Found 989 Articles for Software & Coding

Difference Between Grant and Revoke

Updated on 25-Mar-2021 05:46:44

3K+ Views

In this post, we will understand the difference between grant and revoke.GrantIt is a DCL command.It grants permissions to users on database objects.It can also be used to assign access rights to users.For every user, the permissions need to be specified.When the access is decentralized, permission granting is easier.Syntax:grant privilege_name on object_name to {user_name | public | role_name}RevokeIt is a DCL command.It removes permissions if they are granted to users on database objects.It takes away/revokes the rights of the users.If access for a user is removed, all specific permissions provided by that user to others will be removed.If decentralized access ... Read More

Difference Between Array and Pointer

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 15:47:39

8K+ Views

Array and pointers have a very close relationship in programming, but there are several differences between them. Read this article to find out how Arrays are different from Pointers. But let us first discuss some basics of arrays and pointers. What is an Array? An array is one that stores the values of a homogeneous data type. It refers to a collection that consists of elements of homogenous/same data type. Arrays are considered as a primitive data type. They are declared using the '[ ]' and are stored in contiguous memory locations. Also, arrays use subscripts/ '[ ]' (square brackets) ... Read More

Difference Between Array and Structure

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 16:05:22

14K+ Views

Arrays and Structures are two different types of container datatype. The most basic difference between an array and a structure is that an Array can contain the elements of same datatype, while a Structure is a collection that can contain the elements of dissimilar datatypes. Read this article to learn more about Arrays and Structures and how they are different from each other. What is an Array? An array refers to a collection that consists of homogenous elements, i.e. of same data type. Arrays are declared using '[]'. It uses subscripts/ '[ ]' (square brackets) to access the elements. An ... Read More

Difference Between Array and Linked List

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 15:45:40

5K+ Views

The basic difference between an array and a linked list is in their structure. An array relies on the index-based data structure, whereas a liked list is based on the references. Read this article to find out more about Arrays and Linked Lists and how they are different from each other. What is an Array? An array is a consistent set of fixed number of data items. Array stores elements in contiguous memory locations. This means the specific elements can be accessed using easily calculable addresses. Hence, an array provides fast access to find element at a specific index. Another ... Read More

Agile Software Process and its Principles?

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 18-Mar-2021 10:53:43

5K+ Views

IntroductionIn case of software engineering, the software development takes a major chunk of the whole process. While Software development itself means dividing the whole development into multiple phases such as designing, product management, project management etc., organizations across the world follow various software development methodologies for successful project management.Various methodologies such as Agile methodologies, Waterfall model, DevOps deployment, Rapid application development etc. used by different organizations and all of them have their own share of pros and cons. However it’s the Agile software development methodology, which is widely used across the globe due to its iterative development approach.What is Agile ... Read More

How to uninstall the PowerShell Module?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 18-Mar-2021 07:54:23

17K+ Views

To uninstall the PowerShell module, we can directly use the Uninstall-Module command but the module should not be in use, otherwise, it will throw an error.When we use the Uninstall-Module command, it can uninstall the module from the current user profile or from the all users profile.Uninstall-Module 7Zip4PowerShell -Force -VerboseAnother method, Get-InstalledModule 7Zip4Powershell | Uninstall-Module -Force -VerboseIf you have multiple versions of the same module installed in the PowerShell, and if you want to uninstall all of them then use the -AllVersions Parameter.Uninstall-Module 7Zip4PowerShell -AllVersions -Force -VerboseIf you want to uninstall the specific version, we can use -RequiredVersion.Uninstall-Module 7Zip4PowerShell -RequiredVersion ... Read More

How to install the latest PowerShell module version?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 18-Mar-2021 07:50:56

1K+ Views

Although simply running Install-Module command picks up the latest version of the module, we can still use the -RequiredVersion and -MinimumVersion parameter to install the latest version manually. Below command directly installs the latest available version of the module.In this example we are using 7Zip4PowerShell module.Install-Module 7Zip4PowerShell -Scope AllUsers -Force -VerboseTo manually install the latest version of the PowerShell module, there are two methods.Use the -RequiredVersion parameter if you know the latest version of the module.Use the -MinimumVersion parameter if you know the minor version of the module and it will pick up the latest version.Using -RequiredVersion ParameterThis parameter installs ... Read More

How to install the specific version of the PowerShell module version?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 18-Mar-2021 07:50:01

5K+ Views

To install the specific version of the PowerShell module, we need to use the -RequiredVersion parameter with the Install-Module command.To find which module versions are available, we can use the Find-Module command with the -AllVersions parameter which retrieves all the versions of the module available in the PSGallery.In this example, we will use the 7Zip4PowerShell module.ExampleFind-Module 7zip4PowerShell -AllVersions | ft -AutoSizeWhen you run this command, you can see there are multiple versions available for this module.OutputVersion  Name            Repository -------  ----            ---------- 1.13.0   7Zip4Powershell PSGallery 1.12.0   7Zip4Powershell PSGallery 1.11.0 ... Read More

How to update the windows host file entry using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 18-Mar-2021 07:49:12

3K+ Views

Let say you want to update the host file particular entry, we have the below host file in our local computer.ExampleGet-Content $env:windir\system32\drivers\etc\hostsOutput# For example: # #          # source server #              # x client host # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. #       localhost #       ::1             localhost   Google.comWe need to update the entry to IP address ... Read More

How to add the entry in the windows host file using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 18-Mar-2021 07:46:18

8K+ Views

To add the content to the host file, we need to first retrieve the content using the Get-Content command and the need to set the content to the host file after adding the entry. The Code is shown below. We need to add the global entry to it.Example$file = "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" $hostfile = Get-Content $file $hostfile += "" Set-Content -Path $file -Value $hostfile -ForceOnce you check the host file entry  "" will be added to the host file.To add the entry on the remote computer, you just need to point that file location to the host file of the remote server and the rest of ... Read More
