Found 649 Articles for Social Science

The Charter Act 1853

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 10:52:43


Introduction Britishers entered India in the year 1600 on August 24 in form of EIC. At the time when this charter was issued by the Queen of Great Britain (Elizabeth I), the Britishers achieved their rights of trading in India. EIC then also got the privilege and freedom over the money that can be earned in Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa. The Britishers started to rule the territories of India through the guidelines of this act. Overview of The Charter Act 1853 The sepoy mutiny outbreak and EIC captured the power to govern the Indian government and forged direct ... Read More

Subsidiary Alliance

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 10:52:01


Introduction The Nawab of Awadh was the first person to enter into that treaty after the battle of Buxar during the period of the Subsidiary Alliance. This treaty was first formed by the governor-general of India whose name was Lord Wellesley. It first came into use by the French governor-general Marquis Dupleix. It was also pioneered by the French East India Company governor who later on created the treaties with the Nizam of Hyderabad and with other princes of India. What was the Subsidiary Alliance? The Subsidiary Alliance was actually a policy of Non-Intervention that was mainly made to develop ... Read More

Revolutionaries in the Indian Freedom Movement

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 10:51:01


Introduction The Indian freedom fights tell the saga of sacrifice and bravery. Many young men and women had sacrificed their lives to achieve the country’s freedom from the British Raj. Some famous revolutionaries who have sacrificed their lives for this cause were Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Subash Chandra Bose, Lala Lajpat Rai, Bhagat Singh, Rani Lakshmi Bai and many more. All the historic fights fought by these fighters happened from 1857-1947 What was the Indian Freedom Movement? Figure 1: Revolutionary Movements of India Indian Freedom Movement was a series of various revolutionary movements by their revolutionary ... Read More

Popular uprisings against the British by deposed Chieftains and Landlords

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 12:27:46


Introduction After the Plassey battle of 1757, the whole country was under the dominance of the British, both politically and economically. Because of this incident, the landlords and the chieftains lost much of their power and not only that, but they also lost many of their properties and estates. It resulted in many uprisings against the British, that was the protest by deposed chieftains and landlords. Polygar rebellions (1799-1805) The poligars or the polygars are also referred to as the Palaiyakkarars, who were from the Tirunelveli Kingdom of South India. Between the years 1799 to 1805, they gave a major ... Read More

Poona Pact

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 12:27:00


Introduction The Poona Pact had a great impact on the depressed class and the overall history of India. This pact was important for uplifting the classes that were unprivileged and their rights. The term depressed class was used to describe those people who belong to the Dalit community or scheduled caste or those, who were treated as untouchables. The communal award created the background for the pact, and the government run by the British, to provide the electorates to the depressed class, announced it. M.R. Jayakar, Tej Bahadur Sapru and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar at Yerwada jail, in Poona, ... Read More

Pitt’s India Act, 1784

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 12:25:59


IntroductionThe East India Act of 1784 was brought to the people of India by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The Prime Minister is known to be the youngest in the history of this island nation in Europe. The person was a very young man as his age was merely 24 but had a very unique talent for producing capable administrative reforms. William Pitt was the person under whose guidance this act was eventually passed in the year 1784. Portrait of the Right Honourable William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806) John Hoppner, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Historical background ... Read More

Peasant Movements in the 19th Century – Rangpur Dhing

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 12:24:39


Introduction The English East India Company (EIC) is known for the oppression it brought to the people of India for almost a century. This company came to this country intending to do some trade and commerce on a grand scale for some products that are very famous in every country in Europe. This is the fact that eventually led to the colonization of the land that finally led to the formation of a British Government system. Background of Rangpur Dhing uprising The peasants and farmers who lived in the district of Rangpur Dhing were pushed to the ... Read More

The emergence of the USA

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 12:06:18


How did the USA emerge? The United States began to emerge as a major power in the early twentieth century due to a combination of industrial and military prowess. Rapidly advancing technology, fuelled by the progressive industrialization of America, allowed for technological advantages both domestically and abroad. This was amplified by two world wars that put US forces at the forefront of global operations, while also bolstering their already impressive economic standing. As this occurred, societal shifts that regarded meritocracy over class stood in full contrast with waning European powers, laying out a foundation for what would become ... Read More

Democratic reforms in the Middle East

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 12:01:10


Introduction According to Freedom House, a U.S.-based, advocacy organisation, and various other freedom indices, the Middle Eastern and North African countries with the highest scores are Israel, Tunisia, Turkey, Lebanon, Morocco, Jordan, and Kuwait. Iran, Iraq, and Egypt have all been consistently labelled as 'not free' by Freedom House. They have become increasingly hostile to the concept of liberal democracy, with their scores steadily decreasing; only Iraq has maintained some level of internet freedom among these countries. The remaining Middle Eastern countries are classified as authoritarian regimes, with Saudi Arabia and Yemen receiving the lowest scores. History In the ... Read More

Decolonization Phase After World War II

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 11:56:29

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IntroductionDecolonization is defined as a process wherein colonies become independent. But it is not simply about a colony getting independence from the colonizers. It is more about the ‘cultural, psychological, and economic’ freedom of the natives and indigenous population of a country to achieve sovereignty. In some areas, decolonization was peaceful and orderly, while in others, it was followed by a protracted revolution. Even the phase that followed decolonization saw the development of stable governments in some countries, and dictatorship, military juntas, and civil wars in others. How did World War II lead to Decolonization? Scholars affirm that World ... Read More
