Found 649 Articles for Social Science

Women, Caste and Reform

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:38:50


Introduction If we talk about the present situation of women then we can say that it is improving slowly and steadily. They enjoy all the rights in society as men. They have the right to vote, the right to be an adult before getting married, and the right to contest elections. But unfortunately, these rights are not enjoyed by the members of every stratum of society. Back in the 19th century, things were different from those now. Children were married at a very young age, and men were allowed to marry more than one wife, “Sati Pratha” was practised in ... Read More

What Happened to The Court Artists?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:36:37


Introduction With the expansion and consolidation of the British Empire in India from the eighteenth century, many European artists began to travel to India with traders. These artists brought ideas of western paintings with them. Their idea of art was mainly based on realism, where the artist was expected to depict everything that looked like real life. And for this, they used oil painting and tried to give three dimensions to their paintings. Gradually Indian artists also adopted this style to depict their pieces of work. Indian artists began to paint Indian mythology and religion with western style, which ... Read More

Vedic Age

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:34:16


Introduction The Vedic age is the period of ancient India roughly between 1500 B.C. to 600 B.C. This period comes after the end of the Indus valley civilization. After the end of the Indus valley civilization, the Indo-Aryan migrated into the subcontinent from Central Asia through the different passes in northwest India. The Indo-Aryans started developing their culture and religion and started writing the Vedas. The Indo-Aryans were basically a pastoral community depending on the agriculture and domestication of animals. Why is the Vedic Age Called the Epic Age? The Vedic age is called the epic age because in this ... Read More

Varna System

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Dec-2022 10:43:44

9K+ Views

Introduction The Idea of Varnas came from Ancient Hindu texts like Manusmriti and Bhagwat Geeta. The mention of Varna can also be found in the Vedas and Puranas. Vedas were written by Brahmanas and they had written how the rituals were to be performed. The priests had also written rules about society. In ancient times society was divided based on one's function and skill. There were various groups, such as priests, Traders, Warriors, Vaishyas, Labourers, Peasants, Fishermen, Forest dwellers and many more. Priests and Warriors were relatively richer than Peasants, Labourers and fishermen. According to the Priests, the society was ... Read More

The Tradition of Miniatures

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:23:55

1K+ Views

Introduction The art of miniature paintings in India can be traced back to the 9th- 10th centuries. This art became dominant in the reign of Buddhist pala rulers of eastern India. Jains also used miniature paintings in their manuscripts. With the invention of paper, the evolution of miniature paintings is seen in medieval India. It became famous in the Lodi empire but the art of miniature painting reached its zenith during the Mughal empire. Mughal paintings spread throughout the Indian subcontinent from the 16th to 19th century. The Mughal miniature painting is known for its complexities and has a long ... Read More

The Reformation and Martin Luther

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:18:00


Who Was Martin Luther? Martin Luther was the pioneer of protestant reform in the Christian religions. Martin Luther was a theologian and religious leader who opposed the religious authority of the Roman Catholic church. Martin Luther's idea and interpretation of religion led to the rise of a new sect in Christianity known as Protestantism. Martin Luther issued 95 theses that contain a list of prepositions for the academic debate on the ideas of Christian theology. The pope instructed him to withdraw this thesis but the refusal of Martin Luther made him ex-communicated. Martin Luther Information about Martin Luther Martin ... Read More

The Attitude Towards Women During the Early 19th Century

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:14:23


Introduction Brahmans and Kshatriyas were regarded as members of the "higher castes" in accordance with the caste system. After them, they have put others like merchants, and money lenders (commonly referred to as Vaishyas). Peasants and Shudra (artisans) including weavers and potters, then arrived. The lowest caste consisted of those who laboured to maintain towns and villages clean or who were employed by upper castes. These groups were viewed by the upper castes as "untouchable." Very few women had the same possibilities for education as males before the 19th century, mostly because of these conventional expectations for women. In fact, ... Read More

Socialism in Europe

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:11:37


Introduction The start of the 19th century brought many changes. With the end of the French revolution, the whole world saw the impact of modern ideas and a wave of modern thought spread over the world. Multiple inventions happened in the field of science and many modern ideas came flocking in. From this wave of modern ideas, two became the most famous. One was liberal and another one was Radical. These ideas were the outcome of the mechanization of production during the industrial revolution. The liberal idea was in support of the accumulation of property with the help of increased ... Read More

Roman Empire

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:09:21


Introduction The Ancient Roman republic reigned from the year 509 BCE to 27 BCE. The republic was ruled by a senate, a group of nobles. In the year 27 BCE, the adopted son of Julius Caesar, Augustus established the Roman Empire. He established the first empire and his reign was known as the ‘Principate’. Elliot Schroeder, CC BY-SA 4.0 lt;>, via Wikimedia Commons Augustus became the sole authority and power in the empire, but out of respect towards the Senate, he declared himself only the leading citizen. In Ancient Rome the Senate had all the powers but after Augustus’s ... Read More

Religion in India After the 13th Century

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:06:11


Introduction Religion and culture have played an important role in history from ancient India to modern India. India is a country where different religions are established. All religions have different characteristics and different religious practices. Four important religions Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Buddhist were born in the land of India. These religions are known as Eastern religions. In India, more importance is given to the practice of religion because religion is not limited to just beliefs and customs, religion is the culture, philosophy of life and the art of living life. Religion in the 13th Century Islam is the second ... Read More
