Found 649 Articles for Social Science

Early Humans and Their Lifestyle

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 16:36:40

6K+ Views

Introduction The human evolution from early humans to modern ones underwent several changes. This process witnessed different lifestyles of humans. They advanced from huntergatherers to food producers. They discovered many things which are still in use in a modified version. Subsequently, with the development of farming, they began to develop shelters for an extended stay in a place. Initially, they are believed to have originated in Africa and slowly spread to other parts of the world. Earlier these people lived in small groups and then shifted to large ones. With that, the concept of villages was formed and cultural adaptation ... Read More

Cheras and Malayalam Language

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 13:49:30


Introduction The culture of an area specifically represents a region is called the regional culture and a language is an important component of the regional culture. Now we will see how the Malayalam language represents the regional culture of the southern-Western part of India, mainly Kerala under Cheras. The rulers of this dynasty used the Malayalam language for communication and official purpose, which is evident from inscriptions of that period. Simultaneously, Cheras followed Sanskritic tradition. In fact, the origin of Malayalam can be traced to Sanskrit as evident in literary texts of this region. One of the famous texts of ... Read More

Basavannas's Virashaivism

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 12:46:12


Introduction The concept of treating god as the supreme power, worshipping, and performing rituals is not a new idea. People have practised these things since the late 18th century. People show passionate devotion toward God. Some people are extremely dedicated to the god that they keep repeating his name for the complete day. Showing love for god by performing different rituals is the heritage of Indian culture. In other words, we have inherited this intense dedication toward god from Bhakti and Sufi movements. However, over time, people came up with different ideas that paved a new way for the love ... Read More

Baba Guru Nanak

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 16:12:48


About Guru Nanak Guru Nanak was the founder of what is today known as the religion of Sikhism, Guru Nanak was the first preacher(Guru) of Sikhism. Guru Nanak has given the message of equality, brotherhood, and compassion. Guru Nanak’s teachings have synthesized both Hinduism and Islam, the earlier influence on Guru Nanak was from the Baba Kabir, Baba Farid, etc. Guru Nanak Dev Ji History Guru Nanak dev Ji was born in the Talwandi village, which today is known as Nankana sahib in Pakistan. He was born in 1469 in the Lahor province of the Delhi sultanate. Guru Nanak was ... Read More

The Agenda for National Education

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 17:21:51


Introduction The British came to India with the motive of expansion and exploitation. The many European powers before the Britishers colonised the part of Asia and Africa such as the Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, French, etc, these countries were preceded by the Britishers that has ruled the world in such a way that an Indian nationalist commented that the British empire is such a large that sun never sets in the empire. The British entered India through trade but established their rule with the sword(violence). The expansion of the British empire was so great that it needed effective administration as well ... Read More

Urbanism in Mesopotamian Civilization

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 17:15:02

6K+ Views

Introduction Mesopotamia was a region that existed between two famous Rivers named Tigris and Euphrates dating back to 3500 BCE. Present day, this region is covered by the whole of Iran and some parts of Syria. The word Mesopotamia originated from the words Mesos (greek word) which means middle and second word potamos means river. Mesopotamia is located between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in what is now part of Iraq. This civilization is vastly known for its wealthiest, urban life, vast literature, mathematics and astronomy. There are three basic things that one can expect the urban transition to happen. ... Read More

The Umayyads

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 16:54:34


Introduction The institution of the Caliphate started after the demise of Prophet Mohammad. The reason for the innovation of the institution of the Caliph was that Muhammad never named his successor and after his death, the power was transferred to Ummah. Ummah decided to name a Caliph, who will be considered the successor and deputy of Muhammad. The Caliph was the sole sovereign of the Caliphate and Muslim Ummah all over the world. The Caliph acted as the spiritual as well as the political leader of the Muslim world. The Caliph aimed to include the tribes in the Muslim world. ... Read More

The Study of Skeletons

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 16:50:29


Introduction The skeletal system of humans is just like pillars on which the entire human body stands erect. Skeletons provide support and protection to various internal organs. Humans have an endoskeleton of bones, and animals such as cockroaches, crabs, and other insects have an exoskeleton made of chitin. The study of skeletons is known as Osteology and the people who study skeletons are known as Osteologists. The human body contains 206 bones. What Does the Study of the Skeleton Tell Us? In osteology, a person tries to understand the history of an organism, the behaviour of an organism, its ... Read More

The Rise of Islam in Arabia

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 16:45:46

4K+ Views

Introduction Muhammad was born in 570AD, in Macca. He belonged to the Quraysh Tribe of Arabia. In the 6th century, Arabs consisted of the Arabian Peninsula, Syria and Mesopotamia. Muhammad was Arab with culture and language and he was a merchant. Before the emergence of Islam, the Arabs lived in tribes known as Quabilas. Every tribe had a separate leader. Prophet Muhammad preaching- A Russian Painting 1840-1850 Grigory Gagarin, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Leaders were made not only based on inheritance but also their courage, generosity and wisdom. Every tribe had their own God and Goddesses. They were ... Read More

The Caliphate System

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 16:42:18


Introduction The institution of the Caliphate was established in the year 632, after the death of Muhammad. After the death of Muhammad, there was no well-defined system for succession. The power was transferred to Ummah, and many new inventions started for the succession of Muhammad. The major innovation was the Caliphate system, a religious and political institution. The Khalifa chosen was to be the sole supreme leader of Islam worldwide and he would be seen as the deputy of the Prophet. Khalifas were the sole sovereign left behind by Muhammad and they had a duty to spread Islam worldwide and ... Read More
