Found 69 Articles for SOAP API

How to Specify the Path to save Newman report on Jenkins using Postman?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 25-Jun-2021 16:10:19


We can specify the path to save Newman's report on Jenkins. Jenkins reports are available in various formats and can be managed by appending flags in the build commands. Besides, we can mention the path of the directory where the reports shall get saved with the help of these build commands.The steps to specify the path to save Newman reports on Jenkins are listed below −As a pre-condition, Jenkins should be established in the system. The steps to work with Jenkins are available in the link − Moreover, the Newman should be installed in the system and a Collection ... Read More

How to set a global variable in Postman?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 25-Jun-2021 16:08:01

9K+ Views

The global variables can be accessed by all the Environments and is available for every request. To set a global variable follow the below steps −Step1 − Click on the eye icon beside the No Environment dropdown and then click on the Edit link within the Globals section.Step2 − MANAGE ENVIRONMENTS pop-up opens up. Here, we have added the variable url and the value as Click on Save then close the pop-up.Step3 − Now, select a different Environment and see if the Global variable url is accessible. Here, we have two different Environments - Environment_Test and Mock Server.Step4 − ... Read More

How to Create an Environment in Postman?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 25-Jun-2021 16:05:30

5K+ Views

We can create an Environment in Postman. An Environment is a group of variables that we can use in a Postman request. By creating Environments for production, testing, staging and so on, we can run the same URL in various Environments.Step1 − Click on the eye icon beside the No Environment dropdown and then click on the Add link within the Environment section.Step2 − MANAGE ENVIRONMENTS pop-up opens up. We will enter the Environment name. Here, we have added the variable u and the value as Then close the pop-up.Step3 − The new Environment (ENV1) displays as one of ... Read More

What is Postman Console?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 25-Jun-2021 16:03:19


The Postman Console can be opened from the Postman application View menu Show Postman Console. Or using the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+C.Postman Console WindowInitially the message – No logs yet gets reflected in the Postman Console. There is an option to search for logs in the Console. We can clear all previous logs with the Clear button. Also, we have the option to filter all the levels of the Logs like Error, Log, Info and Warning from the All Logs dropdown.Every network request sent gets logged in the Postman Console. Once a request is sent, we can get the Response Body, code, ... Read More

What is Pre-Request Script in Postman?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 25-Jun-2021 16:01:44

1K+ Views

The Pre-Request Script is used to run a JavaScript prior to the execution of a request. By incorporating a Pre-Request Script for a Collection, request or a folder, we can execute precondition steps like defining a variable, Parameters, Headers, Response, or logging console output.We can include a Pre-Request Script to set the order of execution of requests within a Collection. A Pre-Request Script can also handle a scenario in which a value yielded from the request one has to be fed to the next request or the value yielded from the request one has to be processed before moving to ... Read More

How to set a Test in Postman with JavaScript Method?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 25-Jun-2021 16:00:15


We can set a Test in Postman with JavaScript method. In Postman, a test executes provided a Request is successful. This is because a test is created to include checkpoint and validate various parameters of the Response.Tests implemented in the JavaScript method are written within the Tests tab.Add the below JavaScript test −tests["Verify Response Time"] = responseTime > 600The tests is a variable of type array which can store data types- integer, string, Boolean and so on. Verify Response Time is the test name. The responseTime captures the time taken to obtain the Response.Select a GET request and enter an ... Read More

How to run Collection Runner in Postman?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 25-Jun-2021 13:58:38


We can run Collection Runner in Postman with the help of the below steps −Click on the Runner menu in the Postman application.The Collection Runner window gets launched.Click on the Collection name from the section – Choose a collection or folder.Choose an Environment from the Environment list box and enter the number of Iterations. Also, we can set a delay time in milliseconds.We have to select a file type from the Data field if we are utilizing data from a file. Then click on the Run Collection1 button.The Collection Runner result page gets opened. The tests get triggered as per ... Read More

Postman Cheat Sheet

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 25-Jun-2021 16:25:58


This Postman Cheat Sheet is based on the official documentation page of Postman (which is available in the below link) and from the overall knowledge on Postman − VariablesAll the variables can be set up manually from the GUI of Postman and they have a defined scope. The values of the variables can also be set with the help of scripts written under the Pre-request Script or Tests tab.The variables can be added in the request URL, Headers and Body in the format as {{}}.Usage in request URL −https://{{domain}}about/{{id}} Usage in request Headers(key-value): X-{{key}}:valueUsage in request Body −{"registration_id": "{{Id}}", "firstname": ... Read More

Postman with Newman & Jenkins

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 25-Jun-2021 13:44:09


We can integrate Postman with Newman and Jenkins. Newman is used to verify and execute a Collection. To integrate Newman and Jenkins, we have to follow the below steps −Step1 − We have to complete the installation and configuration of Jenkins. The steps to perform this task is discussed in details in the below link − − We have to install npm and Nodejs. For installation of Nodejs can be done from the below link − − The npm is allocated with Nodejs so once we download the Nodejs, the npm gets downloaded automatically.Step4 − We have to install Newman ... Read More

What is Execution order of Collection Runner in Postman?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 25-Jun-2021 13:35:14


While executing a Collection, the requests are run in the same sequence as they appear in Postman. Let us have a Collection with at least two requests. To trigger them for execution, first click on the arrow appearing to the right of the Collection name in the sidebar. Then click on Run.Collection Runner pop-up comes up. The RUN ORDER section shows the order in which the requests shall get executed from top to the bottom. (GET->POST->DEL->PUT). Click on the Run Collection1 button.Execution Results show the GET request executed first, followed by POST, then DEL finally PUT, as specified in the ... Read More
