Found 87 Articles for Smartphones

How to Make Your Site Mobile Friendly – The Mobile SEO?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 10-May-2022 11:34:21


Mobile phones are becoming part of our life without which we may not survive for a day. Gone are the days when these devices were only used to making calls. These days’ mobile phones are not just for calls and chatting, but also for buying products, booking appointments, order a thing or two and much more which we usually perform with our desktops and laptops.In fact, many reputed surveys indicate that nowadays more people are using their smartphones instead of desktops or laptops to perform the online activities. There are billions of users around the world prefers to surf the ... Read More

Ways To Speed Up Your Android Phone

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 11:46:03


No one likes a slow running smartphone, but over the time you may have noticed that your once-speedy Android device has slowed down considerably. There are plenty of tips and tricks to speed up your Android device and make it perform like new. Some of them are:Clear your Cached DataAndroid apps are constantly caching small pieces of data which can build up over time in applications that typically affect the performance of the phone and you want to clear an app’s cached data, either to regain some used space or to try to fix a misbehaving app. To clear cache ... Read More

Video Ads for Mobile Devices – A Successful Recipe for Your Digital Campaign

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 13-May-2022 06:47:02


Have you remembered your first book, the first lessons as a kid? Probably you may not recall the text written over there, but one thing you can surely recall that there were attractive images of animals, vehicles, fruits, vegetables and much more, isn’t it? And what about those videos of beautiful rhymes that you loved to watch being a kid? You can still remember a few of them, isn’t it? That is the power of video message; a good video can keep its viewer engaged and leave an impact which can be recalled after long years.So, why don’t you use ... Read More

The World of Smartphones and Where it is Heading!!

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 06-May-2022 13:33:35


In this era of digital technology, we are habituated of things being handy. like you don’t know something – Google it, and we don’t need an iPad or a laptop for googling things, just a smartphone that comes with this smart technology. In fact, we may forget to have breakfast in the morning, but not our smartphones. Be it for googling, for social networking, not to forget the selfies and games, of course.Now, talking about smartphones, I remember the exploding smartphone. That’s not the name; recently while travelling my way back to home, my flight attendant was announcing all the ... Read More

Mobile Apps for the Month

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 07:31:25


Alto – Email Organized for youAlto organizes your email into Cards and Stacks and highlights important emails, messages, and information setting all that junk out of your view.What it does?Organizes your inbox into Cards and Stacks, enabling you to distinguish between important emails, snoozed emails, messages with files, or photos all arranged categorically. Stacks let you divide them into unread, starred, shopping, travel, finance, work, personal and social emails. Custom stacks file each category as you like it.This app syncs with your Dashboard and Calendar and displays all the emails, messages you wish to see, it figures out your email ... Read More

How Mobile Apps are Shaping the Education Industry?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 06:47:03


A phenomenal rise in the usage of mobile devices, especially smartphones, is surely a potential that needs tapping into. About everything today has been taking a mobile first approach and several industry verticals have already been impacted by the use of mobile devices and applications.Today, mobile apps are completely changing the face of the education industry, among several others. With the help of such apps, students and academia are able to study from anywhere and at any possible time. Whether it is accessing exam schedules or preparing with a certain time frame in mind, these apps allow students, teachers and ... Read More

How Motorola made Modular Smartphone a Reality

Sharon Christine
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 07:04:38


When you like something you keep it; when you are bored of something, you think of replacing it. But you wish if it were possible to add something new to a product you have had for a long time, and still like. For example, when you love a dress, you buy it but you can’t wear the same dress every day, so you think of adding new accessories to it and giving it newer looks. Can we do the same with smartphones?Let’s say, you have a smart phone you love, but can you use it forever? The answer is ‘No’. ... Read More

How does WhatsApp “End-End Encryption” Feature Keeps data Safe?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 06:46:27


WhatsApp has emerged as a popular smart app and is even more admired due to its secured chatting feature. With different versions, it offers users an additional security level each time, thus ensuring the safe messaging experience, but the updated version of WhatsApp post 31st march 2016 brought a revolutionary change by introducing a strong security feature for its users known as “end-to-end encryption”, designed on Open Whisper System. This has added another layer of safety to its application and has made more well-liked.What is End-to-end Encryption?End to end encryption means no one except you and the recipient can see ... Read More

How Apps like Zcash, Blockstack, and Appcoins are changing the Face of Digital Payment Systems?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 06:21:20


If I ask you how much cash do you carry? Your answer would be limited up to maybe 5000 I guess, but still, you go out, shop, eat by spending very less cash. No, of course, you don’t get things for free but, with the digital payment mode. Paying through different platforms or online transactions has made life easier and less complex.You may have heard of the fancy word – Crypto-currency, something which always comes by digital payment. Just to brush up your knowledge, it is a digital currency which involves encryption techniques that are used to formulate the production ... Read More

How to Reclaim your Smart Phone’s Storage Space Quickly

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 10:37:04


A smartphone is not just a phone, it can be a phone, a music player, a video player, a radio, an electronic musical instrument, a GPS, a gaming console, a heart rate monitor, a personal trainer, a digital camera, a document scanner, a messenger, a word processor, a personal pocket computer and the list of infinite possibilities goes on and on beyond your expectation, even beyond your imagination.Not only a gadget, a smartphone can be a status symbol for a huge number of people. A smartphone reflects and complements the personality of its owner. There is only one answer to ... Read More
