Found 649 Articles for Social Science

New Social and Political Groups traces from history

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction 750 AD to 1750 AD is a rich historical time in Indian history, full of significance, and a plethora of developments. India’s landscape changed significantly during this period. Historians face a massive undertaking when analyzing this time, due to the prior-mentioned reasons. The Delhi Sultans and The Mughals The Mughals achieved success in their expansionism, which was impressive, since history was not on their side. The Mughals enjoyed success over a long period in Indian history, and are one of the most renowned political and royal dynasties globally, their influence and legacy standing tall to this day. Images Coming ... Read More

Urban Livelihoods

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

1K+ Views

Introduction When there was a phase of agriculture, we had a lot of things coming under agriculture. Later on, we had an industrial revolution started, where we saw a mass movement of people from agriculture to the industries. Similarly, when we talk about primary activities, we are concerned with agricultural and allied activities. When talking about the secondary, we focus on the manufacturing activities, and finally, we talk about the service sectors in the tertiary activities. The major difference between rural and urban livelihood lies in the type of economic activities. Rural livelihood is predominantly the primary activity. However, ... Read More

Rural Livelihoods

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction In rural areas, agriculture is a principal activity; however, manufacturing or services form a significant part of the economic activity in the urban areas. Primary activities are related to agriculture fields, secondary activities are related to manufacturing, while tertiary activities are related to the service sector. The secondary and tertiary sectors form the urban lifestyle, while the primary sector (agriculture) creates the rural lifestyle. Agricultural SectorFigure 1: Rural Farming The agricultural sector, however, is not able to give full-time employment. Prepare the samplings in June, then transplant the crops in august, weeding them out in October, and finally ... Read More

Rural Administration

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

2K+ Views

Introduction In terms of resolving disputes, the urban sector is better and more sophisticated than the smallest unit of the Indian democratic system, the village or rural region. India's rural population is massive, almost 65% of the total Indian population resides in rural areas, that's almost 90 crores of the total population. The population living in rural areas has unique sets of problems and disputes that need to be taken care of. The country's legal system has always recognized the importance of rural administration since independence. As a result, India has a robust rural government administration system, which is the ... Read More

Panchayati Raj

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Panchayati Raj is an Indian administrative structure that governs rural local self-government. Panchayat raj is made up of institutions known as PRIs (Panchayat Raj Institutions) which allow rural communities to self-govern. Social justice, Economic growth, and the implementation of Central and State Schemes, including the 29 areas listed in the Constitution's Eleventh Schedule, are their responsibilities. History of Panchayat Raj Panchayats, or village assemblies, were self-governing entities with distinct and well-defined roles in ancient India. The Panchayat system reflected not just the collective desire of the rural society, but also its collective knowledge. The introduction of a highly decentralized ... Read More

Role of the Government in Health : Healthcare in India

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

5K+ Views

Introduction Healthcare in India is a complex topic that spans both the public and private sectors. In this tutorial, we will discuss the role of the government in healthcare in India, from providing healthcare subsidies to regulating medical practices. Healthcare in India: An Overview India has a population of over 1.3 billion people and is the world's second-most populous country. The country is also home to many different religions, languages, and cultures. As a result, healthcare in India is complex and diverse. Government plays a significant role in healthcare in India. Indian government provides healthcare services through its public health ... Read More

Elements of a Democratic Government

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


A government is the system or group of people governing an area, such as a country, state, city, or township. The word government is derived from the Latin govern us meaning “to control.” A government can be classified into the following four main types. Autocratic Oligarchic Monarchic Democratic. The type of government in power often dictates the kind of rights and freedoms its citizens will have. It is impossible to understand what democracy is or how it works without an idea of the major components. The elements of a democratic government are rooted in human rights, which include ... Read More

The Government

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction A government consists of the system of institutions, laws, sanctions, and customs through which a society seeks to manage the nation and state. The government relies in part on public opinion or decision to continue functioning. The government is the authority that creates and enforces laws within a country or community. It is typically composed of elected officials who represent the people living within that jurisdiction. The government can also be divided into different branches, such as defense, education, healthcare, and infrastructure each with its own set of responsibilities. What is a Government? A government is the system by ... Read More

Diversity and discrimination

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Have you ever heard the phrase “Unity in Diversity”? What do you think that means? For many of us, it means that there are many kinds of people living together peacefully in the same country. Most of us grew up learning that one must be accepting of people who are different from us - in other words, embracing the diversity of our society. But sadly, people aren’t always accepting of the diversity around them. They may express this through prejudiced viewpoints, making stereotypes, or even causing them violence or obstructing them from gaining resources such as education and jobs ... Read More
