Found 989 Articles for Software & Coding

How to get the IIS Application Pool names using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 28-Apr-2021 13:39:35

5K+ Views

To get the IIS application pool names using PowerShell, you need to use the IIS PSDrive but for that, we need the IIS PowerShell module WebAdministration or IISAdministration on the server we are running the command.If the WebAdministration module is already installed, use the below command to import the module.Import-Module WebAdministration -VerboseOnce you Import the above module, you can see the IIS PSDrive will be activated in the current session.To get all the application Pools run the below command, Get-ChildItem IIS:\AppPools\OutputName                     State        Applications ----       ... Read More

How to view merged and unmerged branches in Git?

Kannan Sudhakaran
Updated on 30-Apr-2021 07:48:08

7K+ Views

When we have multiple branches in a git repository, we would need to bring the changes from all the branches to the main line of work that is the master branch. So, if we are currently in master branch and need to see which branches need to be merged, we can use the following commands.$git branch --no-mergedWe would also need to verify which branches are already merged, so that we can delete the unused branches$git branch --mergedExampleLet us create an example to understand how to view the branches that are merged and unmerged. The following diagram shows that there are ... Read More

How to disable fast forward merges? What are its pros and cons in Git?

Kannan Sudhakaran
Updated on 30-Apr-2021 07:46:06

2K+ Views

Fast forward merges can be disabled −At the time of mergingFor the entire repositoryFor all repositories.Disabling fast forward merges has both pros and cons.When we disable fast forward merge, git will perform a merge commit to merge the changes from both the branches. The drawback of merge commit is that it becomes hard to read and understand the commit history, especially when we have many branches. If your team prefers to keep a linear history of branches, then one should go for fast forward merge. Disabling fast forward merge will create merge commits, which pollutes the commit history.The benefits of ... Read More

What is 3-way merge or merge commit in Git?

Kannan Sudhakaran
Updated on 30-Apr-2021 07:43:00

5K+ Views

Let us look at an example of a 3-way merge. In this example, the Feature branch is two commits ahead of the Master branch.Diagram 1Before we merge it with Master, let us say we have added an additional commit to the Master as shown in the below diagram.Diagram 2Due to the commit performed on the Master branch, both our branches Master and Feature are now diverged.This means we have some changes in the Master branch that is not present in the Feature branch. If we perform a merge in this case, Git cannot move the master pointer towards the Feature ... Read More

What is a fast-forward merge in Git?

Kannan Sudhakaran
Updated on 30-Apr-2021 07:34:00

25K+ Views

Fast forward merge can be performed when there is a direct linear path from the source branch to the target branch. In fast-forward merge, git simply moves the source branch pointer to the target branch pointer without creating an extra merge commit.Let us look at an example implementing fast-forward merge.We have a master branch with 3 commits.Next, we create a branch called feature branch. In git a branch is nothing but a pointer to a commit. At this point both feature and master are pointing to the same commit.Now let us switch to the feature branch and do a couple ... Read More

How can we diverge two branches in Git?

Kannan Sudhakaran
Updated on 30-Apr-2021 07:23:23

2K+ Views

A branch in git is a series of interrelated commits. If two branches follow a non-linear path then they diverge each other. The diagram shows two diverged branches master and feature.Consider the above diagram. Let us assume that both the branches were following a linear path before the initial commit. After the initial commit, the branch master has an independent commit c1 and the branch feature has its own commit c2. As the branches now follow a non-linear path, we can say that both the branches are diverged. Let us see this through an exampleStep 1 − Create an empty ... Read More

Difference Between Huffman Coding and Shannon Fano Coding

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 10:15:34

7K+ Views

The primary function of a communication system is to transfer a message signal from a sender to the receiver. In the process of data transfer, the signal used to transfer the data should have the necessary properties required for the transmission as per the transmission channel. Hence, there are some information coding techniques used to transform the message signal into a transferrable signal through the transmission channel. Two of such information coding schemes are Huffman Coding and Shannon Fano Coding. The most basic difference between Huffman Coding and Shannon Fano Coding is that the Huffman coding provides a variable ... Read More

Difference Between Agile and Waterfall

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 24-Nov-2022 12:13:26

6K+ Views

In software development, there are several software development life cycle (SDLC) models available. Each of these models follows a set of phases that are unique to its type to ensure the successful software development. This article is meant for explaining the two software development life cycle models that are Agile Model and Waterfall Model. In this article, we will also discuss the important differences between the agile model and the waterfall model. What is Agile Model? Agile model is the type software development life cycle model which allows the continuous interaction of the development and testing during the ... Read More

Difference Between Waterfall Model and Spiral Model

Updated on 27-Apr-2021 06:44:17

3K+ Views

In this post, we will understand the difference between waterfall model and spiral model −Waterfall ModelIt works in sequential method.The errors and risks are identified and rectified after the stages are completed.It is generally used by customers.It can be used with small projects.The requirements and early stage planning is important and required.It is not flexible.It is difficult to make changes in a waterfall model.It involves a high amount of risk.It is comparatively less expensive.Following is the representation of Waterfall Model −Spiral ModelIt works in evolutionary method.The errors and risks are identified and rectified before the stages are complete.It is generally ... Read More

Difference Between COCOMO 1 and COCOMO 2

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 16:50:19

6K+ Views

COCOMO 1 and COCOMO 2 are two cost estimation models, developed by Barry Boehm. These two cost estimation models are used for computing the cost of software development. The most basic difference between these two models is that the COCOMO 1 model helps to provide the estimates required for the efforts and schedule, whereas the COCOMO 2 model provides the estimates that represent a standard deviation near the most likely estimate. Read this article to learn more about the COCOMO 1 and COCOMO 2 models and how they are different from each other. What is COCOMO 1? COCOMO 1 was the first model developed ... Read More
