential to comprehending numerous equations since it clarifies and simplifies all spontaneous events in the universe. At fixed temperature & pressure, the fraction of internal energy that may be transformed into work is referred to as free energy. Free energy has the qualities of energy, and its value is decided by the ... Read More

Heat Capacity: Relation Between Cp and Cv

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 12:18:57


Introduction Heat capacity or thermal capacity is described as the quantity of heat essential to alter the temperature of an item by 1 unit. Heat capacity is an intrinsic attribute of material & may alternatively be described as the ratio of the quantity of heat absorbed by a system to the shift in temperature. Define Heat Capacity When heat is absorbed by an object, the temperature rises; when heat is released, the temperature falls. The total kinetic energy of the components that comprise a body is measured by its temperature. When heat is absorbed by a body, it is transformed ... Read More

Kelvin Scale

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 11:47:02


Introduction The Kelvin or the kelvin scale is denoted or represented by the symbol K, it is the S.I. unit of temperature (T). It is an absolute (abs) thermodynamic (td) temperature (T) scale, which means it uses absolute zero (0) as its null or zero point. The mathematical formula relating the Celsius and the kelvin scale is- K=°C+273 or, T(K)=T(°C)+273. We can convert this kelvin scale to any other scale and vice-versa using the following formula- (K-273)/100=C/100=(F-32)/180=R/80. The Fahrenheit scale (s) is also a temperature (T) scale. Its S.I. unit is degrees Fahrenheit, and it is denoted by the symbol ... Read More

Kelvin Scale and Celsius Scale

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Mar-2024 11:49:12


Introduction The process of measuring temperature is very important for getting information related to a local region. And this can then be used for an immediate evaluation. There are many discoveries for the making of a proper temperature measurement scale. The device first introduced for the measurement of temperature was the thermoscope. Gabriel Fahrenheit produced the first thermometer in the 18th century, it is a mercury-based one. The Fahrenheit scale is the measuring scale and is still in use. The discoveries further continued for a proper scale for measuring the temperature. Later Anders Celsius introduced the Celsius scale in 1972. ... Read More

Maxwell’s Relations

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 25-Jan-2024 12:47:09


Introduction Maxwell’s contributions to the fields of science span more than a single topic. The equations named after him in electrodynamics form the fundamentals of the topic, while his work on color theory is still regarded as ground-breaking. Indeed, Maxwell presented the first-ever color photography demonstration in 1861. Maxwell’s relations in thermodynamics also carry immense significance. In this article, we will discuss what these relations are, and how they can be derived. What Are Maxwell Relations? Simply put, Maxwell’s relations are a set of equations that relate the derivative of different thermodynamic quantities under different scenarios. They can be arrived ... Read More

Conservation Laws

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:48:34


Introduction Conservation laws balances the universe in a very good manner. A given physical property doesn't often alter with time in an enclosed physical system, according to the conservation law which governs it. Certain sets of principles regulate energy, momentum, angular momentum, mass, and electric charge throughout classical physics. Additional conservation norms in particle physics implement subatomic particle properties that remain constant throughout interactions. The ability to forecast a system's macroscopic behaviour without thinking about the microscopic specifics of how a physical process or chemical reaction would unfold is a key function of conservation laws. What are the Conservation ... Read More

Boltzmann Constant - Definition, Formula, Value, Applications

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 15:41:56


Introduction Boltzmann’s constant is denoted by letter $\mathrm{k_B}$. Certain physical quantities in physics remain constant with time and are universal constants. These are called fundamental physical constants. For example - speed of light (c), Planck's constant $\mathrm{(\hslash)}$, Boltzmann constant $\mathrm{(k_B)}$ are such quantities. Boltzmann constant first time arises in physics in the context of statistical physics. However, its importance is not limited to that field only, today it is used in chemistry, thermodynamics, etc. Boltzmann’s constant was named after the famous physicist Ludwig Boltzmann. He was an Austrian physicist. His greatest contribution was the development of statistical mechanics. He ... Read More

Applications of Boltzmann equation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 15:31:20


Introduction Boltzmann Equation describes the reactions of fluids with temperatures. When a fluid is in motion, the change in the physical amount of thermal energy and momentum is calculated by Boltzmann's equation. This equation is also known as Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE). Thermal conductivity, viscosity, and electrical conductivity of fluids are also obtained by the Boltzmann equation. In 1872 Ludwig Boltzmann developed an equation that classified the statistical reactions of thermodynamics as an unbalanced state. In modern physics, statistical mechanics is one of the most important chapters of physics. Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics is one of the parts of modern ... Read More

Measurement of Enthalpy and Internal Energy Change

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 11:20:55


Introduction Normally, the measurement of enthalpy and internal energy change is carried out by an experimental approach. This approach is known as calorimetry which is an important part of chemistry. It is mainly a technique which is developed on thermometric procedures. Here, a calorimeter is the vessel in which the procedure happens. In this part, the vessel is submerged in a known liquid volume. What is Enthalpy? Enthalpy is the heat energy and it is absorbed during a chemical reaction progression. In this part, enthalpy is represented by H and it indicates the energy amount. The change ... Read More
