Found 989 Articles for Software & Coding

How to generate JSON data and perform Schema Validation in Oracle?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 06:10:58


Problem:You want to generate JSON data and perform Schema Validation in Oracle.SolutionFunctions like JSON_OBJECT, JSON_ARRAYAGG, JSON_QUERY can be used to generate a complex json data using mutiple columns and tables.JSON_OBJECT:- Its an SQL/JSON function. JSON_OBJECT takes as its input one or more property key-value pairs. It returns a JSON object that contains an object member for each of those key-value pairs.JSON_ARRAYAGG:-The SQL/JSON function JSON_ARRAYAGG is an aggregate function. It takes as its input a column of SQL expressions, converts each expression to a JSON value, and returns a single JSON array that contains those JSON values.JSON_QUERY:-JSON_QUERY finds one or more ... Read More

How to use DATETIME functions in Oracle?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 06:08:36


Problem:You want to use datetime functions to extract or process datetimes.SolutionADD_MONTHS()ADD_MONTHS(x, y) returns the result of adding y months to x. If y is negative, then y months are subtracted from xExample-- add 12 months SELECT ADD_MONTHS('01-JAN-2020', 12) FROM dual;Output-- 01/JAN/21Example-- subtract 12 months SELECT ADD_MONTHS('01-JAN-2020', -12) FROM dual;Output-- 01/JAN/21We can provide a time and date to the ADD_MONTHS() function.ExampleSELECT ADD_MONTHS(TO_DATE('01-JAN-2020 01:01:01', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 2) FROM dual;Output-- 01/MAR/20LAST_DAY()LAST_DAY(x) returns the date of the last day of the month part of x.ExampleSELECT LAST_DAY('01-JAN-2020') FROM dual;Output-- 31/JAN/20MONTHS_BETWEEN()MONTHS_BETWEEN(x, y) returns the number of months between x and y. If x occurs before y ... Read More

How to insert and retrieve dates in Oracle ?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 06:03:24

19K+ Views

Problem:You want to insert dates into a table and retrieve them.SolutionOracle, by default the uses the format DD-MON-YYYY to represent a date, whereDD represents a two-digit day.MON represents first three letters of the month, e.g., FEB.YYYY is a four-digit year, e.g., 1968Let us take a look at an example of adding a row to the customers table, which contains a DATE column named dob.The following INSERT adds a row to the customers table, setting the dob column to 05-FEB-1968:ExampleINSERT INTO customers ( customer_id, first_name, last_name, dob, phone) VALUES (7, 'James', 'Bond', '31-DEC-2000', '007-007-0007');You can also use the DATE keyword to ... Read More

How to UNPIVOT results in Oracle?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 06:02:10

3K+ Views

Problem:You want to UNPIVOT results in Oracle.SolutionThe UNPIVOT clause is new for Oracle Database 11g and enables you to flip the columns into rows in the output from a query, and, at the same time, allow you to run an aggregation function on the data.Consider a table called customer which has below data stored inside.ExampleSELECT * FROM customers;Output1   tammy.bryant@internalmail   Tammy Bryant 2   roy.white@internalmail      Roy White 3   gary.jenkins@internalmail   Gary Jenkins 4   victor.morris@internalmail  Victor Morris 5 Beverly HughesIn the customer table we can see that full name has First name and last ... Read More

How to PIVOT results in Oracle?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 06:00:42

14K+ Views

Problem:You want to PIVOT results in Oracle.SolutionThe PIVOT clause is new for Oracle Database 11g and enables you to flip the rows into columns in the output from a query, and, at the same time, allow you to run an aggregation function on the data.PIVOT is especially useful to look at overall trends in large amounts of data.We will be using sales data to demonstrate the usage.ExampleSELECT * FROM sales;Output12008   12  1998-02-28  6   37  552 1898.88 12008   18  1998-02-28  6   37  463 1592.72 12008   20  1998-02-28  6   37  2430    8359.2 12008   25 ... Read More

How to monitor temporary tablespace usage in Oracle?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 05:58:55

8K+ Views

Problem:You want to monitor the usage of the temporary tablespace in Oracle.Solution:We can use the following query to find out the used and free space in a temporary tablespace.We will begin with identifying temporary table space names.ExampleSELECT tablespace_name FROM dba_tablespaces WHERE contents = 'TEMPORARY';OutputTEMPNext up we will use below SQL to identify the used and free space in temporary tablespace.ExampleSELECT * FROM   (SELECT a.tablespace_name,     SUM(a.bytes/1024/1024) allocated_mb   FROM dba_temp_files a   WHERE a.tablespace_name = 'TEMP'   GROUP BY a.tablespace_name   ) x,   (SELECT SUM(b.bytes_used/1024/1024) used_mb,     SUM(b.bytes_free      /1024/1024) free_mb   FROM v$temp_space_header b ... Read More

How to identify recent WAIT events in a Oracle database ?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 05:57:43

7K+ Views

Problem:You want to find out the recent important waits in your database, as well as the users, SQL statements, and objects that are responsible for most of those waits.SolutionOracle provides us with V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY to get information about the most common wait events, and the SQL statements, database objects, and users responsible for those waits.SQL to find the wait eventsExampleSELECT event,   SUM(wait_time + time_waited) total_wait_time FROM v$active_session_history GROUP BY event ORDER BY total_wait_time DESC;To find out the users who experienced the most waits we can use below SQL.ExampleSELECT s.sid,   s.username,   SUM(a.wait_time + a.time_waited) total_wait_time FROM v$active_session_history a,   ... Read More

How to identify blocked and blocking sessions in Oracle ?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 05:56:52

22K+ Views

Problem:You’d like to identify the blocking and the blocked sessions in your database.SolutionWhen we see an enqueue wait event in an Oracle database, the chances are that there is some thing locking or holding up some sessions from executing their SQL statements. When a session waits on an “enqueue” wait event, that session is waiting for a lock that is held by a different session. We can issue the following command to view information about the blocked and the blocking sessions in ORacle.ExampleSELECT DECODE(request, 0, 'Holder: ', 'Waiter: ') || sid sess,   id1,   id2,   lmode,   request, ... Read More

How to use Grouping clause to handle NULLS in Oracle?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 05:55:47


Problem:You want to use GROUPING() with ROLLUP, CUBE and SETS functions.SolutionThe GROUPING() function accepts a column and returns 0 or 1. This function returns 1 when the column value is null and returns 0 when the column value is non null. However, GROUPING() is used only in queries that use ROLLUP or CUBE. GROUPING() is very useful when you want to display a value when a null would otherwise be returned.GROUPING() with a Single Column in a ROLLUPSQL to pass a column to ROLLUPThe last row in the below example will result total/sum of fees. This total is represented as ... Read More

How to identify SQL queries with the most waits in Oracle?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 07:15:11

2K+ Views

Problem:You want to identify the SQL statements responsible for the most waits in your database.SolutionWe can use below SQL statement to identify SQL causing problem.The below query will rank SQL statements that ran during the past 30 minutes and display them as per the total time waited by each query.ExampleSELECT ash.user_id,   u.username,   s.sql_text,   SUM(ash.wait_time + ash.time_waited) ttl_wait_time FROM v$active_session_history ash,   v$sqlarea s,   dba_users u WHERE ash.sample_time BETWEEN sysdate - 60/2880 AND sysdate AND ash.sql_id  = s.sql_id AND ash.user_id = u.user_id GROUP BY ash.user_id,   s.sql_text,   u.username ORDER BY ttl_wait_time ;When you have a performance ... Read More
