Found 649 Articles for Social Science

Character representation in Kids Cartoons

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 14:34:24


Introduction Children or kids are interested and spending time only in play schools or kindergarten and at home, the child’s craving for knowledge or idea does not extinguish. Moreover, kids invest more time in watching TV than in any of the above-mentioned structures. And Researchers from various Universities have found or concluded that children of the age group 2–5 years watch cartoons 32 hours a week, children of the age group 6–11 years watch cartoons 28 hours a week. And Scientists have also proved that children kids not only learn or grasp from cartoons but also learn and copy the ... Read More

Tribal Communities in India

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Feb-2023 10:35:28

4K+ Views

Introduction Tribes are indigenous people in an area, who live in a certain state or area apart from the rest of the population. They deviate in religion, economy, social and cultural dialects. In India, tribes are found in Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Karnataka. There are around 645 tribes in India. People performing at the hornbill festival. In every year the 1st week of December the great Hornbill festival in India’s northeast state at Nagaland is celebrated.Hornbill Festival is an annual cultural extravaganza celebrated by the tribal people in the state of ... Read More

The idea of Indian village and village studies

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Feb-2023 10:24:17

1K+ Views

Introduction In the 20th century, in-depth empirical investigations of village social life gained popularity. The Indian village was seen as a closed and isolated system in the investigations by Munro, Metcalfe, Maine, and Baden-Powell. The village communities, he said, “are little republics, with basically everything they need inside themselves and almost independence from any international relations.” Hamlet as a society always emerges “unchanged, unshaken, and self-sufficient, ” he continued, adding that “wars pass over it, governments come and go.” Social structure Individuals make up the human world. To meet their wants, people interact with one another. They take ... Read More

Systems of Kinship

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 17:38:15


Introduction Kinship systems are mechanisms that connect conjugal families (as well as individuals who do not live in families) in ways that affect the integration of the general social structure and improve the society's ability to reproduce itself. Kinship is about sex and gender; sex reproduces and both sexes raise children. It is about the family that is required to nurture and educate this child in the ways of its culture. It is about inheritance and succession rules, which in this society are passed down through the female line. It is about how larger groups are formed from family ... Read More

Sociological Theories of Social change

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 16:26:27

2K+ Views

Introduction Like nature, every society changes. It is a universal occurrence which is not uniform. There can be different forms of social change. If some social changes can be legal or technological, some can also be psychological. With this idea in mind, the article will discuss various theories and aspects related to social change. What is Social Change? Society consists of various institutions. Certain external and internal factors bring changes to these institutions, which in turn bring major or minor changes in society. This can be referred to as social change. Changes in society impact social relationships and change ... Read More

Social Organization

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 16:10:03

14K+ Views

Introduction A network of relationships among individuals and various groups in the community that are essential for several purposes is called social organisation. A political party, church, factory, and college are examples of social organisations. Slavery permeated many civilizations and countries in the previous era. A slave society is due to religion, caste, and inequality between men and women among many other factors. Therefore, certain people used their privilege and wealth to enslave others. A feudal system or feudalism is a form of social as well as political organisation in which landowners grant tenants in return for their ... Read More

Social Mobility

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 16:01:31


Introduction Movement, shift, and change are all shortened as mobility. The transition could occur from one location to another. Furthermore, because change has no monetary value, it is impossible to say whether it is for the better or the worse. When we prefix'social' with mobility, we mean that people or individuals in a social position or status change. Social Mobility Description- Diverse Group of People Together Social Mobility Social mobility refers to “the movement of an individual's social status from one status to another”. The change can be positive or negative, higher or lower, intergenerational or intragenerational. The ... Read More

Odissi Dance

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Feb-2023 15:53:30


Introduction One of India's earliest traditional dance genres, Odissi, can be traced to Natya Shastra, a revered Sanskrit book on performing arts. After obtaining royal backing, it developed further. Odissi was discovered at the Udayagiri Monastery, and the tradition persisted unabatedly until roughly the sixteenth century AD. Woman performing Odissi dance Description-Odissi, also referred to as Orissi in old literature, is a major ancient Indian classical dance that originated in the temples of Odisha History & Evolution The Indian state of Odisha is where the Odissi dance style first emerged. One of the eight traditional dance forms in ... Read More

Nayaka–Nayika Bheda

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Feb-2023 15:49:16

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Introduction The Natyashastra, written by Bharat Muni, who is known for dealing mostly with dance theatre or natya, and whose work dates back to almost the first century B.C., is the primary source of the nayika. Bharata Muni provided the groundwork for the literary tradition that has been carried on by his ancestors in a well-defined manner of examining and categorising the feelings that men and women in love experience, who are referred to as nayaka and nayika. In actuality, a surprising number more were found in the later writings. And regardless of whether one reads the Natyashastra or the ... Read More

Natya, nritta and nritya

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Feb-2023 15:42:52

6K+ Views

IntroductionThe main criteria of dance should always be followed by Nritta, Nritya, and Natya's motions. When Laya from Nritta is combined with Bhava, it becomes Nritya, and when gestures and acts are added, it becomes Natya. Natya won't be beautiful and successful until there is harmony between the dance's physical motions and the abhinaya's emotional expressions. Each of the top dancers exhibits a flawless fusion of all three in their performances. Rasa bhaavaviheenaantu nrittamityabhidiyate Nritta Nritta, or "pure dance, " is the expression of rhythm via lovely bodily movement. The Bhava and Rasa that underlie the compositions of ... Read More
