Found 455 Articles for Software Testing

Difference Between Paired and Unpaired Test

Md. Sajid
Updated on 10-Aug-2023 16:11:01


The two types of statistical tests used in hypothesis testing are paired and unpaired tests. The main difference between them is how data is collected and compared. A paired test compares two sets of measurements that are connected or related in some way. An unpaired test involves comparing two sets of measures that are not related or connected in any way. Read this article to find out more about Paired Test and Unpaired Test and how they are different from each other. What is Paired Test? A paired test is a statistical test that compares two sets of measurements that are ... Read More

Which is More Stable, Digital Marketing or Software Testing?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 14:27:08


Businesses have become more complex than ever. Artificial intelligence and technology are making our lives easier and providing consumers with more and more choices, but on the other hand, they are also increasing the burden on businesses to perform better and better. There is no relaxation in the complex and dynamic business world. Software testing and digital marketing are the two critical points of discussion in today's article. The digital market helps the company market its product offerings in the digital space, and software testing is another crucial part of this digital world. This digital world where we live, breathe, ... Read More

Applications of Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS)

Satish Kumar
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 10:50:47


Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) systems have revolutionized the way businesses operate and interact with customers. These advanced systems provide a wide range of functionalities, including inventory management, customer tracking, and financial reporting. EPOS systems have become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes and types, as they help to streamline operations, improve customer service, and increase sales. In this article, we will discuss the various applications of EPOS systems and provide examples of how they are being used in different industries. Inventory Management One of the primary applications of EPOS systems is inventory management. These systems allow businesses ... Read More

What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT)?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 20-Dec-2021 12:49:47


What Is User Acceptance Testing and How Does It Work?Testing is well-understood, and acceptance denotes approval or agreement. In the context of a software product, the user is either the program's consumer or the person who asked that it be made for him or her (client).User Acceptance Testing (UAT), often known as beta or end-user evaluating, is the process of a user or client testing software to see whether it can be accepted. This is the last stage of testing after the functional, system, and regression tests have been completed.The major goal of this testing is to ensure that the ... Read More

What is Usability Testing? UX (User Experience) Testing Example

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 20-Dec-2021 11:10:18


Usability TestingUsability testing often referred to as User Experience (UX) testing, is a way of determining how simple and consumer friendly a software product is. A small group of intended end-users uses software to uncover usability flaws. Usability testing concentrates on the user's convenience of the use of the program, the application's versatility in handling parameters, and the application's capacity to achieve its goals.This testing is advised at the SDLC's early stage of design, as it provides better insights into the users' needs.We will cover the following in this tutorial −What exactly is usability testing?Why is Usability Testing Performed?Usability Testing ... Read More

What is System Testing? (Definition, Types, Examples)

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 20-Dec-2021 10:43:28

10K+ Views

In software testing, what is system testing?System testing entails testing the whole system. All of the modules/components are linked together to see whether the system performs as planned. After Integration Testing, System Testing is carried out. This is crucial for producing high-quality output.Example of System TestingAn automobile is not built as a whole by a car manufacturer. Each component of the automobile, such as the seats, steering, mirror, brake, cable, engine, car structure, and wheels, is made independently.After each item is manufactured, it is tested separately to see whether it functions as intended. This is known as unit testing.Now, when ... Read More

What is State Transition Testing? (Technique, Example)

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 20-Dec-2021 10:40:28


State Transition TestingState Transition testing is a kind of Black-box testing that may be used to test 'Finite State Machines.'A 'Finite State Machine (FSM)' is a system that, depending on the inputs or stimuli, will be in several discrete states (such as "ready, " "not ready, " "open, " "closed, " etc.).The discrete states that the system achieves are determined by the system's transition rules. A finite-state system is one that produces distinct outputs for the same input depending on its previous state.It's also known as "0-switch" coverage when every transaction is tested in the system. It's "1-switch" coverage if ... Read More

What is Smoke Testing?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 20-Dec-2021 11:07:20

2K+ Views

Smoke TestingSmoke Testing is a software testing technique that identifies whether or not a software build that has been delivered is error free or not. Smoke testing confirms that the QA team can move on with further software testing. It is made up of a small collection of tests that are performed on each build to test programme functionality. Smoke testing is sometimes known as "Confidence Testing" or "Build Verification Testing."In layman's words, we're making sure that all of the critical features are operational so that there are no stumbling blocks in the current release.It is a short and quick ... Read More

What is Security Testing? (Types with Examples)

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 21-Dec-2021 06:08:11

10K+ Views

What is the Purpose of Security Testing?Security testing is a sort of software testing that identifies vulnerabilities, hazards, and dangers in a software program and guards against intruder assaults. The goal of security tests is to find any potential flaws and vulnerabilities in the software system that might lead to a loss of data, income, or reputation at the hands of workers or outsiders.What are the Benefits of Security Testing?The basic purpose of security testing is to find and assess possible vulnerabilities in a system so that attacks may be faced and the system does not cease working or be ... Read More

What is Regression Testing? (Definition, Test Cases, Examples)

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 20-Dec-2021 11:38:06

3K+ Views

What is Regression Testing and How Does it Work?Regression testing is a sort of testing that is used to ensure that a software update does not affect the product's current functioning.This is to guarantee that any new functionality, bug patches, or modifications to current features don't break the product. In order to validate the effect of the modification, previously performed test cases are re-executed.Regression Testing is a sort of Software Testing in which test cases are re-run to see whether the application's prior functionality is still functioning and if the new changes have caused any new defects.When there is a ... Read More

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