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How to retrieve Azure VMs using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 04-Jan-2021 09:49:13


To retrieve the azure VMs using PowerShell, we can use Get-AzVM commands but before that make sure you logged in using Azure Credentials in the console. When you type this command, you will get the list of all VMs in the specified subscription.To check which all properties are supported you can use theGet-AzVM | gm -MemberType PropertiesYou can select different properties from there using the Select-Object command (Alias: Select). To retrieve the VMs from the specific ResourceGroup, use the below command.Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName AUTOMATIONTESTRG2If your VM is in a different subscription then you need to switch the subscription and need to ... Read More

How to Install Azure PowerShell Cmdlets?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 04-Jan-2021 09:47:50


Before Installing the Azure cmdlets for PowerShell, it is recommended to upgrade it to the PowerShell version 7.X to leverage the new features.To install the PowerShell cmdlets for Azure, you need to download and install the AZ module.Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUserTo install it for all the users, Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope AllUsersIf the AzureRM module is already installed, you first need to uninstall it because both modules AzureRM and AZ cannot reside in the same console and the AzureRm module is going to decommission soon. So anyway we need to upgrade it to the latest AZ Module.To ... Read More

How to connect Azure Account using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 04-Jan-2021 09:46:43

3K+ Views

To connect the azure account with PowerShell, we can use the Connect-AZAccount command. If we check the command parameters from the below URL, there are multiple methods we can connect to the azure account but in this article, we will use the simple methods to connect.Using the Interactive console to connect portalUsing DeviceLogin method.Using Credentials method.Using the Interactive console method to connect the portal.When we use the Connect-AZAccount directly without any parameter, it will open a popup for the azure portal credential.You need to enter your Azure credentials there.Using Device Login method.In this method, Connect-AZAccount uses the parameter -DeviceLogin. Once ... Read More

How to check if the computer is connected to a domain using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 28-Dec-2020 07:03:41

13K+ Views

To check if a computer is connected to any domain we can use multiple methods. In this article, we can use two methods. One using the System Information of the computer and the second using the DirectoryServices .Net Class.First method using System Information and filter out a string called “Domain” which shows us if the computer is in the domain or the workgroup.systeminfo | findstr "Domain"OutputIf the computer is in the workgroup, It will show the workgroup name. For example, In the second method, we will use the directory service .Net class method name GetComputerDomain(). If the server is not connected to the ... Read More

How to Remove the computer from the AD domain using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 28-Dec-2020 07:01:58

2K+ Views

To remove the computer from the domain we need to use the Remove-Computer command.Remove-Computer -ComputerName Test1-win2k16 `                 -UnjoinDomainCredential Labdomain\Administrator `                 -WorkgroupName WG -Restart -Force -PassThruIn the above example, the Computer name Test1-Win2k16 is going to remove from the domain with the domain credentials and it will be joined to WorkGroup named WG. If the system doesn’t restart due to any reason, you need to reboot the system manually.Here the computer name is the String[]. So you can provide multiple computers to remove from the domain. For example, Remove-Computer -ComputerName Test1-win2k16, ... Read More

How to Join Computer to the AD domain using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 28-Dec-2020 07:00:56

2K+ Views

To join any workgroup computer in the domain using PowerShell, we can use the Add-Computer command but before that, there are a few Windows prerequisite that DNS must be configured properly and the domain controller should be reachable and others should suffice then only PowerShell can use the command to join computer into a domain.Add-Computer -ComputerName Test1-win2k16 `              -DomainCredential Labdomain\Administrator `              -DomainName Labdomain.local -Restart -Force -PassThruOnce you run the above command, it will ask you for the credential for the user you entered. In the above example, we are joining a ... Read More

How to create a Scheduled task with a task scheduler using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 28-Dec-2020 06:59:47


To create a task using GUI (As shown below image) we need a few settings like the Name of the task, trigger, and Action.Similarly, to create a new task in task scheduler using PowerShell comprises of several settings.Name of the taskThe time when the task to triggerAction − Do we need to schedule a program for execution or send an email on some event trigger.Description − This is optional. You can add a description of the task.Registering task − Final step is to register the created task.Above all actions use different cmdlets but they are part of a ScheduledTasks module. To ... Read More

How to start the specific task of the task scheduler using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 28-Dec-2020 06:56:23

1K+ Views

To start the specific task of the task scheduler using PowerShell, we need to use the Start-ScheduledTask command.When we run the above command, we need to provide the task name.For example, Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'FirstTask'When you check the above task status, ExampleGet-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'FirstTask'Output:TaskPath TaskName  State -------- --------  ----- \        FirstTask RunningTo start the task on the remote computer, we first need to connect to the CIMSession of the remote computer and we can use the below command.$sess = New-CimSession -ComputerName Test1-Win2k12 Get-ScheduledTask -CimSession $sess -TaskName 'FirstTask' | Start-ScheduledTaskWe can also start the task directly with the command, Start-ScheduledTask using the CIMSession.Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'FirstTask' -CimSession $sessRead More

How to retrieve tasks in Task scheduler using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 28-Dec-2020 06:55:09

16K+ Views

To retrieve the existing tasks in the task scheduler using PowerShell, we can use the PowerShell command Get-ScheduledTask. We can use the Task Scheduler GUI to retrieve the scheduled tasks. To retrieve using PowerShell, use the Get-ScheduledTask command.When we use the above command, it retrieves all the tasks from the different paths/folders as well including the root path. To retrieve tasks created at the root path we need to filter the task path, Get-ScheduledTask | where{$_.TaskPath -eq "\"}If we need to retrieve the specific task then we need to filter the task name, TaskPath TaskName                 ... Read More

How to install PowerShell Module?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 18-Dec-2020 12:28:03


There are two methods to install PowerShell modules. Online and Offline.Online MethodThis method is just like downloading the online package through Yum in the Unix system.We first need to search the package available on the internet using the Find-Module command. You can use the wildcard character if you don’t know the full module name. All the packages are downloaded from PowerShell Gallery ( example, if you want a Vmware PowerCLI module and you don’t know the full module name then just use the part of the name inside the Wildcard character(*).Find-Module *vmware* | Select Name, Version, RepositoryName       ... Read More
