Found 649 Articles for Social Science

The Changing World of Visual Arts

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 16:16:39


Introduction The art that is described by the artist in the form which will be visible to the human eye is called visual art. This type of art provides a soothing experience to the human through the sense of the eye. Visual art is a broad term to define the various types of art which are visible to humans. Visual art can be broadly defined into two categories Traditional visual art includes painting, drawing, sculpture, graphic art, wall art, etc. While the modern form of visual art uses technology to describe itself, this type of visual art includes video ... Read More

Social Customs in The Early 19th Century

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 16:04:43


Introduction The Britishers took over India post the Battle of Plassey in 1757. However, they had no idea about the customs and beliefs of the Indian population. India over the course of the 5, 000 years of its known history has seen many different empires. Starting with the Mauryan empire to the Mughal empire till the 18th century. The rulers of these kingdoms came from different religions and castes, giving rise to numerous social customs. Some of these were helpful for society while others were meant to denigrate a particular group of people. It is the latter against which people ... Read More

The Ahoms From Brahmaputra Valley

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 15:52:01


Introduction During the medieval period, various kingdoms flourished and one such kingdom was the Ahom kingdom. The ahom was a tribal community that migrated from present-day Myanmar to the north-eastern part near Bhrmaputra valley in the thirteenth century through its south-eastern frontier. Initially, these Ahoms settled with local people by the sixteenth century, they defeated Sadiya kingdom and established the Ahom kingdom. Gradually, by defeating the Dimasa empire of south Assam and the Bhuyar kingdom of west Assam they consolidated their position in that region. They ruled for approximately six hundred years and were finally defeated by the Britishers in ... Read More

Temple Towns and Pilgrimage Centres (Thanjavur)

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 15:40:21


Introduction Towns were the core of any kingdom in medieval India. The emergence of big towns and cities started in the eighth century. It was the time of many big emirates like Cholas, Chalukyas and Pallavas. Each kingdom had many towns and they were classified according to their purpose. Some were Administrative towns, it was the residing place of kings and nobles and all the administrative activities were controlled from there. Other categories were a commercial town, Port town, Temple town etc. Towns were generally fortified and had a market in them. The rulers provided special protection to towns as ... Read More

Peasant Movements in the 19th Century – Indigo Rebellion

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 15:26:38


Introduction The plantation of Indigo made a critical situation for the farmers as this process of cultivation created an issue in the soil. Once the farmers started to grow indigo, they would face issues in planting other crops. British merchants on the other hand pushed the farmers to plant indigo as they made a huge profit by selling indigo in the international market. Background of Indigo Revolt Movement The cultivation of Indigo started in Bengal for the first time in 1777. A Frenchman named Loius Bonnaud introduced the cultivation of indigo to the subcontinent of India. He was the first ... Read More

Peasant Movements in the 19th Century – Deccan Riots of 1875

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 15:11:47


Introduction Landowners in Maharashtra began a revolt against the order for increasing land revenue, which led to the riots of Deccan in India in 1875. The root cause of the riots was referred to as the Ryotwari system or the new revenue system of lands in the British-occupied territory of India. Background of Deccan Riots of 1875 British rulers introduced the Ryotwari system in the Deccan region of Maharashtra to increase revenue from the landowners. The collected payment was fixed under this system. The new land revenue was an agreement signed between the cultivator and the E.I.C . The determined ... Read More

Indian National Congress Sessions

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 15:01:18


Introduction Indian National Congress (INC) was established in 1885 with the active participation of Allan Octavian Hume and some other leaders. In pre-independence India, INC was considered one of the most influential political parties. The upliftment of lower classes of Indian citizens and the promotion of basic education among Indians were key working areas of INC. Indian society’s underprivileged sections were a focus area of INC. Indian National Congress Group Convention 1885 ©Multiple Authors Goa University, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons The Objective of the Indian National Congress INC was established as a Pan-India organization to spread ... Read More

Indian Independence Act 1947

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 14:40:46


Introduction The Indian Independence Act, 1947 legislation was passed by the parliament of Britain that aimed for the independence of India and the partition between Pakistan and India. It was a renewed form of The Government of India Act, of 1935, which the government of Clement Attlee created. Clement Richard Attlee ©Winterbergen, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons Indian Independence Act 1947: Background The background − the act took a long process that was mainly started with the regulation of 1935, The Act of Indian Government. The government body of Clement Attlee drafted this legislation based on the plan of ... Read More

Indian National Movement – Extremist Period

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 18:21:06


Introduction A very new class of Indian national leaders emerged at the very beginning of the 20th century. This class of leaders were different from the existing ones in their individual and unique thoughts. The main reason behind the emergence of extremists was several limitations of moderate leaders. Approaches of the moderate leaders toward the British ruler were found non-effective. Causes of Rising Extremists There are certain causes that lead the Indians to accept an aggressive approach against the British rulers. The first reason was all moderate leaders’ failure in getting fruitful results from the existing British rulers. Limitations ... Read More

Indian National Army (INA)/Azad Hind Fauj

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 12:08:51


Introduction During the outbreak of the 2nd World War, Japan invaded the southern part of Asia and in that situation; the army was built with around 70000 troupes of soldiers. The Singapore force was made up of 45000 soldiers in 1942. The first INA was formed under the guidance of Mohan Singh who was a former officer of The British Indian Army. Indian National Army: Background The former initiative received considerable support and guidance from the Imperial Japanese Army along with the Ethnic population of India, especially from the south or east region. The army was initially set up during ... Read More
