Found 19 Articles for System

Logical Clock in Distributed System

Diksha Patro
Updated on 03-May-2023 18:13:29

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In a distributed system, multiple machines are working together, and each machine may have its own clock. still, these clocks may not be accompanied with each other, and there's no single clock that can be used to order events globally. Logical clocks give a way to handle this by assigning each event a logical timestamp, which can be used to order events and establish reason between them, indeed if they do on different machines. In substance, logical clocks give a way to produce a virtual global timepiece that's consistent across all machines in a distributed system. Scalar Time Implementation There ... Read More

Linear Scheduling Method in Operating System

Diksha Patro
Updated on 03-May-2023 16:55:42


Introduction Linear Scheduling Method is a scheduling algorithm designed for real-time systems in which tasks must be completed within specific time frames to ensure the system's proper operation. It is a straightforward algorithm that assigns tasks based on their deadlines and provides them with fixed time slices to complete their execution. In this article, we will learn about the Linear Scheduling Method its various elements, its advantages and disadvantages of usage in an Operating System What is Linear Scheduling Method in Operating System? The tasks in LSM are arranged in a linear order, and the scheduler moves through the list, ... Read More

Least Slack Time (LST) scheduling Algorithm in real-time systems

Diksha Patro
Updated on 03-May-2023 16:29:03

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The Least Slack Time (LST) scheduling algorithm is a real-time scheduling algorithm that prioritizes tasks based on the amount of time remaining before a task's deadline. The LST algorithm's basic idea is to schedule the task with the least slack time first because it has the least amount of time before its deadline. Real-time systems are intended to handle tasks or jobs with strict time constraints. These tasks are frequently carried out in a periodic or ad hoc fashion, with each task having a specific deadline by which it must be completed. Real-time scheduling algorithms aid in the completion of ... Read More

Components of Information System

Updated on 03-May-2023 10:33:31

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The information system is the process of correct management and flow of data in a system such that the information reaches its correct receiver. It also collects data, analyzes them, and communicates the appropriate information to users of the information system. It is mostly used in organizations for data collection and distribution. It is also used to establish a communication system with customers to manage various operations. It is a collection of hardware, software, and other elements which work together in correct sync to establish its fundamental requirement. This system accepts various formats of data and performs different types ... Read More

Difference Between DCS and SCADA

Md. Sajid
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:00:09

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A DCS and SCADA are used for industrial automation to control and monitor processes; they are designed for different applications. SCADA is used for monitoring and basic control of geographically scattered operations, whereas DCS is used for exact control of complicated processes. Read this article to find out more about DCS and SCADA and how they are different from each other. What is DCS? The term DCS refers to a type of control system used in industrial processes to control and monitor numerous process variables. A DCS is a sophisticated system that controls and optimises a plant or ... Read More

Difference Between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 14:38:29

5K+ Views

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Intelligence are two distinct concepts that are often compared and contrasted with each other. AI is a rapidly growing field that aims to develop machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and perception. Human intelligence, on the other hand, is the cognitive ability of humans that allows them to understand and interact with the world around them. While AI and human intelligence share some similarities, there are significant differences between the two. What is Artificial Intelligence? AI is also sometimes referred to as machine intelligence which was ... Read More

Difference Between Additive Colors and Subtractive Colors

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 13:52:12

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Colors are an integral part of our daily lives, and we experience them in various forms, from natural environments to digital screens. Understanding the properties and characteristics of colors is crucial for artists, designers, photographers, and anyone who deals with visual aesthetics. Two fundamental color systems that are used in art, printing, and digital media are additive colors and subtractive colors. What are Additive Colors? Adaptive synthesis is based on adding or adding individual wavelengths. This method is simpler to describe by adding three light beams, red, green, and blue. It is possible to achieve a wide range of different ... Read More

Difference between AVR and PIC

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 10:25:03

3K+ Views

A microcontroller is a small processing device which is primarily designed to perform specific functions within a large system. For example, a microcontroller is used in an air conditioner to automatically control and adjust the temperature of a room. The main parts that a microcontroller has are: central processing unit (CPU), memory unit, and I/O interfaces. All these components of the microcontroller are formed on a single chip. A microcontroller can be programmed using various programming languages like C language, assembly language, etc. to perform a specific function. Microcontrollers are widely used in a variety of electronic devices, such as ... Read More

Raspberry Pi Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 17:11:47


What is Raspberry Pi? Raspberry Pi is a small computer whose size is similar to that of a credit card. You can plug the computer into a monitor or TV and use standard keyboard and mouse as input devices. The system can help you to make programs in Python and Scratch languages. You can do everything on this computer in the same way as on its desktop counterpart. You can play games, work on word processing software, spread sheets, and many more. Why Raspberry Pi Alternatives? There are a few disadvantages with Raspberry Pi which are listed below − ... Read More
