Found 649 Articles for Social Science

Adaptive radiation, Mosaic Evolution

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 11:08:36


Introduction Adaptive radiation occurs when a species is exposed to a new environment or when the environment changes. It is a key process in the evolution of biodiversity and is driven by natural selection and the availability of new resources. When a single species or group of closely related species diversifies into many diverse forms, each one adapted to a unique ecological niche, it is called adaptive radiation.This can cause the species to evolve in order to better survive in the new environment. This process is often seen in the evolution of species on islands, where ... Read More

Urban Anthropology

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 14:07:39


Introduction Urban anthropology can be termed as a subfield of general anthropology that deals with urban studies. One of the most significant and rapidly expanding subfields in social and cultural anthropology is urban anthropology. Cities are currently a crucial subject of research for anthropologists all around the world. Urban anthropology's goal is to comprehend not just the complexity brought on by social, cultural, political, and economic changes in cities, but also how those changes affect the cities themselves. Concepts like city, urban, urbanism, and urbanization are included in discussing the origin, nature, and evolution of urban anthropology as a ... Read More

Types of marriage (monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, group marriage)

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 13:55:54

2K+ Views

Introduction Marriage is a social cornerstone for uniting males and females to create a family. It has vital importance in the reproductive significance of the universal concept. Marriage can unite two sets of families in a connubial brace. The two people who tie the knot together in a marriage share their responsibility. It gives marriage a unique dimension. Marriage is a cultural multipart to define the interpersonal relationship of a married couple. There is diversity in marriage prototypes. It is an institution that also deals with the potential conflict adjoining access to sexual relations. Every culture has different rules for ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 13:49:10


Introduction The structuralist school of thinking stresses the idea that society comes before people. In all sociological analyses, it leverages the nature of social interaction as patterned behaviour as a tool. A technique for analysing social interactions and cultural outputs is known as structuralism. its roots in languages, especially in Ferdinand de Saussure's work, it acquired prominence in anthropology, where it affected other social sciences and humanities fields. The first intellectual to use this intellectual movement in his works was the anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss, and Roland Barthes, a literary critic, advanced this movement by using it in his writings. ... Read More

Role of Anthropology in Tribal and Rural Development

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 12:22:37

2K+ Views

IntroductionScheduled tribes are the downtrodden communities in India and they are named Adivasis. They make up around 8% of India's total population and are the most disadvantaged segment regarding social, economic, and other factors. The Indian government is working to level the playing field for these tribes in terms of conventional growth with the rest of the country. A comprehensive and in-depth examination of tribal life is known as a tribal study. Tribal studies help to better understand the difficulties relating to tribal development from a variety of aspects in the context of globalisation. What is the anthropological concept ... Read More

Plio-Pleistocene hominids in South and East Africa ;Australopithecines

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 12:11:25


Introduction Plio-Pleistocene hominids are a group of human ancestors that lived during the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs, which spanned from approximately 5 million to 11, 700 years ago. During the Pliocene and Pleistocene, hominids underwent a series of significant evolutionary changes, including the development of larger brain sizes, the evolution of bipedalism, the appearance of stone tool technology, and the colonization of new habitats. These changes allowed hominids to diversify and adapt to a range of environments, from the open savannas of Africa to the forests and highlands of Asia and Europe. Miocene hominoids Miocene hominoids are a ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 11:46:11


Introduction Evolutionary change can occasionally take place in two or more unrelated or distantly related species due to comparable environmental influences. As a result, unrelated organisms who have different ancestries share physical characteristics. This phenomenon is known as parallel evolution. Distantly related plants that have transitioned from autotrophic to parasitic states are just one example of many occurrences of parallel evolution in plants. Evolution is the process through which populations that are geographically apart come to share morphological characteristics. An important illustration is a similarity between Australian marsupial animals and other placental mammals. Parallelism Parallel evolution is the process of ... Read More

Medical Anthropology

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 14:35:05


Introduction Medical anthropology is the study of how cultural, historical, and political influences have affected, experienced, and interpreted health and sickness. An interdisciplinary topic called medical anthropology examines "human health and illness, the health care system, and biocultural adaptability." One of the most recent and advanced subfields of anthropology and applied anthropology, it stresses how culture and society are shaped by or organized around concerns with health, health care, and associated issues. It is focused on using anthropological and social scientific theories and methodologies to investigate issues related to health, disease, and healing. Theories of Medical Anthropology To determine ... Read More

Historical particularism and Diffusionism

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 11:24:03

1K+ Views

Introduction Historical Particularism emphasizes the unique historical circumstances and cultural particularities of a society. Diffusionism, on the other hand, is an approach that explains the spread of cultural practices and beliefs as the result of diffusion. Both approaches have been critiqued and revised over time, with contemporary anthropologists often taking a more nuanced and integrated approach that incorporates elements of both historical particularism and diffusionism. What is Historical Particularism? It emerged in response to earlier anthropological approaches that sought to identify universal cultural patterns and laws. Instead, historical particularism suggests that each society has a unique history and cultural development, ... Read More

Functionalism and Structural—Functionalism

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 11:16:29

4K+ Views

Introduction Functionalism and Structural Functionalism are two related but distinct concepts in anthropology. Functionalism is a broad theoretical perspective that emphasizes the functional interdependence of social and cultural practices, while structural functionalism is a specific version of functionalism that focuses on how social structures and institutions work together to maintain stability and order in society. Premises of functionalism school The functionalist perspective in anthropology has the following premises− Society is seen as a complex system of interdependent parts that work together to meet basic human needs and maintain stability and order. Social and cultural institutions and practices ... Read More
