Found 455 Articles for Software Testing

Verification and Validation with Example

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 17-Dec-2021 11:05:02

14K+ Views

In software testing, what is the difference between verification and validation?The phrases "verification" and "validation" are regularly used in the context of testing. Most of the time, we mistakenly confuse the two words, although they are really extremely distinct.V&V (Verification & Validation) assignments are divided into two categories −Conforms to specifications (Producer view of quality)Suitable for usage (consumers view of quality)Simply put, the developer's impression of the completed product is referred to as the producer's view of quality.The user's perspective of the completed product is referred to as consumer perception quality.When doing V&V duties, we must keep both of these ... Read More

Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) Phases

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 02-Dec-2021 06:08:16

1K+ Views

The Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a term that refers to the process of testing software.The Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a set of actions that are carried out during the testing process to guarantee that software quality objectives are satisfied. Both verification and validation are part of the STLC process. Software testing is not merely a single/isolated operation, contrary to the common notions. It comprises a set of operations that are carried out in a methodical manner to assist with the certification of your software product. Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is an acronym for Software Testing ... Read More

Project Management Life Cycle Phases

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 02-Dec-2021 06:04:45

3K+ Views

What is a Project Management Life Cycle?The Project Management Life Cycle is a set of tasks that must be completed in order for a project's goals or targets to be met. It's a structure that outlines the steps involved in turning an idea into a reality. Projects may have various dimensions and degrees of complexity, but they can all be mapped to the Project Management life cycle framework, regardless of their size.What is a Project Management Life Cycle, and how does it work?Phases of the Project Management Life CyclePhase One: BeginPhase of PreparationPhase of ExecutionPhases of monitoring, controlling, and closingPhases ... Read More

What is a Grey Box Testing?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 02-Dec-2021 05:56:36


Greybox testing (GBT) is a software testing method that includes judging a software program based on a limited understanding of its core functions. It is a combination of the two since it offers access to internal coding to construct test cases as white box testing and testing techniques are performed at the functionality level as black-box testing.GreyBox testing (GBT) is a popular method for identifying contextspecific issues in online applications. For example, if a tester finds a fault during testing, he fixes the code and retests it in real time. In order to improve testing coverage, it focuses on all ... Read More

What is Front-end Testing? Tools & Frameworks

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 02-Dec-2021 05:53:54


Front-end TestingFront end testing is an approach or a technique in which we test the GUI (graphical user interface), functionalities and usage of a web application or a software. The aim of performing front end testing is to test all the functionalities in order to ensure that the presentation layer of the application or software under testing is free of defects or bugs.Consider, you enter your details into the frontend of a web application, however numbers should not be accepted. Another similar example would be to check the alignment of the graphical user interface (GUI) elements.Front end testing is performed ... Read More

What is Dynamic Testing? (Types, Techniques, Example)

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 02-Dec-2021 06:36:23

1K+ Views

Dynamic TestingIn software testing, dynamic testing is a method or technique performed to test the dynamic behavior of the software code. This testing is performed mainly to test the behavior of the software product with dynamic variables or variables that are not constant and to detect the weak or vulnerable areas in the software runtime environment. The software code should be executed to test the dynamic behavior of the software product.Testing takes 2 Vs to complete the testing process and combines verification and validation. Of these 2 Vs, verification is known as static testing, and validation is referred to as ... Read More

What is Configuration Testing? Example Test Cases

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 02-Dec-2021 05:27:54

2K+ Views

Configuration TestingConfiguration testing is a software testing approach in which a software application is tested with a variety of software and hardware combinations in order to analyze functional requirements and determine the best configurations in which the software application operates without errors or flaws.Configuration testing, as previously stated, is a type of software testing in which the application under test must be evaluated using different combinations of software and hardware.Example of Configuration TestingLet's look at an example of a desktop application to see how this works −In general, desktop apps are either two-tier or three-tier. Here, we'll look at a ... Read More

Test Case vs Test Scenario – What’s the Difference?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 02-Dec-2021 05:18:12

5K+ Views

What does the Test Case entail?A test case is a set of criteria that a tester uses to verify whether or not a software application is meeting the customer's requirements.Preconditions, case name, input conditions, and intended outcome are all included in the test case design. A test case is a basic activity that is derived from test scenarios.It is a comprehensive document that comprises all potential inputs (both positive and negative) as well as navigation instructions for the test execution process. Writing test cases is a one-time effort that may be reused for regression testing in the future.The test case ... Read More

Software Testing Techniques with Test Case Design Examples

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 02-Dec-2021 05:12:52


What are the different types of software testing techniques?Software Testing Techniques assist you in creating more effective test cases. Manual Testing Techniques help reduce the number of test cases to be executed while increasing test coverage because exhaustive testing is not possible. They aid in the detection of test circumstances that might otherwise be difficult to detect.Boundary Values Analysis (BVA)Boundary value analysis is a type of testing that takes place at the intersections of partitions. Maximum, minimum, inside or outside boundaries, typical values, and error values are all included.The limits of the defined input values, rather than the center, are ... Read More

Software Testing Methodologies – Learn QA Models

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 01-Dec-2021 06:40:20


What is Software Testing Methodology?The tactics and testing kinds utilized to ensure that the Application Under Test satisfies customer requirements are referred to as software testing methodology. To validate the AUT, test methodologies include functional and non-functional testing. Unit testing, integration testing, system testing, performance testing, and other testing methodologies are examples. A test objective, test strategy, and deliverables are all outlined in each testing methodology.Many firms use the terms Development Methodologies and Testing Methodologies interchangeably since Software Testing is a vital aspect of any Development Methodology. In contrast to the previous definition of Testing Methodologies, Testing Methodologies might also ... Read More
