Found 10 Articles for Structure of Atom

J J Thomson's Atomic Model and Its Limitations

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Mar-2024 11:53:08


Introduction British researcher J.J. Thomson revealed that the atom was made up of many tiny components designed to transport electrical charge. During Thomson's study, scientists believed that atoms were fundamentally neutral. Thomson claimed that atoms included microscopic -ve particles floating over a +ve charged fluid. The plum pudding model is another name for this model. What do we understand by an Atomic Model? The atomic model is the framework that describes the composition & structure of the atom, and it has evolved over the years. The atom has been extensively studied as a constituent of the cosmos to comprehend ... Read More

Degenerate Orbitals

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 08-Mar-2024 13:26:47


Introduction Degenerate orbitals are the same subshell electron orbitals with the same energy level. These degenerate orbitals always exist if the magnetic field does not interfere with them. The degeneracy interferes with how the magnetic field is used. Learning about matter and chemical compounds through visualisation is a key component of the chemistry curriculum. Here, through comprehending the meaning of degenerate orbitals and the related concepts of the Aufbau Principle and Hund's Rule, we will learn the fundamental structure of the atom. Hund's Maximum Multiplication Rule According to Hund's Rule of Maximum Multiplicity, the phrase with the greatest number ... Read More

Discovery of Electron

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 11:21:22


Introduction Electrons $\mathrm{([e^{-})]}$ are atom particles, just as atoms are matter substructures. These atoms can't be formed or destroyed. Until the discovery of electrons $\mathrm{([e^{-})]}$ atoms was thought to be the smallest unit of a particle. Some of the fundamental properties of atoms were revealed by the tests employed in the discovery of the electron $\mathrm{([e^{-})]}$ . Because the electron $\mathrm{([e^{-})]}$ was the first subatomic particle found, it is regarded as a watershed moment in physics. It turned out to be 1 of the most essential for describing the chemical bond in today's chemistry as well as physics. Thomson Cathode ... Read More

Difference Between Atomic Mass and Atomic Weight

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Feb-2024 10:07:46


Introduction Atomic mass, as well as atomic weight, constitute 2 factors used by experts to determine the no. of protons, neutrons, as well as electrons in an atom. Atomic weight is often more precise since it considers the various masses of the 3 particles. The mass-to-mass proportion is therefore obtained by dividing the relative weights of every individual element by its total. Both are not quite equivalent terms; atomic mass primarily contains protons as well as neutrons within the analysis, but atomic weight additionally contains electron mass. It is often known as 'relative atomic mass' as well as 'molecular weight.' ... Read More

Electronic Configuration of Iron

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 12:09:03


Introduction The electronic configuration is very important for knowing the distribution or representation of electrons present in an atom of an element. The electronic configuration is important for all the structural identification of elements present in our nature. Each element has a distinct number of electrons and so they all have different electronic configurations. Each group present in the periodic table shows a common outer electronic configuration. It was first proposed by the scientist Bohr in the Bohr model of atoms. Iron is a metallic element found in group 8 and period 4 with an atomic number of 26. It ... Read More

Electron Configuration

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 12:35:24


Introduction The distribution of electrons within an atomic subshell is described by the electronic configuration. The overview of prediction of the position of the electrons surrounding a nucleus is called an electron configuration. The electron no. in every neutral atom is the same as the proton no. Now, we'll organize those electrons such that they stand about the nucleus which shows their energy and the orbital type in which they are situated. Depending on their energy, electrons occupy orbitals in a certain order. What are Electronic Configurations? The distribution of electrons within an atomic subshell is described by ... Read More

De Broglie Relationship

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Feb-2024 11:23:26


Introduction Louis de Broglie introduced his research work in the year 1924, in which he suggested that electrons (e-) have both waves as well as particle properties, like light. He reorganised the conditions of the Plank-Einstein relation so that they could be applied to all types of matter. This nature has been explained as dual matter behaviour. He derived a relationship between matter momentum as well as wavelength based on his findings. The De Broglie Relationship is the name given to this type of relationship. Bohr's model did not explain many concepts relevant to the spectrum of numerous atoms as ... Read More

Difference Between Orbit and Orbitals

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Feb-2024 10:03:36


Introduction We often confuse orbits with orbitals as are the same things but this is completely a misconception. There is a major difference between orbits and orbitals. We know that electrons revolve around the nucleus, these pathways in which electron revolves are known as orbits. In these pathways, there is a particular space where the electron exits. These spaces in a 3-dimensional figure are known as orbitals. We will understand this in more broad ways Let’s understand this concept. What is Orbit? We know that in an atomic structure there are electrons, nuclei, and protons. The electrons are negatively charged ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 15:19:31


Introduction The basic constituent of all the matters in our nature is atoms. And atoms are composed of small components called subatomic particles. They are the basic constituents of atoms. Protons, neutrons, and electrons are the 3 subatomic particles. The nucleus is the one that possesses the total mass of atoms. A nucleus is composed of two subatomic particles: neutrons and protons. So, the subatomic particle electrons are massless species. Numerous experiments and theories proposed by scientists lead to the discovery of these subatomic particles. Several years ago, it was considered that an atom is an indivisible constituent of matter. ... Read More

Bohrs Model

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction The Bohr atomic model was proposed in 1913 by a Danish physicist named Neil Bohr. He improved on Rutherford's model of an atom. Rutherford explained that in an atom, the nucleus is positively charged and surrounded by electrons (negatively charged particles). Bohr amended Rutherford's concept stating that electrons travel around in fixed orbital shells. He also stated that each orbital shell has a set of energy levels. As a result, Rutherford essentially defined an atom's nucleus, whereas Bohr advanced the model. He talked about electrons and the many energy levels that they have. Postulates of Bohrs Atomic Model ... Read More
