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What is the use of $ErrorView in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 19-Sep-2020 13:43:29

1K+ Views

$Errorview variable determines the display format of the error message in PowerShell. Before PowerShell 7 there were mainly two views, Normal View (Default view)Category ViewWith PowerShell version 7, one new additional error view category is included and now there are 3 $ErrorView categories for version 7.Concise View (Default)Normal ViewCategory ViewWe will understand each view one by one.A ) Normal ViewIt is the default view before PowerShell version 7 and it produces the detailed multiline errors and bit noisy. It includes the exception name, category, line number of the error, etc.$ErrorView = 'NormalView' Get-ChildItem C:\NoDirectoryOutputGet-ChildItem : Cannot find path 'C:\NoDirectory' because ... Read More

Which are the new Null Operators introduced in PowerShell version 7?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 19-Sep-2020 13:36:24


PowerShell version 7 has introduced a few new null operators. They are as below.Null-Coalescing operator - ??Null Conditional Assignment Operators - ??=Null Conditional member access operators - ?. and ?[]a. Null-Coalescing operator - ??Null Coalescing operator ??evaluates the left-hand side condition or operand and if it is null then evaluates the right-hand side operand otherwise provides the value of the left-hand side operand.For example, Without the Null-Coalescing operator, we would have written a script like as shown below, $Name = $null if($Name -eq $null){"Name is Null"} Else {"PowerShell"}The above same condition can be written with the ?? operator.$name = $null ... Read More

How to use the ValidateCount attribute in PowerShell Function?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 19-Sep-2020 09:19:51


The validateCount attribute in PowerShell function is to validate the length of an array, which means that you can pass the specific number of arguments into the parameter. In the below example we need array should contain a minimum 1 and maximum 4 values when we pass the values. For that, we will write the below script, Function ValidateArray {    Param (       [ValidateCount(1, 3)]       [String[]]$Animals    )    return $PSBoundParameters }OutputPS C:\> ValidateArray -Animals Cow, Dog, Cat Key Value --- ----- Animals {Cow, Dog, Cat}The above output is valid but when we pass ... Read More

How to use the ValidateScript attribute in PowerShell function?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 19-Sep-2020 09:10:22

1K+ Views

The ValidateScript attribute is to validate the script before entering inside the function. For example, let say you want to validate the path of the file, validate the remote computer connectivity, etc. We will take here remote server connectivity example.Without the ValidateScript attribute, we would have written the script as shown below.Function Check-RemoteServer {    param (       [string]$Server    )    if(Test-Connection -ComputerName $Server -Count 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction Ignore) {       Write-Output "$server is reachable"    } else {       Write-Output "$Server is unreachable"    } }OutputPS C:\> Check-RemoteServer -Server asde.asde asde.asde is ... Read More

How to use the ValidateLength attribute in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 19-Sep-2020 09:06:20


The ValidateLength attribute in PowerShell is used to validate the length of the String. Generally how we write the command without the mentioned attribute is using the Length method and if/else condition for the string. For Example, Function ValidateStorageName {    param (       [String]$StorageName    )    if(($StorageName.Length -gt 3) -and ($StorageName.Length -lt 15)) {       Write-Output "`nStorage Name validated"    } else {       Write-Output "`nStorage Name validation failed"    } }Output−PS C:\> ValidateStorageName -StorageName Alpha Storage Name validated PS C:\> ValidateStorageName -StorageName CN Storage Name validation failedWith the ValidateLength attribute, else ... Read More

How to use the ValidateSet Attribute in PowerShell function?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 19-Sep-2020 09:01:09

4K+ Views

The ValidateSet attribute in PowerShell function is to validate the values entered from the set which means, it allows only specific values from the set. To understand better consider the below example, we have an array and we need to check if entered values are among array or not then we will use the below code.Function PetAnimalsCheck {    param(       [String]$Animal    )    $Animals = "Cow", "Dog", "Cat", "Horse", "Camel", "Elephant"    if($Animals -contains $Animal) {       Write-Output "Animal is in the list of Pet Animals"    } else {       Write-Output ... Read More

How to use the ValidateRange attribute in PowerShell function?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 19-Sep-2020 08:51:27


Validation parameters are a set of rules that you define on the PowerShell variable and restrict users from entering some values and binding users to enter values in the specific domain. If there are not validation parameters the script would be lengthy. The ValidateRange attribute is one of them.ValidateRange AttributeThis parameter is to validate the specific range of numbers. For example, If we need users to enter a value between 5 and 100 and we simply write the script using the If/else statement as shown below.function AgeValidation {    param(       [int]$age    )    if(($age -lt 5) ... Read More

Difference between Oracle 11g and Oracle 12c

Himanshu shriv
Updated on 09-Sep-2020 12:10:22

5K+ Views

Oracle 12c is just upgraded version of the Oracle 11g with some new features like cloud support and pluggable database, kind of like master slave architecture. With the Oracle 12 c, you can plug your database to cloud anytime. It has multiple new features like JSON support, multitenant architecture and etc.Sr. No.KeyOracle 11gOracle 12c1BasicIt was released in released in 2008 and has no pluggable databaseIt is High performance RDbMS which is released in 2014. It is pluggable database.2Identity columnWe can't set primary key to raise automaticallyWe can set primary key to rise automatically.3JSON typeWe can't store Json directly to the ... Read More

Difference between Docker Swarm and Kubernetes

Himanshu shriv
Updated on 09-Sep-2020 11:49:18


Docker Swarm and Kubernetes both can be used for similar purpose. They both are container orchestration tool.Docker Swarm is a tool used for clustering and scheduling Docker containers. We can easily establish and manage a cluster of Docker nodes under a single virtual system.Kubernetes is also container orchestration tool which is developed by google. It can be used for automatic deployment ,scaling, load balancing  and logging and monitoring.Sr. No.KeyDocker SwarmKubernetes1BasicKubernetes is also container orchestration tool which is developed by google. It can be used for automatic deployment ,scaling, load balancing  and logging and monitoring.Docker Swarm is a tool used for ... Read More

How to find and replace the word in a text file using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 03-Sep-2020 11:05:00

1K+ Views

To search for the word in PowerShell and replace it in the file we will use the string operation. In fact, the Get-Content command in PowerShell is used to read almost any type of file content. In this article, we are considering one text file as shown below.Get-Content C:\Temp\TestFile.txtOutputPS C:\> Get-Content C:\Temp\TestFile.txt # In case of linux, networkInterface names are of the form eth* # In Windows, please use the network full name from Device Manager networkInterfaces: ["Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter" ] overrideMetricsUsingScriptFile: false scriptTimeoutInSec: 60 scriptFiles: - osType: windows filePath: monitors/NetworkMonitor/scripts/windows-metrics.bat - osType: unixBase filePath: monitors/NetworkMonitor/scripts/unix-base-metrics.shThe ... Read More
