Found 719 Articles for Testing Tools

How to create a Javascript executor for making an element visible in Selenium Webdriver?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 07-Apr-2021 09:13:35

1K+ Views

We can create a JavaScript Executor for making an element visible in Selenium webdriver. A hidden element has a style attribute whose value set to display: none.For making an element visible on the page we have set the value of style attribute to block/ inline/ flex/ inline-block. Let us see the html code of an element which is visible(style= display: block) −Now on clicking the Hide button, the Hide/Show Example edit box becomes invisible on the page. Let us now see the html code of the Hide/Show Example edit box in hidden state(style= display: none) −JavaScript Executor can make the ... Read More

Differences Between Selenium and Cucumber

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 07-Apr-2021 09:13:10


There are differences between Selenium and Cucumber are listed below −Sr. No.SeleniumCucumber1It is a test automation framework.It is not a test automation framework.2Primarily used for automation testing of front end applications.Primarily used as a tool for behavior driven development.3Can be written in any programming language like Java, Python, Ruby, C#, and so on.Can be written in Gherkin language.4Developed in Java.Developed in Ruby.5Can only be used by users having technical knowledge.Can be used by users without any technical knowledge.6Less readable compared to Cucumber.Easily readable.7Installation is lengthy and complex compared to Cucumber.Installation is easy.8Conditional statements can be incorporated.Conditional statements cannot be incorporated.9Syntax ... Read More

What's the difference between RSpec and Cucumber in Selenium?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 07-Apr-2021 09:06:11


The differences between RSpec and Cucumber are listed below −Sr. No.RSpecCucumber1A testing framework which gives the option to build and execute tests.A tool which is used to create test cases in plain English text.2Mainly used for integration and unit testing.Mainly used for user acceptance testing.3Utilized for Test Driven Development by developers and for Behavior Driven Development by testers.Utilized for Behavior Driven Development.4Narrates step from a business specification using the Describe, Context and It blocks.Narrates step from a business specification with the Given, When, Then, And, But, and so on keywords.5Code for implementation of a step is available within the Describe, ... Read More

How install Selenium Webdriver with Python?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 28-Aug-2023 12:48:32

30K+ Views

We can install Selenium Webdriver with Python with the following steps.In Linux or MacOS, Python is installed by default. However, in Windows, we have to download Python from the link on "Download Python " button. Once the download is completed, the Python executable file gets saved in our system. Click on this file, and the Python installation landing page gets opened. Then, click on Install Now.Once the installation is completed, Python gets downloaded in the path −C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\PythonWe have to configure the path of the Python folder along with the Scripts folder (generated within the Python folder) in the Environment ... Read More

Automated Software Testing with SpecFlow in Selenium

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 07-Apr-2021 09:03:56


We can have automated software testing with SpecFlow by configuring Selenium in C#. We will use the Visual Studio editor, to develop the Selenium tests using the NUnit framework. Click on Create a new project from the Visual Studio welcome page.Enter NUnit in the search edit box within the Create a new project window. Then choose the option NUnit Test Project(.NET Core) from the result dropdown. Click on Next to proceed.Populate the Project name, Location and click on Create.Once the project is successfully configured, the Setup and Test methods are provided automatically along with the import statement - using NUnit.Framework.Then ... Read More

How can I verify Error Message on a webpage using Selenium Webdriver?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 07-Apr-2021 09:01:10

8K+ Views

We can verify error messages on a webpage using Selenium webdriver using the Assertion. In case, the actual and expected values do not match, an Assertion Error is thrown.Let us try to verify the highlighted error message.Exampleimport org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.testng.Assert; public class VerifyErrorMsg{    public static void main(String[] args) {       System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "C:\Users\ghs6kor\Desktop\Java\geckodriver.exe");       WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();       //implicit wait       driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);       //URL launch       driver.get("");   ... Read More

Handling DropDown And Multiple Select in Webdriver using Selenium

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 07-Apr-2021 08:57:44

14K+ Views

We can handle multi-select dropdown with Selenium webdriver using the Select class. A multi-select dropdown is the one which allows selection of multi options.The Select methods to handle multi-select dropdown are listed below −getOptions – returns the list of all options in the dropdown.Select s = new Select(e); List l = s.getOptions();getFirstSelectedOption– returns the selected option in the dropdown. If there are multi options selected, only the first item shall be returned.Select s = new Select(e); l = s. getFirstSelectedOption();isMultiple – returns a boolean value, yields a true value if the dropdown allows selection of multiple items.Select s = new ... Read More

What is Selenium Internet Explorer Driver or IE Driver?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 07-Apr-2021 08:51:46


Selenium Internet Explorer Driver is used to execute test cases in the Internet Explorer browser. It is a standalone server that establishes a link between our Selenium test and the Internet Explorer browser.We can download the Internet Explorer Driver file from the below link − and click on the download link which is compatible with our local operating system. As the download is done successfully, a zip file gets created. We have to unzip it and save the executable file - IEDriverServer.exe in a location.Next, we shall set the path of the IEDriverServer.exe file using the System.setProperty method. We ... Read More

Selenium with C Sharp - How to perform Explicit Wait method?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 07-Apr-2021 08:50:24

2K+ Views

We can perform explicit wait with Selenium webdriver in C#. This is done to achieve synchronization between our tests and the elements on the page. For implementation of explicit wait, we have to take the help of the WebDriverWait and ExpectedCondition classes.We shall create an object of the WebDriverWait class. The webdriver waits tillspecified wait time waiting for the expected condition for an element is satisfied.After the time has elapsed, an exception is raised by Selenium.The explicit waits are dynamic in nature which means if we have an explicit wait of five seconds and the expected condition is met at ... Read More

How to do DataDriven testing in specflow api using Selenium?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 07-Apr-2021 08:48:49


We can do data driven testing in SpecFlow with/without the Examples keyword. In case we are not using the keyword Examples, then we have to send the data from the steps (enclosed in '') in the Feature file.Feature File ImplementationFeature: Launching application Scenario: Launch URL Given User hits URL ''ExampleStep Definition File Implementationusing System; using TechTalk.SpecFlow; namespace SpecFlowProject1.Features{    [Binding]    public class LaunchingApplicationSteps{       [Given(@"User hits URL '(.*)'")]       public void GivenUserHitsURL(string url){          Console.WriteLine(url);       }    } }OutputNext, we will perform the data driven testing using the Examples ... Read More
