Found 649 Articles for Social Science

The Story of Kisagotami

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 17:00:41


Introduction There are hardly any people who are not familiar with the name of Gautama Buddha. He is a great spiritual teacher who taught people the aesthetic value of life from the historic period. There were many spiritual leaders like Gautama Buddha, but he came into the limelight due to his spiritual knowledge. From the early stage of his life, he started following the path of spirituality and also made efforts to spread it. He built different religious communities and taught people the essence of life. He travelled throughout north India to preach his faith to common people. The stories ... Read More

The Sangha

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 16:57:45


Introduction Sangha was established by Buddha, for his followers. The original aim of the sangha was to present a means, to those followers who wish to practice full-time in a disciplined and strict manner. So Buddha created the sangha and those who wished to follow Buddha and his teaching full time, joined the sangha. The monks and common people in the sangha would wander here and there with Buddha and spread his teaching. Those who joined the sangha underwent a ceremony in which they shaved their head to show renunciation from this world. Those who joined the sangha solely focused ... Read More

The Mughal Empire in the Seventeenth Century

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 16:55:13

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Introduction The impressive reign of Akbar continued for forty-nine years and came to an end with his death in 1605 CE. During Akbar's final years of rule in the seventeenth century, his son Salim or Jahangir rebelled against him but was captured. However, Akbar forgave him, and he was proclaimed as a rightful successor to the throne. Jahangir ruled from 1605 CE-1627 CE. Jahangir then continued the legacy of the Mughals. After Jahangir, the Mughal empire flourished under the reign of Shajahan and later under Aurangzeb. The mighty Mughal Empire started to decline after the death of Aurangzeb in the ... Read More

The Abolition of Slavery in French Colonies

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 16:50:54


Introduction The French Revolution of 1789 resulted in many social reforms during the eighteenth century. One such remarkable reform of that period was the abolition of slavery in French colonies. Slavery was very much prevalent in the ‘Ancient Regime’ with Feudalism in France. As a part of imperialism, France established overseas colonies in the Caribbean and started the slave trade for these colonies as the inhabitants of Europe were reluctant to work as plantation workers. But with the end of absolute monarchy and the coming of the National Assembly, slavery became an issue of debate, and it continued to prevail. ... Read More

Six Schools of Indian Philosophy

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 16:47:54

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Introduction Indian philosophy mainly refers to Hindu philosophy, which seeks the path of salvation and finding the secret to existence and life. The core beliefs in all Indian philosophy were the concept of Karma and moksha i.e. liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth. Indian philosophy comprised two sets of philosophers. One of these two sets had orthodox philosophical thought, called Ashthika, which considered Vedas as the primary source of knowledge. Whereas the other set of philosophers rejected the authority of Vedas as the primary source of knowledge and came to be known as Nashtika. The Nashthika school of ... Read More

Russian Society Before the Revolution

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 16:43:05

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Introduction The Russian Revolution was the landmark event that effectively changed the global scheme of politics. The world witnessed a violent insurgency in Russia that overthrew Tzarist rulers and replaced them with the leftist revolutionary party of the Bolsheviks. The Revolution started in early 1917 and continued till 1923. This insurgency period consisted of two revolutions and a breakout of civil war in Russia. This uprising did not get started one fine morning. It slowly brewed up because of the inefficacy and fraudulent activities of the Tsar’s monarchical government, the increasing amount of frustration among ethnic minorities, peasants, armed forces, ... Read More

Mughal Marriages With the Rajputs

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 16:22:22

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Introduction The Mughals were the most vital and dominant rulers in Indian history. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the Mughals expanded their Empire almost all over the country. Rajput rulers were losing control over North and North East India, the places they used to rule, to the Turko Afghan sultanate. They were valiant fighters who fought till the end. Still, they were in a disadvantageous position politically. Whereas the Mughals defeated the Turko Afghan sultanate. They also defeated the last king Rana Sanga of Chittor from the Rajput confederation. When Akbar came to power, he realized the necessity of ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 16:12:16

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Introduction A Monastery is a place usually a collection of buildings where spiritual activities are performed. People who live in that place are called monks and in the case of females, it is called nun. The people residing in these monasteries are the ones who have chosen to keep themselves away from society. These Monasteries are located in such a place where there is no disturbance. Here people lived in a group or alone. Monasteries are meant for recalling the universal power which involves the activities like prayers, chants, etc. The structure and the culture of each Monastery is different ... Read More

Mansabdars and Jagirdars

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 16:08:36

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Introduction The Mansabdari system and Jagirdari system did not originate abruptly. It was a practice based on the evolution of bureaucracy in medieval India. In the Delhi sultanate, emperors had annexed the far-reaching areas and to control those provinces they formed a bureaucracy. Earlier emperors made their military commanders as governors and sometimes they chose their well-trained slaves as the governor for those provinces. The high officials of the court were given certain territories and they were allowed to collect taxes as their salaries. Such areas were called iqta and those who controlled iqta were known as iqtadar. The idea ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 16:02:42


Introduction Jainism originated from the old Sanskrit word ‘Ji’, which means to conquer. Jain monks believe that they have to concur earthly passion and desires to achieve enlightenment. Individuals who gain enlightenment came to be known as “Jina”. Jainism originated in Gangetic pains in 500-600BCE. It was one of the multiple religious sects that arose at that time. Jainism believes in the philosophy of non-violence and universal benevolence. Jains are strictly vegetarian and live a life minimalistic life. Like the Hindu religion, Jainism also talks about reincarnation. Which means the circle of life and death, and the soul lives forever. ... Read More
