Found 455 Articles for Software Testing

Difference between Functional and Non-functional Testing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 14:34:31

4K+ Views

Testing is the most important stage in the process of delivery of any application or software, as it not only validates the quality of an application but also provides an opportunity to the developer to improve its product. Every application is developed as per the requirements of a customer/client. So, on the basis of testing the functionality of an application based on these requirements and testing the usability and performance, we can distinguish between Functional and Non-functional Testing. Read this article to learn more about functional and non-functional testing and how they are different from each other. What is Functional ... Read More

Difference between Waterfall Model and RAD Model

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 02-Dec-2022 06:03:58

4K+ Views

The most basic difference between the waterfall model and the RAD model is that the waterfall model is a linearly-sequential life cycle model of software development in which software testing is done after the completion of all coding phases. On the other hand, RAD (Rapid Application Development) is an incremental model of software development. Read through this article to find out more about the waterfall model and the RAD model and how they are different from each other. What is Waterfall Model? Waterfall Model is the classical model of software development where each phase of software development is completed in ... Read More

Difference between Performance Testing and Load Testing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 15:09:23

5K+ Views

Performance testing is a type of testing that is performed for verifying the performance of a system and to monitor the behavior of the system under stress. It tells about the reliability, stability, response time, and scalability of a system. On the other hand, load testing is primarily aimed for identifying the behavior of a system under the expected load. Read this article to learn more about performance testing and load testing and how they are different from each other. What is Performance Testing? Performance testing is performed over the software to test its performance under a particular workload for ... Read More

Difference between Performance Testing and Stress Testing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 15:11:15

2K+ Views

Testing is an important stage in the process of delivery of any software product. It not only validates the quality of a software product but also provides an opportunity to the developer to improve its product. There are various types of software testing which are carried out to test different aspects of a software product. In this article, we will concentrate our focus on Performance Testing and Stress Testing. The most basic difference between these two types of testing is that performance testing is performed to check the performance of a software, website, network, etc. for different load conditions, while ... Read More

How to Start with Mobile Testing?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 11-May-2022 11:27:00


A mobile device has become a very important device in today’s technology-enabled world. Hence, it becomes really important to have a device which is dependable and robust, which has been correctly tested. Mobile Testing is a process of testing the quality of the mobile devices. The testing will be conducted on both software and hardware, including the mobile apps. For testing a mobile, we include various parts of a mobile, like hardware, software, apps, widgets, User Interface, and properties.They are different Mobile Operating systems which are available in the market. Some of the major systems being used are Android, IOS, ... Read More

How Automation Testing Changed the Perspective?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 06:27:55


Software Test Automation has surely changed the way software testing used to happen in the industry. Earlier, the tester is supposed to test what developer has developed – No questions asked. However, with the changing trend, testers have started taking the rope in their hand. Now, developers and testers are at par or we should say ahead and more responsible in project management. Now, the testers have to not only just check the functionality, but also need to check the performance and compatibility.Quality has become the center point now. The competition has moved from quantity to quality. But, even after ... Read More

HP ALM/QC – A Testing Tool to look for!

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 13:04:36

3K+ Views

HP ALM is an Application Lifecycle Management software by Hewlett Pawkward. It is a test management tool which covers almost everything which is a part of Test Management Process. The tool has gracefully upgraded itself within the due course of time. It has covered a long journey from being a Test Director to HP ALM, today. It is currently the best tool to cover most of the testing activities and provides a report on almost everything.Over time, this tool has been renamed multiple times, from “Test Director” to Quality Center (QC) and now to HP ALM (for Application Lifecycle Management). ... Read More

Cloud Testing- Beginning of a New Era of Possibilities

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 07:27:42


Isn’t it costly to buy mobile devices each time a new version comes up, to test your mobile applications? Off course, it is certainly a costly affair to keep acquiring those mobile devices physically as the new versions and operating systems are kept on releasing in regular intervals.But you cannot just stop purchasing the devices and restricts your testing to a certain limits, which surely gives your competitors an advantage to have a better functioning application than yours.Worried! No worries, every dark cloud have a silver lining You can test your mobile applications on as many devices of different versions ... Read More

Automation Frameworks – Implement to Reap The Advantages

Sharon Christine
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 06:31:45


You can cross a busy road of the street just by rushing from one side to the other side without following any rules. But that can be dangerous for you, chances of you being hit by a car or any other vehicles are very high. But at the same time, if you follow the simple traffic rules to look both the sides of the road before crossing it can save you from falling victims of road accidents. Isn’t it?Similarly, you can perform the automation testing without implementing any framework, just buy an automation tool and start doing the testing. That’s ... Read More

Automate Mobile Testing to Win The Race

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 06:28:27


“Do it today, tomorrow may be too late” is the mantra of today’s corporate world to win the race against time, and multiplies their chances to win more new opportunities. There is immense pressure on the project team to complete the work on and before the D-Day, and then launch the highest quality product to the market before the competitors can do that. Therefore, the biggest challenge for the team is to complete the work in a short span of time without compromising the quality of the product. This cannot be achieved only by doing the work manually or in ... Read More
