Found 871 Articles for Social Media

Ways to delete search history from your account

Samual Sam
Updated on 07-Jul-2020 08:52:48


Now, all the time, people use internet to collect and share confidential and important data online. Importance and uses of online data needs protection and privacy. Our data is always is in risk, unless and until you unplug your system from all other devices.Sometime, we use public computer to access our Gmail, Yahoo mail, Facebook, Twitter, alert(“XSS”);, etc…, to download and upload some confidential data and to open our bank account detail. All things that you open on public computer save on history; can be open by any one other very easily.If, you want other people not to hack your ... Read More

Oversharing information on facebook is dangerous

Samual Sam
Updated on 09-May-2022 13:51:03


Some people are really concern while creating account on Facebook because it not just creates account, also shares your profile, videos, images and posts in front of others. So, surely the question can come in mind that how we are safe after creating account and posting things on Facebook?Facebook is a place where you can spend unlimited time on unlimited sharing, but sometime this sharing becomes too much or harmful. If, you are a Facebook lover and like to share things on Facebook, sometime you also don’t know when you’re sharing becomes oversharing unknowingly that can give very bad impact ... Read More

Uses of canned responses on gmail

Samual Sam
Updated on 07-Jul-2020 08:56:17


No drought, Gmail provides beautiful templates. But, are you tired of selecting the same template for typing, sending and by seeing the same emails every day?Every day, you know what kind of canned reply goes to whom, e.g. a thanking note every day goes to the candidate apply for a job opening. In this case, CC and BCC does not work.Canned response: If you type and send same message every day, canned response takes care of that. You just have to introduce your canned response and adjust the email to personalize it accordingly.Deliver the same message multiple timesChange your settings ... Read More

Send and archive gmail email in one click

Samual Sam
Updated on 23-Oct-2019 06:25:05


Gmail is a free secure webmail service, provided by Google. User uses Gmail because it is very much secure, user-friendly and carries threaded conversation feature and many other awesome features.Threaded conversation is useful in reducing clutter for people who are really very busy in doing their task and sending email to their boss or business people. Achieving Zero Inbox is an everyday fight for many users, and still without adding confusion to the mix in your inbox of your email is the best way to keep the art of archiving.Archiving email on Gmail is very easy with its “Archive” button; ... Read More

How to get more local facebook fans

Samual Sam
Updated on 23-Oct-2019 06:15:36


If, you have a plan to do small business using Facebook or you have already set-up a small business; in both cases you definitely need to get some idea to make good relationship with local Facebook users and need to increase your marketing skills to good and honest customers.For any small business, it is not necessary to find good people around the country or world, you can get them locally. Facebook is a perfect place to increase your brand awareness in front of yours followers. Locally, when you give more attention on Facebook marketing effort will increase visibility of others ... Read More

Vine new camera for social media

Samual Sam
Updated on 23-Oct-2019 06:03:25


If, you are a social media lover and always want to dip your head inside the social networking sites in limited bandwidth, here is the solution.Mobile app “Vine”, a short video capturing app, developed by microblogging website Twitter, facilitates users to record, edit and share six to seven second long video clips. These recorded videos can be uploaded through Vine’s social network and can be shared on many Facebook, Twitter, LinkdIn, etc… Vine also keeps group of videos posted by other with theme and trending videos.Vine is very popular among users who really like to share their stuffs to many ... Read More

New feature from freecharge on whatsapp

Samual Sam
Updated on 01-Jun-2022 08:34:12


Freecharge, one of India’s quickest growing popular online payments service has introduced a new feature that lets users transfer money to any of a person’s through WhatsApp contacts. It is a great update on the Freecharge app where you can Send, Receive, Request and Recharge money on WhatsApp.Previously, Freecharge has introduced as a Built-in feature ‘Chat N Pay’ which is not affiliated to WhatsApp, which means – it is only using the messaging service as a medium to let its user transfer money to each other. But, now you can send and receive money via WhatsApp.All you wish to try ... Read More

How to create rss feeds for google search results

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 11-May-2022 11:36:33

1K+ Views

RSS is a family of Web feed formats used to publish often updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts. An RSS document, which is called a “feed, ” “web feed, ” or “channel, ” contains either a summary of content from an associated web site or the full text. An RSS Feed Syndicates web content to make distribution AUTOMATED and EASIER.Your Daily Customized Newspaper?RSS Feeds is your locker room, your daily newspaper and your customized record of everything from weblogs, news, videos, audio, video that you can receive about the topic of your choice. It collects all ... Read More

Tips for securing online shopping

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 11-May-2022 12:13:07


Online shopping or E-shopping as it is commonly called, has come a long way in competing with traditional shopping methods, as this way of shopping has become an important part of modern living where people are looking for faster and secured channel of consuming their products or services.There are many reasons such as better bargains, easy selection, getting good deals, secured shopping and reasonably good returning policy provided by the online provider which are attracting young generation customers to get obsessed with online shopping. However, you must be very careful while shopping online as it might get you into trouble ... Read More

Free apps every entrepreneur should use

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 11-May-2022 14:14:26


Starting your own business may be hard when you don’t have the right tools. There are many free tools and apps which are in the market that entrepreneurs can leverage to run their new businesses efficiently. With the application of right apps at the right time, business owners can organize various business processes.If you’re an entrepreneur and you want to become more efficient, productive, and successful, take a look at the below list of tools which will make you more organized and a productive entrepreneur −SlackThis is one of the best messaging app for team communication. It has powerful search ... Read More
