Found 649 Articles for Social Science

Directional Selection

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 16:46:05


Introduction "Directional selection" is a process of natural selection where individuals with a certain trait or set of traits are favored over others, leading to a shift in the average trait value in a population. This type of selection occurs when environmental conditions change or selective pressures for a particular trait increase, causing the favored trait to become more common and eventually dominant. Directional selection can result in evolutionary changes in a species over time, but it may also lead to the loss of genetic diversity within a population. There are three main types of directional selection: stabilizing, disruptive, ... Read More

Demographic theories- Biological, social and cultural

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 10:59:44


Introduction Improved knowledge of demographic reality in both current and previous populations is provided by anthropological demography by using anthropological theory and methodologies. The dynamic processes that determine population growth, structure, and differences throughout time and geography are the main focus of demography. The majority of anthropology's attention is given to the dynamics of diverse population processes that are prevalent among various populations that are residing in various geographic and environmental contexts. What are the demographic theories? Demography is the scientific study of the number, distribution, and makeup of the human population as well as changes to these ... Read More

Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 16:15:59


IntroductionThe most crucial component of the theory of evolution is the principle of natural selection. The rationale behind the notion of natural selection lays the groundwork for how various creatures have evolved over millions of years on earth. Additionally, it is the foundation of Darwinism. The fact that Darwinism does not take into consideration a species' genetic mutations and genetic diversity is one of the theories' shortcomings. Neo Darwinism, a contemporary Darwinian derivative theory, addresses this issue. Darwinism First proposed by British naturalist Charles Darwin in his 1859 book "On the Origin of Species". The theory states that ... Read More

Culture and Personality

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 15:57:53

1K+ Views

Introduction Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, and behaviors that characterize a group or society. Culture is transmitted from one generation to the next and shapes the way individuals perceive the world and interact with others. Personality refers to the unique set of psychological traits and characteristics that define an individual and influence their behavior. Personality is shaped by a combination of factors, including biology, upbringing, and experiences. The Culture and Personality School of thoughts The School of Culture and Personality t argues that culture has a significant impact on shaping personality. According to this theory, cultural values ... Read More

Concepts and methods of Ecological Anthropology

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 15:51:36


Introduction Ecological anthropology is the study of how people interact with the environment in which they live. It is a subset or branch of anthropology. The field focuses on the interactions and adaptations between people and the environment throughout generations. A collection of ideas and precepts known as general ecology are used to describe how animal and plant populations and communities adapt to and evolve in response to their environments. These ideas and precepts apply to several other areas, including energy flow, feeding relationships, resource acquisition, behaviour, etc. Concepts of Ecology Plants and animals come in a variety of shapes ... Read More

Classical Evolutionism

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 15:38:32

3K+ Views

Introduction Classical Evolutionism refers to the early 19th-century cultural evolutionary theories of British anthropologists. These scholars sought to explain the development of human societies from primitive to civilized stages. Tylor's theory of cultural evolution argued that societies progressed from simple to complex forms through a process of adaptation and invention. Frazer, in his work "The Golden Bough, " proposed the idea of comparative mythology, in which he compared the beliefs and practices of different cultures to identify patterns and similarities. While these theories have been largely discredited and criticized for their ethnocentrism and oversimplification, they continue to ... Read More

Applied Anthropology

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 15:29:13


Introduction Applied anthropology, both as a phrase and a field of study, refers to the wide range of studies, techniques, and findings created and put to use specifically to identify, comprehend, and treat human issues. Since the application of research and knowledge to social issues crosses across all branches of anthropology, it has been referred to as both the bridging discipline and the fifth field of anthropology. What is Applied Anthropology? An anthropological approach used to address a problem is known as applied anthropology. In use is anthropology. One field that connects theoretical anthropology with its applications is practical anthropology. ... Read More

Anthropology of Technology

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 15:20:34


Introduction Anthropology of Technology is a branch of anthropology that studies human societies, cultures, and technology interactions. This interdisciplinary field examines the historical development of technology, its use and meaning within different cultures, and the ethical and philosophical implications of technology and its impact on human life. By exploring the relationship between human culture and technology, the anthropology of technology sheds light on the ways in which technology shapes human behavior and values, and how it has transformed society throughout history. With the rapid pace of technological change and its increasing impact on human life, studying the anthropology ... Read More

Anthropology in Africa

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 15:01:03


Introduction Africa has had a significant role in the development of anthropology as a field of study. Leading conceptions about kinship and society, money and economics, ritual and religion, violence, law, and political order were developed from ethnographic investigations of African cultures. The theory and practice of anthropology have significantly benefited from the work of anthropologists who have worked in Africa and with African materials. Missionaries and colonial administrators contributed to the early anthropology of Africa. Why is Africa so important in the study of anthropology? Where humanity first began? The "cradle of humanity, " Africa, is the sole ... Read More

Anthropological Theories

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 14:47:44

2K+ Views

Introduction Anthropology theories serve as analytical tools for comprehending, illuminating, and foretelling a certain subject. Theories aid in guiding our thoughts and offer a standard framework within which individuals may operate. Generalizations regarding culture or society and the interpretation of ethnography are the topics covered by the anthropological theory. The hypothesis represents an anthropological way of thinking. The hypothesis is also the foundation of the field of anthropology. philosophies ranging from postmodernism to classical evolutionism. Theoretical connections exist among the subjects of social-cultural anthropology, particularly institutions, marriage, families, and kinship, as well as economic, political, and religious anthropology Classical ... Read More
