Found 989 Articles for Software & Coding

What is shared memory in the OS?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 30-Nov-2021 10:17:04

15K+ Views

Shared memory system is the fundamental model of inter process communication. In a shared memory system, in the address space region the cooperating communicate with each other by establishing the shared memory region.Shared memory concept works on fastest inter process communication.If the process wants to initiate the communication and it has some data to share, then establish the shared memory region in its address space. After that, another process wants to communicate and tries to read the shared data, and must attach itself to the initiating process’s shared address space.Let us see the working condition of the shared memory system ... Read More

What are the roles of the user interface and kernel of an operating system?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 30-Nov-2021 10:15:06

1K+ Views

When the user wants to give an instruction to the OS then it will do it through system calls. Or a user program can access the kernel which is a part of the OS through system calls.It is a programmatic way in which a computer program requests a service from the kernel of the operating system.Program executes in two modes, which are as follows −User mode − Cannot access any hardware resources, which perform only the user operations.Kernel mode − Can access hardware resources like RAM, Printer.The processor in a computer switches between the two modes depending upon what types ... Read More

What is process termination?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 30-Nov-2021 10:13:00

10K+ Views

A process is a program in execution and it is more than a program code called as text section and this concept works under all the operating system because all the task perform by the operating system needs a process to perform the taskThe process executes when it changes state. The state of a process is defined by the current activity of the process.Each process may be any one of the following states −New − The process is being created.Running − In this state the instructions are being executed.Waiting − The process is in waiting state until an event is ... Read More

What are the components and functions of the UNIX OS?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 30-Nov-2021 10:10:43

6K+ Views

UNIX is one of the most popular operating systems on multi-user systems. Actually, it originated as a single-user system. It has limited structuring.UNIX OS consists of two separable parts which are as follows −System programs.Kernel.Now, let us see the architecture of UNIX.Unix ArchitectureUnix operating system architecture is divided into four layers as given below −HardwareKernelSystem call or shellApplication programsGiven below is the diagram of UNIX architecture showing all the layers −KernelIt is a part of the operating system. It interacts directly with the hardware of the computer with the help of a device that is built into the kernel.Functions of ... Read More

What is process creation in Operating Systems?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 29-Nov-2021 11:15:43

11K+ Views

A process can create several new processes through creating process system calls during the process execution. Creating a process we call it the parent process and the new process is a child process.Every new process creates another process forming a tree-like structure. It can be identified with a unique process identifier that usually represents it as pid which is typically an integer number. Every process needs some resources like CPU time, memory, file, I/O devices to accomplish.Whenever a process creates a sub process, and may be each sub process is able to obtain its resources directly from the operating system ... Read More

What are the two methods to implement inter process communication?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 29-Nov-2021 11:14:30


There are two methods to implement inter process communication they are as follows −Shared memoryMessage passingNow, let us understand what a shared memory is.Shared memoryIt is one of the regions for data communication. It is used for communication between single processor and multiprocessor systems where the processes that are to be communicated present on the same machine and they are sharing common address space.The shared memory code that has to be read or write the data that should be written explicitly by the application programmer.It is going to provide a maximum speed of computations because the communication is done with ... Read More

How IPC between a user application and an OS Subsystem in Windows?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 29-Nov-2021 11:12:19


A windows operating system is software that acts as an interface between the user and the hardware component. The operating system is like a prime minister that controls the entire task happening in the computer. It is in between a user interface and the hardware.It is system software. In the absence of the system software we cannot do any task on the computer. An operating system is software which performs all the basic tasks like file management, memory management, process management, handling input and output, and controlling the peripheral device like disk scheduling. Some of popular operating systems are windows.The ... Read More

What are the Process Management System Calls?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 29-Nov-2021 11:10:41

14K+ Views

System call provides an interface between user program and operating system. The structure of system call is as follows −When the user wants to give an instruction to the OS then it will do it through system calls. Or a user program can access the kernel which is a part of the OS through system calls.It is a programmatic way in which a computer program requests a service from the kernel of the operating system.Types of system callsThe different system calls are as follows −System calls for Process managementSystem calls for File managementSystem calls for Directory managementNow let us discuss ... Read More

What is a hierarchical naming system?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 29-Nov-2021 11:06:46


Let us consider an organization which is named as territory is frequently carefully defined or will type a coordinated non-cyclic diagram (DAG). In a carefully delineated name zone a hub can exclusively make them approaching the edge.In a very DAG name territory any hub will have numerous approaching edges. It's conjointly potential to have named territories with different root hubs. Ascendable frameworks regularly utilize progressively organized name territories. A grouping of edge marks driving from one hub to an alternate is named a way name.A way name is utilized to see a hub inside the chart. Partner degree total way ... Read More

What is a process hierarchy?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 29-Nov-2021 11:05:00

5K+ Views

Now-a-days all general purpose operating systems permit a user to create and destroy processes. A process can create several new processes during its time of execution.The creating process is called the Parent Process and the new process is called Child Process.There are different ways for creating a new process. These are as follows −Execution − The child process is executed by the parent process concurrently or it waits till all children get terminated.Sharing − The parent or child process shares all resources like memory or files or children process shares a subset of parent’s resources or parent and children process ... Read More
