Found 48 Articles for Sociology

Status and Role

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 17:32:28

8K+ Views

Introduction Status and role are two important concepts in sociology that are closely related. They are fundamental to the way that individuals and groups interact with each other in society. These concepts are intertwined and shape individuals' identities, behaviours, and relationships with others. Status and role are key components of social stratification, which categorises individuals on factors such as wealth, power, and prestige. Status Status can be defined as the social position or rank that an individual holds in a social system with defined rights and duties assigned to these positions. An individual's status can also be temporary or ... Read More

Sociological theories of religion

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 16:58:44


Introduction Religion is classified as either superficial or strong in sociology. It is something beyond our comprehension. Thus, social scientists have attempted to understand the relationship between religion and society. There are several sociological theories of religion, but the three great thinkers of sociology have had the most effect. Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx are their names. Notably, none of them was fond of religion, but they were fascinated by religion's power over individuals and society. Their ideas all agreed that religion is mostly an illusion, and they predicted that its attractiveness and power would wane over time. ... Read More

Sociological theories of power

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 16:46:14


Introduction Power is defined as the ability to influence or control others and accomplish any task even when opposed by external forces. Max Weber was the first person to define power in social perspective. There are different theories and models that reasons out the distribution of power within the society. Class theory of power It was Karl Marx and his concept which in the later days came to be known by the name Marxism gave the idea of class theory of power. According to him, every society was a mixture of two separate groups: the rich and the ... Read More

Sociological Culture

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 16:35:30


How Sociologists Define Culture?Sociology is based on the concept of culture. An individual or group's culture includes their beliefs, values, practices, and artefacts. Culture is defined differently by sociologists according to their theoretical perspectives. Culture, according to functionalists, maintains social order and stability by helping to maintain social order. Individuals' culture shapes their behaviour and guides their interactions with others by providing shared norms and values. Culture, by contrast, is viewed by conflict theories as a tool used by the powerful to maintain their control over the weak. Subordinate groups are imposed on by dominant groups through culture.In addition to ... Read More

Social background of Indian nationalism

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 16:12:33

2K+ Views

Introduction Indian nationalism is a form of territorial nationalism that embraces all of India's people, regardless of their racial, linguistic, or religious heritage. The origins of Indian nationalism may be found in pre-colonial India, but they were fully developed during the war for Indian independence from British rule. These coordinated anti-colonial alliances and activities helped Indian nationalism gain momentum in India. The Indian nationalist movement was led by personalities from the independence struggle such as Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. Heroes of Indian Nationalist Movements An illustration showing freedom fighters of India Rise of Indian Nationalist ConceptThe following ... Read More

Science, technology and social change

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 15:56:34

3K+ Views

Introduction Science, technology, and social changes are integrated in such a way that it is quite difficult to explain each of these terms individually as the cause of others. As insight of science deepens, the technology advances and drives a social change. Similarly, as a social change occurs, the demand for technology arises and thus the need for science. Metaverse Technology The Authority of Science: Knowledge, Truth and Reality The fact that scientific knowledge is not socially produced makes it distinctive. The work of Berger and Luckmann has the best-known explanation of how social reality is created. ... Read More

Religion in modern society: religion and science, secularization, religious revivalism, fundamentalism

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 15:38:23


Introduction Religion has played an important role in human history and culture, shaping societies and influencing individuals' worldviews and beliefs. There are many different religions practiced around the world, with varying beliefs, practices, and interpretations of the divine. Religion can serve many functions in society, including providing a sense of community, offering a moral framework for individuals, providing comfort and guidance in times of hardship, and helping individuals make sense of their place in the world. However, religion can also be a source of conflict, with differences in beliefs and practices leading to tension and even violence. Religion and ... Read More

Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in sociology

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 12:16:57

5K+ Views

Definition Quantitative and qualitative methods are two primary research approaches used in sociology. The purpose of quantitative research is to understand patterns, correlations, and causality in social phenomena by gathering and analysing numerical data using statistical methods. Statistical analysis of large datasets and surveys are some examples of quantitative methods used in sociology. The goal of qualitative research, however, is to gain an understanding of social phenomena through the collection and analysis of nonnumerical data, such as interview transcripts, observations, and texts. Examples of qualitative methods used in sociology include ethnography, content analysis, and grounded theory. In order ... Read More

Philosophy of Science

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 12:11:04


Introduction The philosophy of social science is a field of study that seeks to examine the foundational principles that underlie social scientific research. It is concerned with questions about the nature of social phenomena, the relationship between the natural and social sciences, and the ethical and political implications of social science research. In the field of social science philosophy, experts conduct research on both the actual application of social science practices and the inherent attributes of the subjects that social science researchers focus on, specifically, human beings. Over the course of its development, the discipline of social science philosophy has ... Read More

Epistemology in Social Science

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 11:49:29

2K+ Views

Introduction Epistemology is a field of study which investigates the nature and scope of knowledge. Social science consists of various subjects which study knowledge formation, their authenticity and reliability for further research. Knowledge guides our life and epistemology helps us in understanding how this knowledge can be found and believed. The primary purpose in this article is to understand and analyse the methods of acquiring knowledge in social science. Epistemology refers to the broad approach that considers human knowledge as collectively achieved. It helps in the evaluation of the knowledge from the dimensions of society. As a field ... Read More
