Found 48 Articles for Sociology

Applied and Clinical Sociology

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 15:32:15


Introduction Applied sociology differs from pure sociology because the latter is theoretical and applied sociology is more practical. Clinical sociology seeks to understand the various elements of a person’s social experience. These elements may be based on history, culture, ecology or interpersonal relationships. Hence in this article we will briefly discuss applied sociology and clinical sociology. Applied Sociology The idea to create positive social change through active intervention is used to characterise practitioners who employ sociological theories and methodologies outside of academic settings. Applying sociology more narrowly may be defined as putting sociological theory into action for particular clients. ... Read More

An Inter-national System

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 15:33:22


Introduction In the study of international relations, the term international system is used in two different ways- analytical and historical. Two scholars who have contributed rigorously in this field of study are Kenneth N. Waltz and Morton A. Kaplan. Very recently the terms ‘global governance’ and ‘international regimes’ are used academically in place of international systems but this term has not lost its significance. Hence, in this article we will discuss international systems. Definition and Characteristics of International System The term ‘international systems’ describes international politics or international relations which in specific circumstances may also include diplomacy and military ... Read More

Agrarian Unrest and Peasant Movements

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 15:34:55


Introduction Agriculture has always been the foundation of India's economy. Agriculture employs more than half of India's population. Despite its significance, the agriculture industry in India is beset by some issues, which have resulted in agrarian unrest and peasant uprisings in India, as peasants and rural communities seek to protect their rights and better their living conditions. Agrarian unrest pertains to social and political conflicts that develop in rural regions as a result of issues such as landowners, crop production, poverty, and socioeconomic inequality. It is defined by the dissatisfaction and concerns of farmers and rural labourers who face ... Read More

Agents of Socialization

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 15:36:10


Introduction Individuals cannot on their own figure out how to live in society; they usually learn it from people around them. These agents of socialization are responsible for making an individual familiar with society’s rules, norms, and expectations. As well as also shape the individual’s identity or concept of self to a large extent. This process of socialization is at work almost during an individual’s whole life but it is more prevalent during childhood and early adolescence. Since it is when an individual starts to learn- How to behave in the world? Moreover, when an individual shifts to a ... Read More

Addiction to social media

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 15:37:35


Introduction Social media is an internet based tool or software that enables people to widely share information. Continuous increase in the use of social media programs or platforms, right from Instagram to Facebook, has made it clear that social media plays a significant role in the lives of many. Researchers believe that social media can be very addictive. Therefore through this article we will try to understand social media addiction. Social Media Addiction Browsing and navigating through social media has become increasingly popular or in- demand activity over the last few decades. There is a percentage of people that ... Read More

Power and Authority

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 15:39:11


Introduction Power is defined as the capacity to influence or control the behaviour of others by compulsion or persuasion, meaning that people in positions of power do so at the expense of others. Power may be used in various ways, including physical force, financial resources, social standing, and skill. It can be utilised to achieve personal or collective objectives, and it can be legal or illegal. Individuals or groups do not have power in isolation; rather, they wield it over others. On the other hand, authority is the legitimate power granted by a formal structure such as a government. It ... Read More

Difference Between Social Cognitive Theory and Social Learning Theory

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:57:07

6K+ Views

Both social cognition theory and social learning theory attempt to explain how individuals pick up new social skills, with the former primarily focusing on the idea that people learn through observing others. Both ideas disregard intangibles like innate talent or background knowledge in favor of the observable actions of individuals. The term "social" is used to describe the way in which we learn and repeat activities that are not particularly social in character but are still influenced by our interactions with others. Both of these theories derive from behaviorist traditions in their emphasis on rote behavior at the expense ... Read More

The social media community and its role as a unifying factor

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Mar-2023 11:25:54


Introduction Even though terms "social networking" and "social media" can be used synonymously, social networking is typically understood to refer to users creating communities within those communities, whereas social media is more concerned with using social networking sites and related platforms to develop an audience. What is a social media community?Social media communities can either be a planned page, group, or website where fans of your company interact. Or a vague but vibrant follower base that is very involved in your organic content approach. Although the formalised Facebook group style will be the main emphasis of this essay because ... Read More

The blessing and curse of the Social Media

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Mar-2023 11:05:48

7K+ Views

Introduction As a result of technological advancements, our world is altering quickly. Technology has had a significant positive and negative influence on our daily lives and civilization. I suppose that in today's world, even a child is familiar with social media and can describe it to anyone. Social media has much older roots than you would think. When the first computer was built in 1940, scientists and engineers started to design and build networks, which led to the creation of the internet. Social Media apps on a smartphone By the 1980s, home computers were more common and social ... Read More

Techniques sociology

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Mar-2023 10:59:03


Sampling Samples are selected from a population in order to be studied. To ensure that the findings of the research can be generalised, the sample selected should be representative of the population. There are two main types of sampling − Probability Sampling The probability sampling process involves selecting individuals at random within a population, where each person has an equal chance of being chosen. An equal chance is given to each member of the population when using simple random sampling. A random number generator is used to select a sample from the population and assign a unique number ... Read More
