Found 649 Articles for Social Science

Charter Act of 1813

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 17:02:51


Introduction The company was granted to stay and rule in India for another extended period. Based on the revision of the previous Act established a strict licensing system for the British merchants to practice trade in India. British merchants suffered during the boycott of their products in France and they started to demand the expansion of trade in the Asia-specific regions. Background of The Act The primary objective of the Act was to extend the control of the company in Britishoccupied India for 20 years duration. The Crown’s jurisdiction over the British colonial culture in India was declared with the ... Read More

Charter Act of 1793

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 16:57:42


Introduction This Act divided and extended the power of the superintendence of the Board of Control. The act also stated the political functions of the British rulers in India. The Governor- General was given the authority to override the decision made the by the council under specific circumstances. The Governor-General got the authority to assign a Vice President under the circumstance of absence in the provenance of Bengal. Background of The Act The Parliament of Britain passed the Charter Act 1793 that was also considered the East India Company Act 1793 which aims to renew the company’s charter in India ... Read More

Causes of The Rise of The Indian National Movement

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Jan-2023 17:20:14

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Introduction The tradition of Indian identity was about the ancient culture that was exploited by the British colonial culture. Two hundred years of British Raaj ended in 1947 due to the rise of the Indian national movement to get independence. Different battles were fought against the Britisher and there were enormous stories of freedom fighters who sacrificed their own lives to make India free. Information Regarding The Indian National Movement Political unity occurred in Indian history since the ruling period of great emperors like Akbar, Shivaji, and Asoka. The cultural unity of Indians was noticed due to the subcontinent as ... Read More

Cabinet Mission

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 16:44:07


Introduction Atlee Government, the PM of Britain, introduced a highly powered mission for the transition of administration from the Britain Government to the Indian government. The cabinet’s mission was the discussion of the transition process. It failed as the National Congress of India did not follow the principles of this mission. Cabinet Mission and its Members Clement Attlee introduced the cabinet mission by sending three British cabinet members The mission was approached for transferring the administrative power from the Britan government to Indian leaders (Sohal, 2017). The mission had a straightforward aim of giving independence to India and making the ... Read More

Bhagat Singh – Background, Contributions, Execution

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Jan-2023 17:59:05


Introduction Bhagat Singh played an important role in the revolution in the struggle for freedom in India during the early period of the 20th century. At this particular stage, the rulers of the British got complete control of the several provinces of this country. He was a political renegade and considered the most significant progressive-minded leader of India. He became the leader of the Hindustan Republican Association and he became more enthusiastic as well as enthusiastic about the exercises of revolution. Background of Bhagat Singh The eminent personalities of Indian politics were born in the province of Bangal located in ... Read More

Battle of Plassey

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Jan-2023 17:53:39


Introduction Plassey's battle was mainly taken place because of the afraid of losing full control of the company. The officials of the company were looking for rulers who became their puppets of them, as they were willing to get complete political as well as administrative control of all the provinces of Bengal. The issue between the company and the rulers of India started in 1756 when Alivardi Khan died and Siraj-Ud-Daulah became the Nawab. What are The Causes of The Battle of Plassey? Multiple reasons were developed for the occurrence of Plassey's battle. The most important cause of this ... Read More

Battle of Buxar

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 16:05:00


Introduction British power gradually started to conquer the territories of India as a British East India Company after the advent of the British. This battle is an example of one of the most confrontations that were seen between the power of the British and their counterparts of India. This incident guided to pave rule of the British East India Company for next 20 decades. What is the Reason for the Battle of Buxar? Several reasons can be seen for this battle and they are listed below. Figure 1: The causes of the battle Mir Qasim wanted to be ... Read More

Bardoli Satyagraha

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Jan-2023 17:40:01


Introduction The poor farmers of India led a movement against the British Military Rule for decreasing the revenue of land in the year 1926. The movement experienced huge success and allowed the poor farmers to snatch away their own rights from the British government. It was considered to be one of the important movements for the sake of India’s independence movement. Many people of different casts and religions also took part in this movement. At many government offices, the non-essential commodities were refused. What was Bardoli Satyagraha? Bardoli Satyagraha was a famous movement against British rule. It proceeded under ... Read More

Who Were The Mughals?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 15:44:10


Introduction The disintegration of the Delhi Sultanate under weak Lodi rulers and segmentation among the Rajputs offered a golden opportunity to the Central Asian rulers. They had been waiting to invade India to expand their power. One such Central Asian invader was Babur, who, after losing control of his paternal principality, Farghana, sought to conquer territories of the Indian subcontinent. Babur was the founder of the Mughal empire in India. He was believed to be the descendant of Amir Timur and Genghis Khan. At a very young age, Babur succeeded his father and became the ruler of Farghana(Modern day Uzbekistan). ... Read More

Vedic Life in India

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 15:36:15


Introduction The Vedic age refers to the time period between 1500 BCE to 800 BCE. During this time period, several remarkable changes took place in the society and the world witnessed the development of the Vedic civilization. Vedas, the holy books of Hinduism, were composed during this period and are the major literally source that gives an Idea of the Vedic life. Indo-Aryan Migration to Vedic Civilization The beginning of the Vedic age is marked by the migration of Indo-Aryan people to the Indian subcontinent. It is believed that these groups diverged from the Indo-Iranian tribes and started settling ... Read More
