Found 649 Articles for Social Science

Science, technology and social change

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 15:56:34

3K+ Views

Introduction Science, technology, and social changes are integrated in such a way that it is quite difficult to explain each of these terms individually as the cause of others. As insight of science deepens, the technology advances and drives a social change. Similarly, as a social change occurs, the demand for technology arises and thus the need for science. Metaverse Technology The Authority of Science: Knowledge, Truth and Reality The fact that scientific knowledge is not socially produced makes it distinctive. The work of Berger and Luckmann has the best-known explanation of how social reality is created. ... Read More

Religion in modern society: religion and science, secularization, religious revivalism, fundamentalism

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 15:38:23


Introduction Religion has played an important role in human history and culture, shaping societies and influencing individuals' worldviews and beliefs. There are many different religions practiced around the world, with varying beliefs, practices, and interpretations of the divine. Religion can serve many functions in society, including providing a sense of community, offering a moral framework for individuals, providing comfort and guidance in times of hardship, and helping individuals make sense of their place in the world. However, religion can also be a source of conflict, with differences in beliefs and practices leading to tension and even violence. Religion and ... Read More

Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in sociology

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 12:16:57

5K+ Views

Definition Quantitative and qualitative methods are two primary research approaches used in sociology. The purpose of quantitative research is to understand patterns, correlations, and causality in social phenomena by gathering and analysing numerical data using statistical methods. Statistical analysis of large datasets and surveys are some examples of quantitative methods used in sociology. The goal of qualitative research, however, is to gain an understanding of social phenomena through the collection and analysis of nonnumerical data, such as interview transcripts, observations, and texts. Examples of qualitative methods used in sociology include ethnography, content analysis, and grounded theory. In order ... Read More

Philosophy of Science

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 12:11:04


Introduction The philosophy of social science is a field of study that seeks to examine the foundational principles that underlie social scientific research. It is concerned with questions about the nature of social phenomena, the relationship between the natural and social sciences, and the ethical and political implications of social science research. In the field of social science philosophy, experts conduct research on both the actual application of social science practices and the inherent attributes of the subjects that social science researchers focus on, specifically, human beings. Over the course of its development, the discipline of social science philosophy has ... Read More

Epistemology in Social Science

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 11:49:29

2K+ Views

Introduction Epistemology is a field of study which investigates the nature and scope of knowledge. Social science consists of various subjects which study knowledge formation, their authenticity and reliability for further research. Knowledge guides our life and epistemology helps us in understanding how this knowledge can be found and believed. The primary purpose in this article is to understand and analyse the methods of acquiring knowledge in social science. Epistemology refers to the broad approach that considers human knowledge as collectively achieved. It helps in the evaluation of the knowledge from the dimensions of society. As a field ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 11:27:19


Introduction Diaspora refers to dispersion of people from their homeland to host countries due to various reasons through migration. Studying diaspora is important because people have been migrating since centuries. Their experiences, hardships, political, social, economic and cultural engagements in both the homeland and host country should be investigated to understand their role as citizens of a nation or more than one nation. Research suggests that diasporic communities can largely contribute to nation-building through migration but it needs to be noted that migration studies and diasporic studies are two different genres. Bus for evacuating refugees in war torn ... Read More

Demographic Profile of India

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 16:33:05


IntroductionIndia is the second most populated country in the world after China having 17% of the world’s population. It is diverse in terms of its population structure and culture having both tribal and non-tribal populations. Its population follows various religions like Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, etc.India is diverse in terms of language also because of its because of its diverse racial element and geographical isolation for long time. Ethnic element in the Indian Population and their distribution Indian population is divided into various ethnic types by different anthropologists based on anthropometric measurements and geographical presence. Classification Type Distribution ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 10:16:00


Introduction Symbols serve as a medium of verbal communication as well as a means of ritual expression, cultural interpretation, and artistic and religious expression. Symbolism investigates how society works based on the meanings of its symbols, how they are perceived, etc. The interrelationships between individuals, language, and culture are studied through symbolism. Different symbols serve as the building blocks for culture. Symbols can have several distinct meanings. The same symbol may have many interpretations depending on the situation. Symbols follow cultural conventions. What is symbolism? Symbols are signs that are used to denote things, whether they be fictitious or actual. ... Read More

Ethno-archeology in india

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 17:16:27

1K+ Views

Introduction Ethnoarcheology is a subdiscipline of anthropology formed by the blend of two disciplines- ethnography and archeology. It is a research technique to form an analogy between the traditional living societies and the archeological records. It originated in the end of the nineteenth century with increasing interest of ethnographers and archeologists to interpret archeological phenomena with the help of ethnographic data. Jesse Walter Fewkes is designated as the first ethnoarcheologist who was investigating the organization of Native American societies of the early twentieth century. Concept of ethnoarchaeology The concept of ethnoarchaeology plays a crucial role for India for its vast ... Read More

Epidemiological Anthropology

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 16:59:57


Introduction Epidemiology is commonly referred to as the study of the incidence and causes of disease and injury in the common population. Epidemiological anthropology focuses on population diversity in prevalence and distribution, and it clarifies the aetiological elements involved in a disease’s incidence. Human development follows a medically predetermined path, however, environmental variables profoundly affect continuance and medical condition. Therefore, diseases display the full range of causes, from inherited to elements that play a major role in the atmosphere. Health and disease In the earlier, health was viewed as simply the absence of illness. It is more commonly associated with ... Read More
