Found 166 Articles for Technology

Google Photos Powered with AI can Share Your Photos Automatically

Sharon Christine
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 07:54:30


How often your friends and family members call you to share their photos you have photographed on your mobile in a barbecue party or family function? Many times, isn’t it? It is quite common that in our busy schedule we often forget to share the photos with them. We keep delaying the things just to avoid the time and efforts required to choose the photos of theirs and then sharing with them. And due to that, we used to hear a lot of flak from all the corners, especially from the persons in the photos.Sometimes, you share the snaps in ... Read More

Gadgets You Can Control Just With Your Mind

Sharon Christine
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 07:42:22


In sci-fi movies and literature we come across thought-controlled devices, UFOs and so on. If that technology is mind-blowing, be ready to use it as it is already here. You can move just about anything with just your mind using these cutting edge devices.In this article, we will learn about gadgets out there in the market that allow your brain to command and control real-world tasks like using your smartphone and even move virtual characters in computer and video games just with your thoughts. Let’s dive in for more information on this interesting topic.Emotiv EPOCThe award-winning Emotiv Epoc is a ... Read More

Essential – An Amazing Phone From the Creator of Android

Sharon Christine
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 07:05:17


Do you want to change your phone because of some features which you don’t like at all? And for that reason, are you thinking to buy a new one? That happens, though you love your phone the most still there are few things which you don’t like at all. There are some unnecessary features pointlessly cluttering your lives. You may want to get rid of them but you are helpless as they are inbuilt features, thus cannot be simply removed, isn’t it?.You are not alone, many people feel the same. Even the creator of Android also thinks that the current ... Read More

Coming Up- Brain Wave Conversations with Your Computer From Facebook

Sharon Christine
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 06:43:51


Have you ever wished to write a long email on your laptop or desktop without typing on the keyboard? Isn’t it great if all your writing jobs can be completed without touching the keyboard giving your fingers the much-needed rest? And, how about chatting with your friends on a social media platform without using the tiny keyboard of your phone?.Just imagine how amazing it will be, when you can able to prepare your presentation or replying to your boss’s email by transmitting thoughts directly to computer without the keyboard, or any other input devices. Isn’t it great? But can it ... Read More

What is the foreseeable future of WEARABLE DEVICES?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 12:13:23


One of the most electrifying fields in consumer technology is ‘wearable devices.’ Indeed 2014 was dubbed as the ‘Year of Wearable Technology;’ and by 2018, the technology is expected to peg at $27 billion.Their existence began way back in the 17th century with Abacus Ring, 1780 Pedometer to Exoskeleton in 1965, moving towards digital watch in 1972, bluetooth headset in 2000, GoPro in 2004, Pebble in 2012, Google Glass and fitness bands in 2013, Google Cardboard in 2014, and Spectacles in 2016.What is a wearable device?A technology worn on the human body is known as a wearable device or wearable ... Read More

Top 10 Augmented Reality (AR) Technologies

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 11:13:52


Augmented Reality (AR) has often been touted as a forward-thinking technology. However, it has been around for some years now. Moreover, it has been evolving and becoming more sturdy and flawless with time.AR refers to the blurred line between the real and virtual world due to the integration of the user’s environment and the digital interface (in real time). While Virtual Reality (VR) constructs computer generated interactive environments, AR deals with computer-generated images overlaying the user’s real view, thereby creating an amalgamated view of both the virtual and augmented worlds. This further presents the sentiments of being closer to the ... Read More

The World of Smartphones and Where it is Heading!!

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 06-May-2022 13:33:35


In this era of digital technology, we are habituated of things being handy. like you don’t know something – Google it, and we don’t need an iPad or a laptop for googling things, just a smartphone that comes with this smart technology. In fact, we may forget to have breakfast in the morning, but not our smartphones. Be it for googling, for social networking, not to forget the selfies and games, of course.Now, talking about smartphones, I remember the exploding smartphone. That’s not the name; recently while travelling my way back to home, my flight attendant was announcing all the ... Read More

Technologies Commonly Used by Startups

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 10:21:07


As you decide on the factors affecting your choices, you can now narrow down from the technology options available to a controllable set. It is imperative for startups to take on best practices along with choosing the right technology (tech.) stacks for their business to grow.Typical Tech StackApplications have two ends – the front-end (client side) and the back-end (server side). For eg. on the server side, the applications could be the operating system, the web server, database, programming language and the web framework. These are stacked one on the top of the other with the web framework at the ... Read More

Opportunities in Digital India

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 08:12:02


Discussion and debate around the topic “Digital” and “Digital India” has increased in the past few years after the initiation of Digital India program by Government of India. GOI’s aim of bringing digital in governance, among people has increased in the recent years, where most of the government organization and services are migrated towards digital format. As a result of migration towards the digital life or digital India, opportunities for techies have increased. It has also influenced in the creation of large number of Startup communities in India.In this article, we are going to see the opportunities for the young ... Read More

Machine Learning – The Intelligent Machine

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 06:44:03


In simple words, we can say that machine learning is the competency of the software to perform a single or series of tasks intelligently without being programmed for those activities. This is part of Artificial Intelligence. Normally, the software behaves the way the programmer programmed it; while machine learning is going one step further by making the software capable of accomplishing intended tasks by using statistical analysis and predictive analytics techniques.You may have noticed that whenever we like or comment a friend’s pictures or videos on a social media site, the related images and videos are posted earlier and keeps ... Read More
