Found 455 Articles for Software Testing

Stability Testing in Software Testing

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 27-Apr-2021 07:21:27


There are many occasions where websites/applications have to run continuously for weeks/months without restarting the server. Since the number of users in such websites is exceedingly high, owners must ensure that users can access the website without facing any issues.The testers' role in such situations is to make sure these websites don't face any failure or memory leakage when exposed to high traffic. Under stability test, testers revealed these websites till their breakpoint and check how the system responds to such load. Systems can crash or slows down under heavy load. It can also act erratically in some cases. Therefore, stability ... Read More

A Career in Software Testing: Tester Qualifications, Salary & Future

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 27-Apr-2021 07:18:46


Software Testing is a fast-growing field and if you are one of the thousands of aspirants looking to build a career in it, this Software Testing Career guide will help you understand what the testing job is all about and what salary testing jobs provide.What is Software Testing?Walk into any clothes showroom in a mall, and you will notice a room with "Testing" written on its door where you can check whether or not the clothes you like fit you, or look good on you.The word 'testing' is used to determine whether a product satisfies someone's requirement or not. The ... Read More

Difference Between Waterfall Model and Spiral Model

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 06:44:17

3K+ Views

In this post, we will understand the difference between waterfall model and spiral model −Waterfall ModelIt works in sequential method.The errors and risks are identified and rectified after the stages are completed.It is generally used by customers.It can be used with small projects.The requirements and early stage planning is important and required.It is not flexible.It is difficult to make changes in a waterfall model.It involves a high amount of risk.It is comparatively less expensive.Following is the representation of Waterfall Model −Spiral ModelIt works in evolutionary method.The errors and risks are identified and rectified before the stages are complete.It is generally ... Read More

Difference Between Manual and Automated Testing

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 06:36:24


In this post, we will understand the difference between manual and automated testing −Automation TestingIt uses automation tools to execute the test cases.It is fast in comparison to a manual approach.It doesn’t allow random testing to be performed.The initial investment is high.The return on investment is better in the long run.It is reliable.It is performed by tools and scripts.There is no testing fatigue in it.Even for a trivial change, automated test scripts have to be modified.It is expensive.All the stakeholders can login to the automation system and check the results of execution.It doesn’t involve human; hence it can’t assure being ... Read More

What is Scalability Testing?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 18-Mar-2021 11:06:06


What is Scalability Testing and Learn with ExampleA system/application must have the capability to function flawlessly under excessive load. Scalability testing features the process where the efficiency of a system is tested based on a growing number of user requests, data volume, transactions, and user traffic. The developers identify the points where the system stops responding to changes and dig deeper to find its reasons.Salient features of Scalability TestingIt tells you how the application behaves under heavy loadIt let you know the limitation of the app in terms of user experienceIt helps you determine the efficiency and limits of the ... Read More

What is Volume Testing?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 18-Mar-2021 10:59:00


Volume Testing, aka Flood Testing, is a non-functional test used to see the software or application's performance when introduced to a high volume of data. The volume here refers to the size of the database or the file subjected to the test.Under the volume testing, the developers will keep adding data until the database reaches its threshold. Then the system will be analyzed for its response.For example, you want to add 1000 new products under the "TV" category on your eCommerce site. Before adding those entries into the database, you must ensure whether your site can handle such an extensive ... Read More

What is Testing as a Service (TaaS Model)?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 21-Apr-2022 07:24:39


Testing as a Service or TaaS is a process where an organization outsources its testing services from a third party. A business can rent infrastructure, buy testing tools and software on pay per use basis, or handover their entire testing responsibilities to a third-party service provider.TaaS is generally used for automated testing processes, which requires a massive amount of resources if done manually. The resources could be staff, time, money, or technology.Classification of TaaSTaaS is an umbrella covering a wide range of functional and non-functional testing procedures. It helps organizations enjoy customized and comprehensive support of an experienced testing team ... Read More

Object-oriented Life Cycle Model in Software Engineering

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 07:09:15

15K+ Views

The object-oriented life cycle model considers 'objects' as the basis of the software engineering process. The development team starts by observing and analyzing the system they intend to develop before defining the requirements. Once the process is over, they focus on identifying the objects of the system. Now, an object could be anything; it can have a physical existence like a customer, car, etc. An object also constitutes intangible elements like a process or a project.Advantages of Object-Oriented Life Cycle ModelApart from enhancing the system performance, object-oriented programming offers some advantages such as:Since it is data-focused and easy to work ... Read More

Life Cycle Phases of Data Analytics

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 06:56:52

5K+ Views

Life Cycle Phases of Data AnalyticsThe Data Analytics Lifecycle is a cyclic process which explains, in six stages, how information in made, collected, processed, implemented, and analyzed for different objectives.Data DiscoveryThis is the initial phase to set your project's objectives and find ways to achieve a complete data analytics lifecycle. Start with defining your business domain and ensure you have enough resources (time, technology, data, and people) to achieve your goals.The biggest challenge in this phase is to accumulate enough information. You need to draft an analytic plan, which requires some serious leg work.Accumulate resourcesFirst, you have to analyze the ... Read More

Software Inspection Guiding Principles

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 06:24:21


Testing Shows the Presence of DefectsEach application must pass through a search of testing phases such as system integration testing, user acceptance testing and beta testing, etc. before they are released into production. Some form of defects will always be found, Regardless of how much testing one conducts.The core purpose of the testing team should focus on finding the defects in an application. The inspection team must use different methods to discover as many errors as they can. It helps in reducing the number of undiscovered errors in a software application. Even though the testing team fails to find any ... Read More
