Found 719 Articles for Testing Tools

Keyword Driven Testing Framework with Example

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 22-Sep-2021 11:20:32

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Keyword-driven TestingKeyword-driven testing is a functional testing, also called table-driven testing or action-wordbased testing. In this testing, a table format is used, most likely a spreadsheet, to define keywords for a function to be executed.Basically, it is a scripting technique which uses data files to contain keywords that are related to the software under testing. These keywords represent a set of actions needed to execute a specific step. It includes high-level and low-level keywords, as well as keyword arguments, that is composed to define the action of a test case.The testing starts by identifying a set of keywords, then associating ... Read More

Do Testers have to Write Code?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 22-Sep-2021 11:10:25

3K+ Views

A common query that keeps running in the mind of every IT aspirant is: do software testers have to write or learn code? In this article, we will be discussing the solution to this question. Software testing can be done manually as well as through automation. We will be discussing what skills a good tester must possess, what all knowledge they must have, and how much coding knowledge a good tester must have.Before answering this question, we must understand various software testing roles. Quality assurance (QA) testing in software testing is primarily divided into two broad categories −Quality Analysts − ... Read More

Cookie Testing: Example Test Cases for Website

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 22-Sep-2021 11:06:54

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The Basics of CookiesWe'll start by discussing what cookies are and how they operate. When you understand how cookies operate, it will be much easier for you to comprehend the test cases for testing cookies. How can cookies end up on your computer's hard drive? Also, how can we change our Cookie preferences?What Exactly Is a Cookie?A cookie is a little piece of data that a web server stores in a text file on the user are hard disc. The web browser then uses this information to obtain information from that machine.The cookie, in general, includes customized user data or information ... Read More

Backend Testing Tutorial (What is, Tools, Examples)

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 22-Sep-2021 11:01:05

2K+ Views

Backend TestingBacked testing is a method or technique that examines the server of database side of web applications or software. The primary motive of performing this test is to test the application layer or database layer to make the software defect-free, and prevent deadlock, data corruption, or data loss. For seamless and efficient working of a software, its GUI and database must interact with each other. Usually, databases are validated for: ACID functions, CRUD operations, Schema, Migration, business rule conformance, security purposes and performance.This testing is also referred to as "database testing". The data entered through the frontend is stored ... Read More

What is White Box Testing? Techniques, Example, Types & Tools

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 20-Aug-2021 08:38:11

3K+ Views

Testing in a White BoxWhite Box Testing is a software examining technique that involves testing the product's underlying structure, design, and coding in order to verify input-output flow and improve design, usability, and security. White box testing is also known as Clear box testing, Open box testing, transparent box testing, Code-based testing, and Glass box testing since the code is visible to the testers.It's one of two components of the software testing approach known as Box Testing. Blackbox testing, on the other hand, entails testing from an external or end-user perspective. White box testing, on the other hand, is focused ... Read More

What is Thread Testing in Software Testing?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 20-Aug-2021 08:36:44

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Thread testing is client-server-based testing to verify the primary function of an application. It is used to determine whether the application can run a specific task or thread or not.Why Thread Testing is important?Software is split into several threads with each thread running a specific task. When all components of the software are integrated, it is time for the developer to ensure the program runs as expected. For example, if it is a banking app, then the developer must make sure the app can execute all the transactions as per the client’s requirement. This is where thread testing comes to ... Read More

What is Recovery Testing? With Example

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 20-Aug-2021 08:33:05


Recovery testing is system-based testing that ensures the system is capable of recovering from a failure. The process involves testing the system recovery process by voluntarily causing system failure. Besides testing the system fault-tolerance capabilities, the testing engineer also checks whether the system can resume itself within a pre-defined time. Recovery testing is an essential part of system testing that is a top requisite for mission-critical system-related such as defense systems, medical devices, banking, etc.Testing criteria of Recovery Testing process:Software or system is expected to recover from failures when −There is a loss of wireless signalThe external device doesn’t respondThe ... Read More

What is Parallel Testing? (Definition, Approach, Example)

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 20-Aug-2021 08:32:10


Most companies, especially the one who develops small-sized applications are still ignorant to parallel testing. However, what these companies don't comprehend is the future is changing dynamically. Nowadays, users want an extensive range of functions in a single application. To cater to users' demands, you are bound to expand your applications in the coming times. When the stakes are high, and time-in-hand is low, then parallel testing is the answer.This article attempts to give you a fair idea about the importance of parallel testing, its implementation, and how it can change the landscape of testing solutions.What is Parallel Testing?Parallel testing ... Read More

What is Module Testing? (Definition, Examples)

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 20-Aug-2021 08:31:08

3K+ Views

A software application contains an integration of various modules. Modules are programs written in a specific language consisting of subprograms, subroutines, functions, classes, and procedures. Module testing is a process where you need to test each unit of these modules to ensure they adhered to the best coding standards. Unless a module passes the testing phase, it cannot go for the application testing process.Module testing, aka component testing, helps to early detection of errors in application testing. This can be a massive relief for testers during the later stage of testing. Module testing is a gateway to parallel testing that ... Read More

What is Domain Testing in Software Testing?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 20-Aug-2021 08:30:06

6K+ Views

Domain testing is a testing process where the software is tested to ensure it doesn't accept invalid or out-of-range values. The output is tested against a minimum number of inputs to see whether the system is accepting the input within the required range or not. The white box testing is a perfect example of domain testing.What is White Box Testing?In this process, testing engineers test the internal structure, coding, and software design, making sure it goes with the input-output flow. It also determines the design, usability, and overall security of the software. Since the code is visible to the testers, ... Read More
