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Azure DSC node configuration using PowerShell

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 18-Feb-2022 06:17:44


What is Azure State DSC?Azure State DSC is nothing but the DSC (Desired State Configuration) for the Azure VMs and can be configured from the Azure Automation Account. For the DSC there are two methods Push and Pull configuration but Azure is by default using the Pull server which constantly polls the target nodes and sends the configuration to the nodes.Azure DSC is itself a vast topic, in this article we will try the below configuration using PowerShell.Compose / Upload Node Configuration file.Compile node configuration.Attach compiled node configuration to the nodes.PrerequisiteAzure SubscriptionAzure Automation AccountConfiguration file (That we will create in ... Read More

PowerShell Desired State Configuration

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 18-Feb-2022 06:25:49

1K+ Views

OverviewPowerShell DSC is different than PowerShell scripting which ensures the remote windows systems are in the desired state and it is the declarative method unlike PowerShell Scripting and other programming languages which are considered imperative methods.In this article, we will go through the Push Method of the DSC which is a commonly used method for beginners and doesn’t require the Pull server. Pull server which polls the remote servers at some intervals and set the desired configuration for them and it is kind of automated.For the Push configuration, we will consider the below aspects.Get the DSC resource to Configure.Create the ... Read More

Importing / Exporting CSV file in PowerShell

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 18-Feb-2022 06:44:37

8K+ Views

In this article, we will work with CSV files in PowerShell which is considered one of the most efficient ways to deal with data.We have considered the below points for this article.Exporting data to the CSV file using PowerShell.Importing data from the CSV file using PowerShell.Let’s get started.Exporting data to the CSV file using PowerShellUsing Direct command outputTo export data to the csv file in PowerShell we can use Out-File which is the common cmdlet for storing the output to the file. The below command will get the top 10 CPU-consuming processes in the csv file.ExampleGet-Process | Sort-Object CPU -Descending ... Read More

Exception handling in PowerShell

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 18-Feb-2022 06:50:00

10K+ Views

In this article, we will go through the below points.What is an Exception in PowerShell?Terminating and Non-Terminating errors.Using Try / Catch block.Converting Non-Terminating error to Terminating Errors.Handling actual exception messages.What is the exception in PowerShell?Exception in PowerShell or other programming languages is the error or unexpected result that can be handled. For example, File not found while executing, dividing a number by zero.The exception can stop script execution if not handled properly.Terminating Errors and Non-Terminating ErrorsNon-Terminating errors don't halt script execution and it continuously runs script even if it is detected in the script. Below is an example of the ... Read More

Out-GridView in PowerShell

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 18-Feb-2022 06:57:40

4K+ Views

DescriptionOut-GridView in a PowerShell is the output format in the GUI format. Generally, we get the output on the console using the Format-Table or Format-List command. Similarly, Out-GridView is also the output format but we can interact with it because of the GUI format.Moreover, it provides us options to select single or multiple rows and we can store the selected output and can utilize them in the script.Out-Gridview with PipelineYou can pipeline output to the Gridview in a similar way as Format-Table or Format-List commands.Example1 − With Pipeline outputGet-Service | where{$_.StartType -eq 'Disabled'} | Out-GridViewOutputThe above command will get all ... Read More

Freeware v/s Shareware

sudhir sharma
Updated on 01-Feb-2022 10:25:12

6K+ Views

Softwares are a set of programs that are created in order to perform a specific computer task. Generally, the software is created by developers to solve the needs of its users. And based on the restrictions that are imposed on software. Basically, there are a few categories based on licensing. Here, we will compare two types: Freeware and Shareware.Freeware SoftwareThese softwares are the softwares that are available to the users free of cost to use and distribute. The source code of the software is not available to use and cannot be modified.Shareware SoftwareThese softwares are the softwares that are initially ... Read More

What is file hierarchy structure and how does it solve the naming problem?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 01-Dec-2021 13:11:08

1K+ Views

Linux File Hierarchy Structure is defining the directory structure and the contents of the directory which have been alike to the Unix-like Operating Systems. It is maintained by the Linux Foundation.They are being used for looking at all files and the directories which appear under the root directory. They can be looked upon even if they have been stored on different physical or virtual devices.Even if some of these directories only exist on the particular systems or certain subsystems that can include the OS X, Windows System is installed.ImportanceThe importance of file hierarchy structure is given below −The biggest importance ... Read More

How does the hardware support interrupt handling in the processor?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 01-Dec-2021 13:09:40


Interrupts are generally called signals which are generated by the software or hardware when a particular event or process requires immediate attention. So, the signal informs the processor about a high priority and urgent information demand causing interruption in the current working process.Thus, whenever an interruption occurs the processor finishes the current instruction execution and starts the execution of the interrupt known as interrupt handling. Moreover, for every interrupt handling to occur there is an Interrupt service routine (ISR) or interrupt handler.Interrupt handling in modern operating systems −In several operating systems such as Linux.mac or windows Interrupt handling is divided ... Read More

Differentiate between process switch and mode switch in OS

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 01-Dec-2021 13:07:13

2K+ Views

A process is defined as a program in execution and an entity that represents the basic unit of work to be implemented in the system.Process switchIt is defined as that the processor switches from one thread/process to another thread or process. It makes the contents of the CPU registers and instruction pointer to be saved.For the new task, the registers and instruction pointer are loaded into the processor then the execution of the new process may start/resume.The old programs will not execute further, but the state of that process is saved in memory because when the kernel decides that it ... Read More

What are the principles of user-interface design?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 01-Dec-2021 13:05:02

17K+ Views

User Interface Design is the design of the interface or system which is directly accessible by the user and they interact with in order to do a task. It establishes the way with which the user will interact with the product.Its main aim is to enhance the appearance of the product, the quality of technology used and the usability of the product. It refers to the software or the hardware of the system which the user can see and also the various ways or commands to control or use the product.It focuses on the looks or how the app or ... Read More

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