Found 455 Articles for Software Testing

What is Stress Testing in Software Testing?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 24-Sep-2021 09:14:15

2K+ Views

In this article, we present stress testing, its needs and goals, how is it different from load testing, different types of stress testing, its procedure, tools and metrics.Stress TestingStress testing is conducted to determine the robustness and scalability of a software product by testing beyond its normal operation limits. It is used for all types of software, but is particularly important for critical software. Stress testing aims at estimating the robustness, availability and error handling capabilities under heavy loads to ensure that the software does not crash under crunch conditions.Stress testing is a type of software testing to authenticate the ... Read More

What is SOA Testing? Tutorial with Example

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 24-Sep-2021 08:48:16

2K+ Views

SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) TestingSOA testing is a testing of the SOA architectural style. In this testing, the software components are designed to communicate through communication protocols usually over a network. It is an essential aspect of service life cycle management because it enables addressing multiple aspects of service quality across multiple SOA service implementations.It is a complex testing as a composite software has a lot of moving parts and interconnections, challenging the test. This testing authenticates the whole multi-layered architecture of a software. It tests a set of legacy applications, customized components or third-party components.SOAIt is a way of ... Read More

What is Pilot Testing? Definition, Meaning, Examples

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 24-Sep-2021 08:36:25

1K+ Views

Pilot testing is a sort of software testing that is carried out by a group of end-users prior to the software's production deployment.In this testing method, a component of the system or the entire system is tested in a real-time situation. To undertake this sort of testing, the system is installed at the customer's end. To discover bugs, the client conducts continuous and frequent testing. In a real-time scenario, a component of the system or the entire system is tested and verified.The ideal practice is to test the component on a regular basis so that regions prone to defects may ... Read More

What is Orthogonal Array Testing (OATS)? (Tools, Techniques, Example)

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 24-Sep-2021 08:34:25


Test teams are frequently faced with the problem of how to properly test an application under short timeframes.Exhaustive Testing becomes problematic in such situations, posing problems such as a huge number of Test Scripts to execute, how to prioritize the scripts, human error, and tiredness if too many scripts are done by the same individual, and so on.As a result, Applied Statistics is utilized in the testing of an application in order to meet such problems. As a result, a larger range of test scripts may be run without affecting the test's quality or efficiency. The Orthogonal Array Testing approach, ... Read More

What is Grey Box Testing?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 24-Sep-2021 08:28:12

1K+ Views

IntroductionGreybox testing is a software testing approach that involves evaluating a software program with just a limited understanding of its underlying workings. Because it includes access to internal coding to develop test cases as white box testing and testing methods are done at the functionality level as black-box testing, it is a hybrid of the two.GreyBox testing is frequently used to identify context-specific problems in online applications. For example, if a tester discovers a flaw during testing, he makes code modifications to fix the problem and then retests it in real-time. It focuses on all levels of any complicated software ... Read More

What is Compatibility Testing? Forward & Backward Testing

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 24-Sep-2021 08:17:29


CompatibilityIn simple terms, compatibility is the state in which two different things can coexist without conflicting. In real world, milk is compatible with water, oil and water are not compatible with each other.Compatibility TestingCompatibility testing is sub-category of software testing performed to determine whether the software under test can function on different hardware, operating systems, applications, network environments and mobile devices. It is a non-functional testing and is performed only after the software becomes stable.The main objective of compatibility testing is to check the functionality of the software on different software, hardware, networks, etc. It is essential to software development ... Read More

Top 15 Performance Load Testing Tools

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 23-Sep-2021 11:34:38


Performance testing tools aid in determining the system's, computer's, network's, program's, or application's speed, effectiveness, reliability, scalability, and interoperability.The following is a hand-picked list of the Top Load Testing Tools. The list contains both free and paid tools, each with the most recent features and downloadable links.We've already done the legwork for you. The following is a comparison of the best web application performance and load testing tools −WebLOADLoadNinjaReadyAPI PerformanceStormForgeLoadViewApache JMeterLoadRunnerAppvanceNeoLoadLoadCompleteWebLOAD WebLOAD is the tool of choice for businesses with high user loads and complex testing needs. It enables you to load and stress test any internet application by generating load ... Read More

Test Coverage in Software Testing

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 23-Sep-2021 11:26:59

7K+ Views

What exactly is test coverage?In software testing, test coverage is defined as a statistic that indicates the quantity of testing completed by a collection of tests. It will entail obtaining information about which sections of a program are executed when the test suite is performed in order to establish whether conditional statement branches have been taken.It is a way for making sure that your tests are testing your code or how much of your code you exercised by running the test.Code Coverage and Test CoverageCode coverage and test coverage are frequently mistaken. Even while the basic concepts are the same, ... Read More

Risk-Based Testing – Approach, Matrix, Process & Examples

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 23-Sep-2021 10:45:10

3K+ Views

Risk-based Testing (RBT)It is a sub-category of software testing based on the probability of risks. In this test, the software is assessed to identify risk. It includes assessing criticality of business, frequency of usage, possible areas with problems, etc. This type of testing emphasizes testing of software’s features and functions which are vulnerable to defects.Risk is the occurrence of nay unwanted event that may have an effect (positive or negative) on the results of the project. Risks can either be events that have occurred previously or current events, or even something that could take place in future. These events affect ... Read More

REST Client Testing using Restito Tool

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 23-Sep-2021 09:37:11


RESTREST (Representational State Transfer) is a modern technique of enabling communication between two software systems. One such system is known as REST Client; the other is known as REST Server. It is an architectural technique based on a stateless communications protocol, such as HTTP. It organizes or structures data in XML, YAML, and other machine-readable formats. However, JSON is mostly used. REST is based on objectoriented programming model.REST is data-driven, unlike SOAP which is function-driven. REST is also referred to as RESTful APIs or RESTful web services. The description format of REST services does not follow a standard. REST service ... Read More
