Found 649 Articles for Social Science

Mughal Military Campaigns

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 18:03:56

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Introduction The Mughal empire came into existence with Babur in 1526 after he won the First battle of Panipat with Ibrahim Lodi. Babur had to lead several military campaigns to consolidate the empire. His campaigns included the Battle of Khanwa in 1527, the battle of Chanderi in 1528 and the Battle of Ghagra in 1529. After him, his son Humayun came into power in 1530. Humayun faced a crushing defeat from Afghan chief Sher Shah in the battle of Chausa in 1539 and the battle of Kanauj in 1540. As a result, the Mughal Empire came to a halt for ... Read More

Mughal Emperors, Mughal Traditions of Succession

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 17:59:37

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Introduction The first Mughal emperor who came to India was Babur. Babur established the Mughal Dynasty which ruled India from 16th to 18th century. Mughals were one of the longestruling dynasties of India. They ruled most of the Indian subcontinent except for some areas in south India. Mughals were one of the most dominating dynasties of India and they were the first to rule the country as their own. Earlier all the other dynasties came from outside India and they had their cultural attachments allegiance to their home country, but the Mughals became Indianised. They claimed India to be their ... Read More

Iron Tools and Agriculture in Ancient India

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 17:49:45

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Introduction The use of iron began in the Indian subcontinent around 2500-3000 years ago by the end of the Chalcolithic Age. Now the tools made up of iron and steel during this period were more durable and stronger than Bronze ones. The coming of iron revolutionized the agriculture field in India. The production of iron tools helped in making the farming process much easier and it also helped in increasing the farm yield in greater quantity. Producing in a large quantities helped people at that time not only in subsistence farming but also to indulge in commercial farming (trading between ... Read More

Chieftains and Their Fortifications

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 17:45:07


Introduction In medieval India, the Delhi sultanate was the biggest empire, but still, most of the Indian continent was not under the control of the Sultanate. Multiple small kingdoms and their chieftains were in control of their areas. The chieftains were highly defensive and they knew that they could not fight and win the empire, so they chose to live in well-defended forts which were hard to break into. Moroccan traveller Ibn-Battuta, who was Qazi in the court of Mohammad Tughluq, wrote about such chieftains in his books. He wrote that there were various small territories which are still independent ... Read More

Ashoka’s Dhamma?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 17:27:11

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Introduction Ashoka the great was one of the greatest rulers of Indian history. The Kallinga war was a turning point in Ashoka’s life. He was distressed to see lot of bloodshed and destructions in that war. So he decided to give up on any kind of violence and was greatly influenced by the philosophy of Buddhism. Keeping in mind the non-violence and compassion, he propounded the policy of ’Dhamma’, which embraced the tenets of Buddhism. The word Dhamma has been derived from the Sanskrit word ’’Dharma ‘’, meaning the religious and moral duty. With this policy, Ashoka wanted to preach ... Read More

An Empire, Dynasty, and Kingdom

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 17:19:47

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Introduction There were many empires in the history of the world which comprised several kingdoms and ruled by different dynasties On the one hand, these three are interlinked with each other and on the other hand, they have some differences at the same time. A dynasty can be an integral part of a kingdom and an empire as well. Similarly, an empire can consist of a few or more kingdoms. More often, these two terms: dynasty and empire are used interchangeably like ‘’Mughal empire or Mughal dynasty’’. Similarly, both kingdom and empire refer to the state or country ruled by ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 17:14:11

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What are Upanishads? The Upanishads were composed during the period of about 700 to 400 BCE. Upanishads are the Sanskrit texts of Hinduism that help to develop spiritual knowledge among the ancient people. It is not a single text or book; it is a composition of texts. Upanishads are also called Vedanta, which satisfies the term, the end of the Vedic period. The existence of Upanishads can be found during the end of the Vedic period. Upanishads fulfil the target of Vedas, which is Moksha. There are about two hundred Upanishads; among them, the well-known ones are Aitareya Upanishad, Brhadaranyaka ... Read More

The Wise Beggar- Upanishad

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 17:10:37


Introduction The Chhandogya Upanishad was one of the oldest Upanishads which comprised eight chapters. This Upanishad emphasized several philosophies like knowledge of good and evil, connection with space, the universe as a whole and oneness with Paramathma, etc. At that moment people's lives began to change. People's thinking has also changed. they wanted to discover the mystery of life or the truth of human life. In addition, some of them wanted to know about sacrifices and life after death. They began to believe in the existence of two souls, such as the atman and the Paramatma. Atman is the soul ... Read More

The Three Orders of Society

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 17:07:57

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Introduction Christianity was the official religion of Romans, and with the fall of the Roman empire, it spread across Europe. Christianity was adopted by big landowners and feudal lords. Gradually Christianity started to dominate day-to-day life in Europe. The feudal lords were Christian and they started measures to popularise it. Pagans were deprived of state facilities and even punished for not being Christian. The Church became the most powerful Institution and became the biggest landowner. The church with the monarchy became the Piller of the feudal society in Europe throughout the medieval age. This period is sometimes referred to as ... Read More

The System of Ashrams

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 17:04:31

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Introduction There are no limitations to human desires. People are full of greed, lust, and anger. To overcome all the dark side of our lives there is the existence of an Ashram system. The existence of Ashram system can be found in India since ages. The system of ashram and its theory was suggested by ancient sages. They believed that system of ashram makes a man satisfied with a healthy and prosperous life. Moreover, one can get spiritual knowledge, education, and find the morals of life by following the system of Ashrams. The System of Ashrams The system of ashrams ... Read More
