Found 649 Articles for Social Science

Heroism and Rajputs

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:50:46


Introduction The Rajputs were a clan of brave and powerful kings dominating the northern, western, and central parts of India during the 11th and 12th centuries. Their stronghold existed over present-day Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, and Delhi. In fact, the distinct culture and traditions of Rajasthan practiced even today are attributed to the Rajputs. The Rajput rulers belonged to numerous different clans and often fought one another as well. They had different languages, traditions, dialects, and warfare strategies. But the one thing which was common among all of them was the extreme heroism exhibited ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:43:43


Introduction The term Feud has a German origin; it means a piece of land. In Medieval Europe, the absence of any central power created a society where conflicts were common among small forces. People who had more lands and resources were seen as more powerful. Church also became of the major powers in that era. Medieval European society has been termed a Feudal society by scholars like Bloch. The term Feudalism describes the social and economic relationship of medieval society. Feudal structures were found in France, England Germany and Italy. The land was the main source of power and other ... Read More

Evolution of Human Beings

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:35:23


Introduction The evolution of human beings is a long drawn process, which involved a change from early humans to modern humans over millions of years. As per the various scientific studies, it is believed that humans have evolved from ape like creatures. They could not even walk straight and they used to live like animals. With time the size of the brain increased, paved the way for the emergence of modern humans through the process of evolution .Gradually, their social behavior also developed. Besides, they acquired great skill to make tools. A more developed brain also allowed humans to store ... Read More

Early Humans and The Making of Tools

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:21:50

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Introduction The early human beings were hunter-gatherers and dependent mostly on food hunting. These hunter-gatherers used to live in a small band of people, a maximum of 100-150 people. They used to roam here and there in search of food. There were many archaic humans there in the early age of humanity. There were Neanderthals, homo sapiens, homo Rhodesians, etc. At the start of the stone age around 50000 BCE, only homo sapiens survived and started dominating the earth. Homo sapiens are known as early modern humans. Early Modern Human Lifestyle Early modern humans are known as homo Sapiens or ... Read More

Cultural Changes in Europe

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:09:28


Introduction The period between the 14th century and the 17th century was a period of many changes in European society. People started urban lifestyles and became more civilised. The invention of the Printing press was another achievement of European society. It allowed Artists, Painters and Writers to gain influence. The invention of printing gave people an opportunity to read and gain new ideas. An idea of connection with history also emerged in Europe and people started comparing new cities to old Greek and Romans. Eight Cylinder Type-revolving Printing Machine Bolles, Albert Sidney, 1846-1939, No restrictions, via Wikimedia Commons The ... Read More

Classical Dances in India

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:03:22

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Introduction Indian classical dance is a term used to define the ancient Hindu mystical dance forms. These dance forms have their origin in Natya sastra, an ancient Hindu scripture. Natya sastra was written by ancient scholar Bharat Muni. This is considered the first-ever compilation of various forms of dance. It can be traced back to 200BCE to 200AD. It has 36 chapters consisting of 6000 verses. Between the 12th century to 19th centuries, Sangeet Nataks were performed in India. Indian classical dance can be broadly defined in two sections one Tandav and another one Laya. Tandava contains movement and rhythm ... Read More

Zabt And Zamindars

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Dec-2022 11:07:08

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Introduction In the middle ages, the kingdoms were completely dependent on the land revenue collected by the peasants. During the Delhi sultanate, the kings had divided provinces among their trusted ministers and gave them the right to collect taxes. One of the most important dynasties to rule India for approx two centuries was the Mughal Dynasty. Mughals developed a sound system for revenue collection. The main source of income came from land revenue. Akbar classified lands and fixed the revenue for each kind of land. The office of diwan was created to overlook the fiscal system of the empire. There were ... Read More

Why The Demand For Indian Indigo?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Dec-2022 11:25:32

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Introduction India’s geographical location has been of great advantage to the country. It is situated both in the tropics and the temperates, making it suitable for growing a huge number of crops. Historically the countries west of India imported cereals and other agricultural products on a large scale from India. And Indigo was one of the most imported commercial crops in West Asia and Europe. This crop was used as a dying agent for various clothes. Particularly, in Europe where it was nearly impossible to grow indigo because of temperate weather. Here, we will see why in the 18th and ... Read More

Who Were The Tribal People?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Dec-2022 09:59:37


Introduction With the change in administration and authority, the socio-economic condition of people changed, but their social status was the same as the caste system was dominant in the medieval age. People in certain caste were obliged to follow certain occupations. The class hierarchy grew further in the Delhi sultanate and during the Mughal empire. The section of society which did not follow such social hierarchies was the tribes. They did not follow the caste system and social rituals as prescribed by Brahmans. They had their own culture and they were not divided into multiple unequal classes. Tribes are a ... Read More

Revolt of 1857 – First War of Independence Against British

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 18:18:48


Introduction The Britishers first came to India as merchants and they got the Farman from the Mughal emperor. After some time they created their monopoly in trade with India. Other European countries left India and the British became powerful. The immense wealth and resources present in India made Britishers change their policy. Later they wanted to Colonise the whole of India and exploit as much as they could. After the fall of the Mughal empire, Britishers took control of Bengal by winning the battle of Palassy and the battle of Buxar. After these battles, Britishers gain total control of Bengal ... Read More
